Monday, November 16, 2015

Why is there all of this terrorism and what to do about healing it

     Hello dear readers and thank you for taking the time to connect here with me during this difficult time.  I speak of the recent Paris terrorist attacks, and also include the numerous other events in Beirut, the downing of the Russian airliner and many other events that seem to never end.  I am writing because I feel the need to address the palpable fear and sadness that is affecting so many right now.  Why is all of this happening and what can each of us do to heal it?

     It does seem as if the world has gone mad, at least if you watch television or your social media feeds.  So much violence, never ending wars, more and more examples of instability with huge refugee crises kneeling on so many countries doorsteps.  Politicians preaching either war or xenophobia, or just sitting on the fence pretending nothing is happening.  What in creation is going on?  Aren't we supposed to be moving into Light and Love and leaving all of this behind?  In short, yes we are.  However there is some "house-cleaning" to do as we go through this process.  Let's dive in and examine what is happening now.

     It is interesting to note that the identified attackers in the Paris attacks were mostly under 30 years old.  They grew up, mostly in Europe, and at some point became radicalized.  They turned toward an ideology that is not Islam, but pretends to represent that faith.  Ever since 9/11 we have "Islamophobia" because of that horrendous attack, and now people are going as far as saying this is the beginning of the "End Times" and we must protect ourselves from these "others", namely people from the Middle East part of the world.  It is not the end times, it is the beginning of a new world.

     Out of chaos and strife, compassion is born.  What is compassion?  It is the passion of knowing what we want and what we do not want.  It is the compass, the direction we will take.  It is the pass, the option of doing nothing.  It is clear to me that we cannot do nothing and expect things to get better.  Pass also means that we can pass on the idea that meeting violence with more violence will solve anything, it doesn't.  Here is a quote from the Dalai Lama that illustrates this point:

At the end of his talk someone from the audience asked the Dalai Lama, "Why didn't you fight back against the Chinese?" The Dalai Lama looked down, swung his feet just a bit, then looked back up at us and said with a gentle smile, "Well, war is obsolete, you know." Then, after a few moments, his face grave, he said, "Of course the mind can rationalize fighting back ... but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you."

     So here we are faced with witnessing a great battle between the heads and hearts of people all across this planet.  Not all are at the same point of their understanding of why they exist in such conditions.  Those who are born in good conditions rarely question it or give gratitude for their place, while those born in poor conditions are often so overwhelmed with the task of daily survival that they have no time to think of improving their condition or that they even could get the opportunity to do so.  Yet, on the level of the soul, we are not different.  We are all part of this human journey.

     We are each in their own way and own time, awakening from millenniums of spiritual amnesia.  For literally thousands of years we, and our ancestors have been existing in a area of vibration known as the 3rd dimension.  We have now traversed through the 4th dimension and are now in the vibrations of the 5th dimension, a.k.a. 4th density consciousness.  This rapid shift in such a short time span was requested by us at a soul level, by the collective of humanity, in order to continue our journey on this planet.  Without the allowance of Grace from the higher realms, none of us would be embodied here now.  Instead, we now are in the midst of a great transformation of consciousness and a re-ordering of life as we have known it.  Yes, it will take time, and it IS happening.

     One can only look at all of the children being born and be certain that life is to continue.  The world that these children are born into and will live in is vastly different than the one we have been living in for the past half century.  No one can speak to exactly what is to unfold, for the future is written by all of us here in the present, choosing how we will use our compassion.

     While I saw great sadness and fear as a result of the Paris attacks, I also saw a great resolve and much compassion for the victims of the attacks and the French people as a whole.  I saw many expressing that they stand together in all of this, and won't be brought into fear.  These attacks are having the opposite effect their perpetrators intended.  They are strengthening the resolve of people to demand peace, demand an end to the conflicts that have incubated these heinous acts.  This is not about religion, nor is it about clashing ideologies.  It is about peace.  It is about the increasing amount of spiritual light that is flooding onto the planet and into the hearts of people everywhere.  Some so fear the Light that they will fight to the end of their human existence to keep things the way they have been.  This, thankfully, is not going to happen.  Yes, there will be more trials to come, just keep in mind that it is by standing for liberty and peace that true prosperity will come to all in the coming times.

     Look out your window, is it not peaceful there?  Look into the eyes of your loved ones, is there not peace and love there?  You and I are surrounded by peace and by offering it to others we can expand it.  In your quiet moments I invite you to offer your energy to enhancing the peace of others near or far.  The energy and the potentialities of the 5th dimension allow this to occur with great ease.  It is all you need to do.  You are safe.  You are loved.  Continue to dream of your ideal world and together we will make it so.

Many blessings

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ascension and Self healing - to enjoy the fruits of life

     Welcome back to a further exploration of what it means to be here now in this process of moving further into becoming.  Things are continuing to speed along and there is much to address around the concept of healing and ascension.  So much is being offered and I would like to add to your understanding so that you can ask yourself the questions you need that will elicit new choices to move your life ahead to its next step.
     Ascension is a hot topic in the spiritual/metaphysical community and there is so much being written and shared about it and what it means.  I will attempt to explain my understanding of it so that you and I can go forward to our next steps on this fascinating and sometimes maddening journey of being human or human being, ha ha!  Healing is a big part of it as well, but even that is not all of it.  Let's dive in, shall we?
     As I've said before, I believe ascension is more about bringing more of who we are into our conscious awareness than it is about turning into light and leaving the body.  I believe we're here to do whatever part that appeals most to us to bring this to ourselves, our families and communities as we lay the foundations for future generations.  Because the vibration of planet Earth is now in the 5th dimension we have before us a much expanded opportunity than has existed even a few decades ago.  How do we do this?  By engaging with ourselves in our own healing - that is challenging our beliefs about ourselves and in doing so transforming our lives to a place of greater ease, wellness and grace.  We each has a huge storehouse of abilities and power we are only now just beginning to tap into and it is an exciting time!

