Monday, March 16, 2020

A tide has risen across the world-what does it mean?

     What began as a new virus in China has now spread around the globe, affecting several hundred thousand people directly and is causing massive fear and anxiety for literally billions of people.  What is the meaning of this?  How do we approach this rapidly developing situation?  What are the implications?  Let's dive into these questions from a 5D perspective and find the deeper significance of what is occurring and how we might approach choices we will make for ourselves.

     First, just take a few deep breaths and calm yourself.  You are safe, and the likelihood of you or I becoming seriously ill or dying from this disease is very low.  99% of the people who are contracting it are recovering fully.  Many more cases are simply undocumented and we haven't heard about them because there is no reliable widespread testing available.  And to those who suffer we offer our compassion.  Viruses are endemic to life on Earth and if you look, there have been outbreaks before, from mild to severe and we have moved on from them.  This virus is no different, except that the reaction to it has generated tremendous fear across the planet and that is the main issue I want to address:  Fear and the emerging shift of consciousness now really beginning to show up for all to see.

     Viruses appear when there is an imbalance in the system.  They cause the body to react until a new equilibrium is found within.  What is interesting about this Coronavirus is the massive change to behavior and what that is going to do in the coming months.  Here in the U.S. we have agreed to a massive shutdown of business as usual in order to curtail the spread of the infection, a wise idea.  What is also simultaneously happening is a worldwide economic slowdown unprecedented in speed and scope.  The implication is that we are facing some sort of major global reset to business as usual and no one knows what that will look like, and this is causing even more fear.

     I have said in previous postings that the acronym for FEAR is Focus your Energy to Alter the Results.  We are as humans often challenged to change our behaviors, individually or collectively.  Now we are together facing a situation that has already altered a lot of our daily routines and is likely to alter our collective ways of being into the future.  This is actually a good thing, for it means we are on the verge of growth, not the verge of destruction!  In a significant way, this event is going to cause many people to claim their innate power and start acting from it instead of following the dictates of the collective structures of government and media, which are in essence parts of the collective ego of humanity that can only "know what it knows".  Now is the time we go to the unknown.

     This time period we are in is about rapid change on an individual and collective level that I call "5th dimensional consciousness".  It can go by other names as well, that's not what matters.  We are moving into a new paradigm of expression beyond the personal and collective Ego that has been the hallmark for our recorded history, so we have no precedent with which to understand.  We have to learn to operate in a higher frequency of energy and this is for our benefit and evolution and is not meant to harm or even destroy us.  In reaction to this shift, the mostly unconscious collective Ego is resisting this and is causing events to unfold that will cause as much fear as possible- which is it's main tool in "keeping us safe" and keeping us within the known, no matter how insane the system has become.  Simply put, with the frequencies on the planet, we have outgrown the old ways of being, and as much as they are "safe and familiar", they are no longer working for the benefit of the evolving human family and some things are going to have to fall away to make room for the new.   Just as nature renews itself each Spring, so the Human family is at a point of renewal and the garden is going to have to be cleared of weeds so to speak.  This is what is well underway right now.

     Life is about change, as much as we all try to keep it the same and familiar.  Our understanding of ourselves, who we truly are and what we need is awakening to a greater truth in the hearts of many.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience, the trouble is that when we get "here" we are enveloped in a matrix of ego consciousness that causes us to forget who we really are, thereby disempowering us into a fraction of who we could be.  It is said that the only problem humanity has is that it has forgotten its inherent divinity, it's divine nature.  In order to remember that we are going to have to release that which no longer serves us.  This includes attachments to beliefs and material things.  Here is an example of a belief pattern that we need to release:  "The world is in danger,"  whatever you want to say, is there to prompt you to move into fear and, in this case, to ask an external authority, in most cases a government, to protect you:  "You must protect me.  You must protect me, I need help,"  and then you go into agreement about your own limitation and you give authority to the one who is frightening you.  What kind of sense does this make?
     However, if you can understand that this is the agreement that you have all entered into and it is the way that you are being controlled, you can begin to change things. (1)

     Now the issue is that everyone in the government is also under the same fear, and they do not possess any extraordinary abilities to overcome an event through their own actions.  It is the collective choices of the people that will decide when a crisis is over.  When enough people see the limitations of government, they will decide to not give away their power and will make different choices.  Government will continue to exist, but it will be seen in a new way eventually which will alter its importance to beings who claim their own authority.  Here is a powerful invocation that you can use daily during challenging times to help activate your own inner authority:

"I am now choosing to claim my power back from any systems of fear that have been created to keep me in my limitation by any formalized structure, including government, including religion, that may be binding me to a sense of helplessness and fear.  I am now choosing to become aware of myself in my power as a Diving Being.  I am now knowing myself as free.  I am Word through this intention.  Word I am Word." (2)

The challenge is in front of us all

     The times that are now occurring is what we all came back for.  It is nothing less than the action of transformation of this plane of consciousness to the next step in its journey.  Despite any hardships any of us may face, celebrate and congratulate yourself that you are here, living and breathing and getting to participate in this shift.  The outcome is unknown, and that is a good thing because it means possibilities to go beyond anything previously known (the domain of the ego) now is all but certain.  Spiritual ideas are not just for after we pass from this life, but co-exist with each of us on a personal level every moment of our lives.  Now, as we are so to speak "encouraged" (compelled ha ha) by events we will come to know more of that spiritual side of self becoming more in our awareness as we make choices.
     Let's look at the word "challenge".  If you remove the middle three letters what do you have?  Change!  There is no doubt that we are facing multiple challenges at this time.  I suspect that most of us are just wishing that things "will go back to normal".  The truth of things is that there is no "normal".  There is only change.  Now look at the three letters that were omitted "lle".  L.L.E.  represents "Living, Loving Energy".  When we choose to approach change with the addition of living, loving energy we will master challenge every time.  If we choose to go into more fear, then we once again surrender to the matrix of limited ego consciousness.  It is a choice and one that we can guide ourselves by listening to our feelings.  Does your choice feel alive and loving for you?  Then you are likely on the correct path for you.  If it feels like dead energy, such as a past action, release it from your awareness.  Stay in the present moment, leaning forward.  Resist the temptation to look backwards for what is now present.  Remember, we are in unknown times and there is no road map we can use.

Strategies for succeeding in difficult times

1)  Less is more.  Less stuff, more love.  Reduce your attachment to material things.  Those who travel  lightest move most swiftly.  Be kind to yourself.  People are under a lot of stress right now and there is a general sense of panic.  Disconnect from it and know you are safe within your person.

2)  Meditate.  Take 5 or 10 minutes once or twice a day and just be quiet and breathe.  Send prayers to yourself and loved ones if you like.  Do this and then return to your routine.  You will find it very balancing.

3) Accept the current situation.  None of us could have predicted the sudden change of events that has occurred.  Accept it as it is and don't try to change it.  The only thing we can truly change is ourselves and our reactions to things.  Remind yourself to value your inner peace and do not let others disturb it.

4)  Have compassion for others.  Others may be struggling even greater than you.  Kind words go a long way.  Check on loved ones or neighbors and show kindness.  Share a laugh.  Keep conversations toward positive topics.  Fear feeds on fears.  Don't feed the fears!

You are safe, you are sovereign and you are powerful.  Choose to empower yourself and your choices.  There is much more to come in this year and those that follow.  We all have a role to play.  Choose well for yourself and shine your light.  Each of us will make a difference in birthing the world that is emerging.

Peace, not panic.

All the best to you.

(1)  The Book of Love and Creation- Paul Selig  pp.245
(2)  The Book of Love and Creation- Paul Selig  pp.246