The process of healing
     To begin with, all healing is self-healing.  We might engage with health care professionals, holistic healers, energy workers, etc. and that is appropriate.  They provide a valuable service as facilitators to our process, yet it is we who allow the healing to occur.  Healing can be divided into two main areas- process and results.  For today we'll be looking at process, which covers the emotional and spiritual aspects of self.  It draws into focus the areas of passion, joy and soul urgings.  By creating healing in this area of life we create greater direction of where we want to go.  This is something that so many of us need at this time, wouldn't you agree?   Take a few deep breaths and invite your soul in right now, yes it's that simple!

     What is self-healing?  What does it mean?  Let's break it down.  The acronym I've been given for the word SELF is "Seeing Eternity in the Living Flesh".  What is Eternity?  We all are!  Eternity is energy.  What is the word HEAL?  It is "Helping Eternity Access Living".  It is by the process of self-healing that we are bringing more energy of creation into our own individualized human selves so that we can experience more.  What is more in the 5th dimension?  It is L.O.V.E. - Living on Vibrant Energy.  In essence we are each working to restructure what it means to be a human, and in the process we are letting go of what no longer serves.  We will use these definitions to guide us as we proceed.

A bit more on Self
     In our current world we've been trained to view self from an ego perspective.  It's almost impossible to escape.  In the USA for example we've exalted it in our media to an amazing degree.  We have people like Donald Trump and the Kardashian's who epitomize this distortion of self.  Each of us does this to one degree or another, and our current global society is a reflection of this distortion.  Self in this regard is all about ego: the fragile, vulnerable person who has to protect themselves from others, has to build up all sorts of things to keep themselves safe from a world of "others".  It's really quite insane don't you think?  Now, the ego in of itself is not negative, it just has become out-sized to what it's best purpose is.  After all, all of us ARE individuals with individual characteristics, likes and dislikes and propensities and that is not going to change.  In my view ascension and healing is allowing more of who we really are to enter into our experience of life and this path will create the things we do really want to manifest into our lives.  It is going to take intent and effort, and so does creating what we do not want, so really there is no risk.  It is just a change of focus, and it is happening already in your life.

Healing and new choices
     The well known author Wayne Dyer, who recently passed, once wrote a book entitled "You'll see it when you believe it".  Very true, and it brings up the point that examining our beliefs is key to creating differently.  As we move further into adulthood we are challenged to see the world with "new eyes" and it is not easy.  The other evening I was watching a TV program on public television about how our brains operate.  They were proving that in fact the impulses we receive from our eyes account for only 1/7th of what seeing really is.  The rest is stored within our brain based on past experiences of our environment.  We actually build our own catalog of experience over time and rely on it to interpret our external environment, and it is mostly internal!  Healing ourselves is integral to giving ourselves the gift of making new choices about what we are going to see in our lives.
     Honoring and valuing our feelings, which is the emotional being of consciousness within us is also key.  Emotions are a key part of the sensory guidance system we all need to successfully and easily navigate through life.  Not being able to process feelings leads to all sorts of negative outcomes, as any healing professional will tell you.  It could lead to numbness, not feeling much of anything, or it can lead to addictions of all sorts to mask feelings.  Value your ability to feel, and work to find ways to process negative feelings.  In doing so you will conserve tremendous energy for what you really want to experience.
     Healing is the self allowing more eternity(energy) to become available to allow for more creation.  Humans are beings of action, always generating more.  Even if it appears you are doing little, you still are doing something.  Nothing stands still, and all is moving forward.

Healing and idea creation
     Do you ever wonder where your thoughts arise from?  I do, and I think about it a lot.  Who is giving me these skills, these propensities, these paths of behavior?  Why do I do it this way?  It is our spiritual self, the part that is connected to our higher self and soul that is the conduit for this.  In this model, it is always thought first, then feeling.  If you want new ideas for yourself, then it is time to get in touch with your soul energy.  The soul is the creator of the parameters of how you and I function as human beings.  It is not the ego, which often is the "great pretender".  We get into contact with the soul through prayer and meditation.  This can be formal or informal, however it is best done when we can quiet the body and mind enough to become aware of the small voice within us.  It is our source of inspiration, of grace and blessings that we could not have imagined.  You do not need any intermediaries to access it, just willingness, constancy and patience.  Imagine that you could create a flood of new and wonderfully exciting ideas for your life and cultivate it.  As we sow, so shall we reap.  Anyone who pays attention in their life will often see their exterior reality mirroring their wishes and desires.

     There has been a great misconception around ascension.  To Christians, ascension has been portrayed as Jesus the Christ overcoming death and taking his body with him as he ascended to Heaven.  This is a truth that millions accept.  Others also have been purported to have accomplished the same feat in anonymity.  This, for 99.99% of us is not the goal in this lifetime.  The goal is to allow more of who we are to access this human being we are so that we begin to hold a higher vibration within ourselves.  There are many important benefits to doing this, and there are no shortcuts.  There isn't going to be a Rapture, nor are any of the dozens of alien civilizations going to come whisk you away from all of the "fun" here on Earth.  Ascension is a process that will occur over generations.  Imagine life and how different it was 100 years ago.  100 years hence it will be ten times different as it is now.  We get to experience a piece of it in the course of one lifetime and like the seasons it is a constantly renewing process.

Practicing joy
     I included the previous video as a reminder that many people have been seeking higher consciousness for a long while.  We are always given the nudgings of spirit to take one more step towards our joy.  What is joy?  It is Journeying on Yielding to what you want.  j.o.y.  This is for each of us to discover as we move forward.  Sometimes it will feel as if not much is happening despite our best efforts, but then we'll get to a point where we recognize we have claimed another step in our process and we will feel the depth of the moment.  It is a practice, and it calls us to pay attention to our intuition and build ever more moments that allow us to feel good.  We are all on the journey of being human, having individuality and learning and growing.  There are no mistakes, just experiences.   As we practice this process of harmonizing our own emotional and spiritual selves we will find we are creating more joy for ourselves, and this is our gift to ourselves and it naturally radiates out into the world around each of us.  Ascension then becomes personal to each of us as we all contribute to this great story unfolding before us.  May you find in your breathing life to your choices, the joy you so richly deserve.

Until next time, many blessings!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wave X apocalypse, stock market gyrations, war - Are we heading for trouble? (Not likely)

     We are now into the month of September and many are writing about the supposed "Wave X" that is purported to wash over the entire planet around the end of the month, with dramatic consequences.  World financial markets are gyrating with great volatility as market makers seek to find equilibrium in an increasingly uncertain world.  War rages on in the middle East, leading to an enormous refugee crisis in Europe.  These are some of the headlines that have gotten my attention in recent weeks and I thought it might be a good time to take a look at them through the lens of the 5D perspective, so shall we then?

     First off, stories of apocalypse or mass "awakenings" of millions are a bit premature.  Perhaps we have been too taken in by our movies and TV shows in recent years and now expect that a comet might explode over our house if we're not watchful!  Yes, energetically things are changing and that is a good thing.  The Earth is constantly being bathed by all sorts of cosmic energies, both known and unknown.  The planet has shifted into a 5D frequency already, it is we who are now beginning to do the catch-up to it.

     Wave X, as it's called, is the result of a lot of people's impressions and insights into what might be occurring this fall.  Much of it is based on some very compelling astrological alignments in our solar system, such as a series of strong full moons called "super moons", an eclipse and several retrograde motions of a few other planets.  Fascinating information for those interested.  There are just a couple points I would like to make about using knowledge like this as a forecasting tool.  First, what is occurring right now is unprecedented in recorded history, you would have to go back about 13,000 years to see what happened then to be accurate, and no one to my knowledge has that information.  According to my sources there never has been a planet that has shifted from 3rd to 5th dimension without wiping out most of the population, yet we're still here!

     In practical terms, September is the month when the bulk of the population in the USA and Europe and other areas return from their summer holidays and schedules and back to work and school in droves.  Government's also return to full operation from their summer recesses and the business of law making and governing increases.  This is an annual momentum shift that puts much attention and energy into creating anew.  This shift of human energy does create a noticeable shift in output as all of this begins to happen.  And while all of this is ongoing the planet continues to impact all of it's inhabitants with its vibrations as it moves into areas of space we haven't been in since the fall of Atlantis.

     There is something called cellular memory that we all have as humans.  Our memory is not just located between our ears in our grey matter.  It is also encoded into every cell of our body.  We are now at a point where we will be able to access memory in a new way to further expand our awareness.  In my opinion what people are picking up on is this embedded cellular memory of the destruction of Atlantis and possibly Lemuria as well because we are moving into a time on the spiral of creation where we are all going to revisit that energy as we shift.  This by no means is a single event, nor was it when it happened and the vibratory rate of the planet decreased substantially.  In essence we have encoded within us on a subtle level that fear energy of those long past times, hence we re-create it within our own lives and in our culture.  It is not the only way to look at it!  We really do have to get over our collective obsession with fear and scarcity and come to understand that we truly exist in a sphere of vibrant energy and abundance.  It'll take time to get over doing it the "old way", and we are on that path so fear not!

     Also, I would like to remind my readers that indeed each of us chose to be here at this time.  None of us are victims of this world.  That is 3D thinking.  Our job is to do what we can in our own sphere's of influence to bring true prosperity of L.O.V.E.(living on vibrant energy) into our lives and then watch as that radiates out into the world around us.  I can see signs of it popping up all over, do you?  It requires focusing on seeing what you do want and filtering out all of the rest.  This does not mean being unaware of all of the suffering that is occurring.  It just means finding ways to support all of the good feelings that you want to create instead.  We are all playing the game called "human going to 5D" right now and it is perfectly imperfect and that's alright.

     Now on to some thoughts around money and financial markets.  There has been substantial financial turmoil in recent weeks and I have been following it closely and have some thoughts to share with you about it all.  Money is something we all have to concern ourselves with to one degree or another as a human and our relationship to it is changing.
     Macro-economics, or the study of how countries and large corporations deal with money is not understood well by the general public.  Suffice it to say that the current system has been around for about 100 years and is now due for a major revision.  There are tens of thousands of people in this industry who are quite well versed at it so it is not like there is no one at the wheel, so to speak.

     Since that last financial crisis in 2008-2009 steps have been taken to bolster the banking system and some reforms were made.  Once that happened markets had been on a steady upward climb for the last 5 years or so.  Now we are seeing a correction to the markets that is normal although never warmly welcomed by anyone.  The main issue that wasn't resolved in the last period is that these large institutions were not willing to "tell the truth" to themselves and the public about how reckless and short-sighted they had become.  They did some "window-dressing" reforms and then continued on essentially as before.  The problem is that they were just not aware of how a 5D reality was going to upend their game.  World-wide, consumption is slowing and since consumers account for upwards of 70% of the global economy this has upended the traditional "growth" model of economic behavior.   Most developed economies on the planet are just not growing much at all, and their prospects in the near term aren't that great.  What then occurred is governments and banks have turned to manipulating their currencies to be weaker to encourage consumption in what some have termed "a race to the bottom".  Unless consumption increases, there will be a degree of contraction in business.  There will also be a reckoning of the enormous sums created by central banks out of thin air to perpetrate this process.  What does this then mean?  Deflation, which in essence is wealth destruction, or at least wealth shrinkage.

     We as individuals and nations need to redefine our relationship with money so that we can allow it to flow to areas where it will benefit then enhancement of the well being of the people, which in turn benefits us all.  We must come to understand that hoarding money and the propensity of extreme wealth accumulation in the hands of the few, hinders the advancement of a balanced society in general.  There are currently simply too many incentives to accumulate wealth and use it as a tool of power over others.  One can go to any major city and see stark divisions of haves and have-nots.  While there will always be those who produce more and reap more than most, they should not be lauded as great people for that alone.   How we address this will be huge in healing an area we have struggled with for thousands of years.  It is a moral and ethical challenge to understand as a society that wealth comes from the labors of all, not just the few, and that all must be honored.

     Finally, I will speak of war and displaced peoples.  According to the UN High Commission on Refugees there are currently approximately 60 million displaced people on the planet right now, most finding themselves in that state due to war.  Here's a few facts:  200,000 refugees from the Middle East and N. Africa (mainly) landed in Europe in 2014 seeking asylum.  In 2015  so far it is 350,000 and is expected to reach 400,000 by year's end.  This is causing tremendous problems in Europe.  Pakistan alone has taken in 1.5 million refugees from Afghanistan.  The USA takes in approximately 70,000 each year.  Germany has offered to take up to 800,000 refugees.  We need to focus on peace, not only in our own countries but also in regions of the world such as the Middle East where people have lost hope and are fleeing from war and persecution.  It is a travesty of governance that the EU is so unprepared for this migration.  It is a blessing that private individuals are doing so much to assist these people.  There are many stories of private individuals organizing and assisting these refugees as well.  No one wants to be displaced from their home, their families and communities.  What this is bringing to the forefront is the need to promote peace and well being for all in the face of this mass migration, the largest since World War 2.

    After touching on these three very active areas of concern for many it is easy to feel the fear that things are moving towards an out of control state.  The desire for transformation is symbolized by people rallying around the Wave X theory, that in some way we will be "rescued" by "divine intervention" of a dramatic scale.  Again, we are not victims of this world, so we do not need to be rescued.  Transformation will come from the grass roots of people all over the world beginning to say "no more" to whatever it is - be it war, economics, environment, health, etc.  And we are seeing it more and more.  While mass beliefs are slower to change, they are changing.  Individuals continue to question the underlying assumptions of a world that is not working well for them- they are the harbingers of even greater change forthcoming.

     Each of these three current topics is bringing forth for many people an awareness that things are not in balance.  What is balance?  From the 5D perspective it is this:  Be All Loving, all Nurturing, Creating Eternity.  If we wish to create this in our world it is necessary that we examine for ourselves how we can be all loving, all nurturing in our own lives and in the sphere of people we are around, letting that begin to radiate into the world we all share.  It is happening.  Continue to support it where you can.  Even the vibrations of being in a good mood will positively impact the etheric environment around you.  Isn't this so?  The illusions of negative dramas are just the wailing gasps of something that is not Eternal being ushered off of the stage of Life.  Eternity can only be the higher frequency that is Love, the foundation of all manifest creation itself.  Ask yourself what you would want for eternity and you'll know immediately what direction to take.

     In this month, and those time to follow there will be more change, that is a given.  By each of us taking whatever small steps to say yes to what we truly want we are building the path for it to manifest in our lives.  It requires conscious participation and conscious action.  Spend time to get clear and create something that suits your highest desires.  It will benefit you and it will bless us all.



Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The being that I am - our changing identity in 5th dimensional consciousness

     Today I am going to go into an unusual topic that has been emerging in my awareness over the last several weeks.  It was actually writing itself as I emerged from sleep and in that in-between state I laid there in bed just observing it and allowing it to manifest into my awareness, not really a dream but another part of my own creative energy expressing itself on the edges of my ego consciousness.  It is something that we all say and do without question, yet rarely examine.  It is this:  What is "I"?

     Now many will say, "of course it is me!", most often the thoughts in my mind while I am awake, equally so my physical body, which faithfully follows me wherever I go during my day, like a puppy tethered to me with a leash.  Each of us is born to this world with a body, and from the moment we are born we are seen as an individual.  We are given a name and then rather unconsciously our family and then others begin to attribute our behaviors to a personality which we shape in our formative years.  In essence then, our body and personality becomes in large part our "I" that we carry along with us throughout our lives.  And, as many of us know, while the body goes through many changes in the course of a life, the personality is substantially crafted in childhood and comes into fuller expression in adulthood.  The personality can change somewhat in adulthood, yet a total shift in personality rarely occurs except in extreme cases of trauma of one sort or another, or in deep revelation either spontaneously experienced or cultivated over many years of practice.

     To make things clear I am saying that each of our personalities is not just a function of experience after we are born, but instead is something that is innate to our being and like a rough gemstone can be polished over time to reveal more facets and more light shining through.  To this I point to cases of identical twins separated at birth (or a very early age) and then reunited many decades later.  There are numerous examples of this individuals raised with completely different families and different conditions.  When they are re-united years later it is found that they often have a majority of the same likes and dislikes, same propensities and even tend to dress alike!

     Here we have an emerging conundrum.  Is the word "I" enough in all situations to contain our larger being?  The reason I am bringing this up is that we are indeed in the energy of the 5th dimension and it is continuing to press upon each of us in ways that are compelling us to take notice that something is changing, and perhaps we need a new way to express it.  Just as the language concepts- words, idioms, etc. were much different 200 years ago than today, I suggest that we will be needing to develop new ways of expressing through speaking and writing over the coming decades to allow for our expanded awareness of Self.

     When I write this blog it is not just "I", whatever that looks like.  It is a concerted effort of several aspects of consciousness that each of us have.  I have outlined in other articles in the past the family of consciousness we are composed of.  It is my physical body which has to agree to sit at the desk(not too difficult).  Then it is (for myself anyway), a balancing of the mental, emotional and spiritual beings within me that cooperate in concert to produce the article.  Now this is something that can flow easily when balance is created, yet can also be thwarted for long periods(the dreaded writer's block) when it is not.  Then of course there is the Higher Self aspect of the 5D being who is also beginning to show itself more to each of us on this path as we invite in (key) this energy.  Since it is relatively unknown to us here at this moment in time it can and often does produce fear in the "I" of our being.

     We live on a planet where free-will is the mandate for all beings.  This is a unique proposition for many people because they have not experienced this prior to arriving on Earth.  I contend that since the planet's population has doubled in the last 50 years, that there are literally millions of persons struggling with their individual identities, while in the midst of a planetary shift in consciousness that only comes around every 13,000 years or so.  Not to worry, there is help!

     There are many who have written and spoken about the "I am" concept.  It has always been recognized as directly linked to the G-d concept across religions and cultures worldwide.  I have also been made aware of how powerful this word grouping is becoming.  It is getting to the point that the being that I am has to watch very carefully what is coming out of his mouth lest some unintended consequence manifest in front of his face very quickly!  Now this has always been the case for all of us, it is just that it used to happen at a much slower pace.  Now, as each wave of new energy washes across the planet things are happening much, much faster.  Why?  It is because as a pre-cursor to the 5th dimension becoming operative, those who oversee things like this have removed the time/space continuum from the planet.  It is only out of the habit of the mass consciousness of the all of us that it appears to still exist.  So to speak, it is beginning to "fray at the edges" like an old blanket coming unraveled.  Can you imagine how different life will be when humanity en masse starts to accept this?  All I can say is, Wow!  (That's something for another article).

     One of the most prominent "I" personalities of the moment is Donald Trump.  Love him or hate him, he is certainly getting the attention of people across America and beyond with his bombastic, in-your-face personality.  To me he is the epitome of the limits of an egoic "I" personality run amok.  He cajoles, enrages and offends with near equal opportunity as he seeks the Republican party nomination for President of the United States.  To me, he represents the problem and the opportunity to go beyond it.  If one was to maintain that physical reality is all that there is, and it is a matter of "survival of the fittest ego", then he's your guy.  The opportunity that his efforts are creating is that there are many of us, millions in fact, who know that there is much more afoot.  We are moving into a world that is beginning to recognize that there is a larger spiritual component emerging because of the shift into the 5th dimension and it is changing everything.  How it goes is up to each of us, and I can tell you without a doubt that we as a collective are moving forward, there is no going back.  Those such as the ISIL rebels in the Middle East sow the seeds of their own destruction even as they continue to destroy and try to turn back to a time long since passed.  So why not take a conscious step forward into the unknown of where we're all heading with something that embraces this energy?

     In the Chinese language they have something called pinyin.  It is the way that they are able to create understanding of sentences out of a language of symbols.  They do not have an alphabet like we do in English.  As best as I can explain it their language is one of symbols that translate into concepts of one or several words.  A Chinese computer keyboard would be impossible for an English speaking person to operate without a working knowledge of their language.  In English we work with acronyms to create a similar effect.  What I am proposing is that we create a new word to use in addition to "I" that more accurately reflects our larger being, one that is not limited by the ego personality.  The word is a shortened version of the statement "The being that I am" which I have shortened to "Thim" or "Thiam" if you like.   Let's play with it a bit, shall we?

     I like the word thim because if forces me to think of its meaning as I write it.  I can write "I this, I that, I blah blah blah" all day long without thinking about what I means or I omits. Ask yourself that question and you'll likely feel fear and resistance around it.  With the word thim I am having to remind myself I am saying "The being that I am", which to me encompasses all of the beings of consciousness that I am and not just a smaller subset of them.  Of course we could all just write "The being that I am" instead of "I".  It's just in this age of text messages and 6 second Vine videos brevity is cherished.   Thim therefore declares that this is a new word in the English language available to all with great excitement!  Even if this word is not adopted, I hope to spur some of you on to examine your own use of language and speech to put more of you into it.

     Thim is one to study what is going on in the world to great detail on a regular basis, as many writers are known to do.  Thim can see quite easily that there is great change afoot.  One such thing thim has noticed recently is an article about studies showing that up to 25% of young people do not identify themselves as fitting into the typical definitions of sexuality.  They have created a grouping of subsets of sexual expression that are quite varied and much less constrained by past norms.  It seems to me that younger people are willing to allow greater acceptance of expression in gender roles, because they acknowledge that things are only delineated if we agree they are, and they are agreeing that they do not have to be that way any more.

     The same goes for other forms of expression, including spiritual.  Each religion has gems of Truth in it, and other portions that are outright archaic.  Should we demand that people only follow prescribed tenets of the beliefs to the letter lest they be labeled a heretic?  Not likely. Nor does thim believe that religion is going away anytime soon!  Thim believes that as each successive generation comes to adulthood for the rest of my life and beyond that beings born wholly within the vibrations of 5th dimensional Earth, which has been going on since about 2001 or so, will be the vanguard of the New Earth that is unfolding before our eyes.  Let us welcome these beings and allow for as much creative expression for them (and us) as we can.  For it is in creativity that new things are born, new ways of doing things are created and it blesses us all.

      To switch gears a bit, the month of September fast approaches and there is much online about "Wave X" and other assorted descriptions of what may occur.  Thim has thought about this at length and has come to these conclusions:

1)  Yes, there are waves of energy that we have little to no understanding of that are washing over the entire planet on a regular basis, and they are changing things.

2)  There's not a damn thing you or I or any "secret cabal/government" can do anything to stop it, because on a collective level we've invited it in because we've wanted change.  Life is about growth, and sometimes it can be uncomfortable!

3) Life on the planet in 50 years will be way different than it is today, and that's nothing to fear.  It was way different 50 years ago and we're still ok.  Each of us needs to focus on living in harmony on the planet.  We all can be provided for.

4)  Less is more.  The current gyrations in stock markets worldwide are a reflection of decreasing consumption worldwide.  We will have to re-build our economies and markets with new industries that are a win-win for their customer and the planet.  No more of this raping and pillaging of the Earth and "leave it for the next generation".  Abundance can be created out of this model.  This means we will probably have to say goodbye to some ways of being that we really like a lot, yet that will  create space for something even better to come in.  Keep it simple people!

5) We're always getting help.  It's not about some aliens coming to save us, or some angels trumpet the arrival of 1000 years of peace.  We're going to create the outcome ourselves, that's why it's so important to allow creativity into our worldwide culture to a maximum degree!

     Thim thanks you for your time and attention to this writing thim does.  Thim offers it in humble service to all because we are all one human family and we need to feel that more.  Remember, Love is the motivating force of Creation, fear is an illusion.  Sometimes the greatest service you can do for life on this planet is to practice being happy always.  It doesn't have to be complicated, just make sure you have some fun along the way.

Until next time, blessings to you.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A planetary update - the time of renewal now begins

      Welcome once again to this ongoing exploration of what it means to be a human, especially in this year of 2015.  The energies of the present are building for much activity in the coming months, and now is the time to ready ourselves to take full advantage of the energies of renewal.  So let's have a look, shall we?

     I started thinking about this topic a while ago and was reminded about it last week when a door to door salesman knocked, telling me about his "renewal" windows.  Anyone who owns a house knows there are always things to fix and "upgrade".  Although I declined his offer, I did start thinking about personal renewal and I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts as well as insights from my guides on this topic.  It is a very important area for all of us as we continue to move further in this year, one which will reveal much to us personally if we allow it.

     Presently it is the end of winter in the northern hemisphere, and Spring is on its way shortly to grace us with all of its beauty and promise of new growth.  It is a time when recently the Lunar New Year was celebrated by a billion people in Asia.  In a couple weeks it will be the Spring Equinox and longer days for the next 6 months, something I know many of my friends will enjoy.  If you remember the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone it is the time when she is released from the Underworld and the Earth blooms forth in the joy of her return.  In Roman Catholic tradition it is the time of Lent, a period of reflection and renewal that culminates with Easter in early April (another tradition practiced by a billion people).  I am sure there are other stories I have left out and I imagine they point to the same process of renewal.  It is because we are linked to and affected by the cycles of the Earth that we have ritualized these periods and celebrated them for millenia.

      How do we go deeper in our own individual lives to really renew and refresh ourselves?  In the grouping of words at the beginning of this article one that stands out to me is "rethink".  In my experience one of the challenges of life is to not allow one's life to be overwhelmed by habit and distraction.  Each of us has come to life for a purpose specific to each of us, and it is to be creator of whatever we desire.  Have you made some time for yourself to sit quietly and think about what you truly want to experience in your life?  No one else will do it for you, will they?

     If you've read some of the other postings on this blog you'll find things like "release what no longer serves you" - whether it's an outmoded thought or an old piece of furniture it all counts!  Another word is "simplify" and "less is more".  Instead of hanging onto things can you be willing to believe that all of your needs will be met in perfect timing for you?  These concepts still apply as we move further into the 5th dimension and begin "waking up" to our larger selves that we forgot.  No worries, your larger being hasn't forgotten you, it just needs you to consciously participate in life and not continually fall into worn out ways of thought and behavior.  I find that having the belief that I am supported by spirit in all its forms is very reassuring.  I invite you to consider how it might be serving you as well.

    Where are we on our journey right now?

     As I mentioned, recently I had the gift of counsel from spirit and they told me that there are three themes all of us are working on presently on our individual paths of healing.  I want to share them with you because perhaps one or two or all may apply.  These three in my opinion are for those with a sincere conscious desire to evolve their awareness and move into the higher vibrations of 5D.  Not all will, and not all have to.  Remember, it is a free-will planet and all choices are allowed.  Here they are:

1)  The fear of moving ahead.

2)  The challenge of continuing to grow.

3)  The passion to change.

     I would also like to add that it is my belief that none of us are here on this planet by "accident".   We are each in our own way working on living on a planet where the only constant is change, during a period where the rate of change has accelerated significantly.  We come to experience change and see what the outcomes of our choices are once we've completed our sojourn.  Each of us is in some way contributing to the story of what it means to be human, and we are doing it now in the context of the planet being within a 5th dimensional vibration, which as I have written before is all about L.O.V.E.  (living on/one vibrational energy).

     Moving into the 5th dimension

     Moving into the 5th dimension is a process.  Actually it is about purpose, path and process simultaneously, however our linear focused consciousness overloads at that thought, at least mine does!  Just like when you have a "good day" sometimes we're in our higher flow and sometimes we are not.  There are a few things I want to remind you of as part of this journey.

     First, change must come from that "etheric" portion of ourselves.  This is why it is important to release all of our "inner clutter" of outmoded beliefs and ways of being in order to make room for the new.  Resist the temptation to change your external reality first.  It all begins on the inside, period!     Second, dust off your imagination and start dreaming about possibilities for yourself this year and next, or even 10 years off.  Feel what gets you excited!  It might not spring into your awareness, just trust it's there somewhere, you came with a plan!  Third, ALLOW.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemies because we put ourselves in boxes of what we can and cannot do, and honestly we all need to give ourselves permission to live with greater freedom of being and freedom of expression.  Try not to fall into the trap of societal norms about what constitutes success in the outer world.  The most successful people in the world have love all around them and sleep peacefully at night and are excited to greet each day.  Allowing means that you are consciously inviting that greater portion of yourself to come into your life as you know it and expand you in new and unknown ways.  Invite it in!  One of the best ways to do this is to get out of your typical work/school/home routine.  Go into unknown environments, such as taking a class in something you are interested in but currently know nothing about.  Travel to a place you have never been, near or far.  Do something not typical to you and you will provide fuel for your journey of self-discovery.  Remember you're only here for a short while and one day you'll take your last breath and that will be it for this life, resist the temptation to be timid and "play it safe".

     Every moment is eternally fresh

     We create in every moment of our lives.  Most times we create rather un-consciously from our past experiences, pulling what was into the present.  Eventually this becomes uncomfortable for us and then we are prodded to go within ourselves to consider changing our minds about whatever is bothering us.  These new thoughts lead us in new directions, open new doors we were completely unaware of and provide us new experiences we grow from.  Part of learning to exist in a 5D environment is to believe that every moment is fresh, because it really is!  I know, I can hear my ego grumbling that this is not possible, and I say hooey!  I don't know about you, but I've had enough of the boxes I've put myself in and I'm peeking over the top of them and am ready to jump out.  Are you ready to jump out of your boxes?

     The nature of existence is growth.  You're either growing or you are giving a message to yourself that life as you now experience it is enough.  Is it enough truthfully?  Can you be honest with yourself about that?  There is no judgement here, all I am saying is are you in harmony with all aspects of yourself, and if not, are you willing to invite change into your life?  Each of you has been given a beautiful heart and mind, why not see if you can experience more for yourself?

      Within each of us exists a portion of self that is eternal.  It is here now and it will be with us when we leave this life.  It is that spiritual self, that part that knows all of you, not just the part being you the personality in this life.  Say hello to that part sometime, and in doing so you consciously take another step to acknowledge the greater you that is wanting to be known to you, to love you, to enhance you in this life.

     In the energies of the next month or so, take some time to talk with yourself.  It could be meditation, prayer, journaling, anything like that.  Renew your connection with your life in whatever way you would like.  Believe in miracles for yourself of all sizes.  Remember, a miracle is just a word  for something quite normal that we haven't quite accepted as normal yet.  Invite in your greater self consciously and ask for assistance in creating the next step in your own joy.  You can have it, ask and believe and allow, it is really that simple.

Blessings to each of you in renewing your commitment to your life in this powerful year of 2015!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Where is the 99th monkey?

     Welcome back to the latest installment of 5D Times.  I hope you all made it through the latest Mercury Retrograde period mostly unscathed and in good spirits!  Today's article title was inspired by a short conversation I had with a friend the other day about what is going on for each of us as we move forward into 2015.  This year, both numerologically and in Chinese cosmology is about much creation and expansion, if we allow it.  What I had mentioned to my friend is that I sense we are each being invited to come to learn a little more about our larger being, that of the etheric energy that surrounds our bodies as well as some of the inter dimensional and parallel realities that are knocking on our proverbial doors these days.

     I've titled this article "Where is the 99th monkey" to illustrate a well known story of the 100th monkey.  If you haven't heard about it, some years ago scientists were studying monkey colonies on two different islands.  One of the monkeys figured out one day that washing the sand off of their food, (I think it was potatoes?)made it more edible.  All of the monkeys on the island started emulating this behavior.   The researchers found that for some unknown reason the monkeys on the other island, completely out of physical contact with the others, started doing the same thing!  Hence, the 100th monkey effect.  To me it illustrates the connection energetically we all have with one another through non-physical connections.

     Now myself and many others are wanting and wishing for more.  We want peace, prosperity, freedom of expression, new creation, etc.  In other words we want a more fulfilling and joyous experience in our lives.  This is a good and natural impulse from someone who wishes to evolve, and evolving is what we are all doing right now!  It might not seem so, the illusion that is so prevalent is that things are staying the same or maybe getting worse.  To be a good student of 5D is to remember that we choose that which we want to focus on, so if something or someone is distressing yourself then ask yourself if it is really worth it to you to give attention to that or not?

     Presently I am going to propose that as individuals and society we're at the "98th monkey" status, searching for the 99th, and then finally triggering the 100th monkey effect where we will really start seeing change for the better in our larger world.  Many, including myself, were disappointed that not more profound external changes in ourselves and the world apparently did not manifest at the end of 2012.  Do not fret!  Change is occurring, it's just that it's a bit behind schedule.  One of the things that we do while being physical is we are nearly wholly wedded to the idea of a linear time frame of past, present and future.  This paradigm is only valid in our small segment of existence and the rest of it exists outside of time-space constraints.  Therefore it is not appropriate to give exact linear times to events.  Instead it is better to focus on the events we wish to experience, personally or globally, and then build our energies towards that desired outcome.  Once enough had done this on an inner level, we will start seeing more happening and more happening a lot faster than it ever has occurred in recorded history.  We are challenged with bringing the unknown to ourselves and manifesting it.  This may be scary, yet it is the gift that we give to ourselves when we are ready.

Consciousness, choice and beliefs

     One of the things I do by writing is to challenge and expand beliefs for myself and you as well so we can begin thinking and creating in improved and maybe completely new ways for ourselves.  It is by doing the work that each of us has in front of us that we individually move forward to 99th monkey status, and then to the real party when we attain 100th monkey quantum transformation!  Let's talk a bit about how we can expand in new ways.

     The first thing we each need to do is to take some time and examine our beliefs.  Often we think that beliefs are nearly permanent and we often fight vigorously to protect them, even when they are not really serving us anymore.  Our beliefs are a result of experiences in thought and in actions that have occurred.  It would then follow that if we expand our thoughts and choices of what we are experiencing we can then get to the point where we have created new beliefs for ourselves.  However, habit often short-circuits this process.  We also are limited in our capacity to hold beliefs, so it is very important to release those that no longer serve so we have room to embrace new beliefs about who we are in the present moment.  Try holding vastly opposing beliefs about something and you will feel the conflict within yourself.  Remember, inner peace is that state that we are aiming for, so always check in with yourself as you go through this process.  I invite you to take a few minutes a day to examine your beliefs.  After a few weeks of doing this you'll have a very interesting list for yourself.  You'll see those you want to keep and you'll see those that really aren't in alignment with who you are.  Being congruent with yourself and living in your own truth is very important to moving forward and up the spiral of consciousness.

     Choice is something we exercise every day.  Choosing well is the result of practice, self-reflection and consciousness.  For the most part we make fairly decent choices and get a similar measure of results.  Nothing wrong with that!  If we want to make choices that will propel us to the next step on our journey then we need to find a way to incorporate more of our being into our process.  It is an easy trap to fall in while embodied that we are only our body and personality, isn't it?  Yet we also know that there is more.  Now most of the time we put that "more" into the box of "religious belief" and follow the tenet's of a particular faith.  I am of the belief that we always connected to Source, G-D, or whatever you wish to call it.  We can create more consciousness through our own efforts.  Choice is designed to allow us to see the result of our beliefs in action.  Although that may be a paradox it is not designed to punish us.  It is designed to assist us.

     With increased consciousness comes increased responsibility to oneself.  We begin more and more to demonstrate that nothing is in our personal reality that we haven't created.  However, life is a moving target!  We are in physical bodies that are perfectly imperfect and constantly changing and we need to accept that is how things are.  There is increased energy coming to the planet which is beginning to activate more of who we are.  We can align with this process and make the journey much more pleasant and even joyful, or we can fight it and experience the consequences of that choice.   In the news of the world at this time it is easy to see the people and nations that are fighting change, and those that are flowing with change.  It is a good reminder to put our attention on what we want to see and not what we don't want to see.  Life in many ways is a self-fulfilling prophecy, make sure that despite hardships and setbacks of any type that you imagine things working out better than you'd planned and really believing that!

Where is the 99th monkey?

     The 99th monkey is within us.  It is achieved by allowing more of who we each are to come into our lives, with our permission.  It's kind of silly in a way that we are having to give ourselves permission to be more of ourselves.  Why wouldn't we do that?  FEAR.  It's because through the low vibrations that have been on the planet for so long we have disassociated ourselves from our true selves.  This is why ascension is really a descension of more of one's spirit into form.  We are each evolving what it means to be a human being and we are all an important piece of the Grand Design, more than we know at the moment.

    So here is what I invite you to do.  Get 5 or 10 minutes where you won't be disturbed.  Set a sacred space for yourself in whatever way you would like.  Center yourself in that moment.  Say out loud to yourself (or in quiet if you prefer) "I now allow myself to bring forth the experiences and wisdom that allow me to expand to my next step of evolution."  Really feel it and imagine the feeling of accepting an unknown quantity of yourself to pour into you.  It might be scary to let this happen, yet we're talking about moving forward in the grace of the present moment.  You may want to repeat this daily or weekly for a while, but do not obsess over it, just go along with your daily life.

     I suspect that if you examine your beliefs and do the above request to yourself, you will find that in short order things will begin to happen in your life that you will like, but that you could not have predicted!  What you are doing here is surrendering some of the control from your ego and mental self to your spiritual and emotional selves, and also informing your greater self that you are ready for more.  This will get noticed with great joy.  It is the Atonement that you are practicing for you.  At-one-ment, get it?  You are re-membering!  It does not mean you will disappear from the planet, hardly!  You are doing a great service to yourself, your family and society at large.  It first impacts you, so that is where to keep your attention.  We cannot change our interior environment without the exterior environment following.  It is Universal balance in action!

DNA activation and change

     As we incorporate more of our spirit, our truth as who we are on a larger stage, our physical bodies need to adapt.  You may have noticed a desire for better food, more outdoor time, less mindless distraction, etc.  Are you hearing and honoring these impulses?  Be gentle as you make changes, and if you slip, get back up and continue.  Part of what also is occurring is there are many of us who are working to find ways to activate more of our DNA.  On the surface this seems impossible and many will scoff at the notion, however it IS possible and it IS happening to many, if not all of us.  I refer you to the work of Kryon as channeled be Lee Carroll for further study.  Kryon book 12 is an excellent resource on the properties of the supposed "junk" DNA, which in reality exists at a quantum level that we are now finally being able to reach now that we've grown.

     Remember if you believe it is possible for you, than it is the next step that it is probable that it will occur.  I believe that sound is an essential tool in activating DNA, so seek out sound healers.  Another way is to listen to music with Solfeggio frequencies, such as some classical music as well as contemporary music designed for this purpose.  Light language is an  unusual method, and it is equally powerful.  I have been fascinated by those who practice this type of work.  Two of my current favorites are Judy Satori and Dorian Light, both of which are experts in this field.  I invite you to check them out if you are so inclined.  I am including below a link to a brand new light language attunement that Judy just created for everyone.  It is unusual but if you are willing to suspend judgement of what the sounds are or what they mean, she says they will assist you to move into an expanded ability to think and create.  This I sense is an issue that many are having as the energies are quite different than they were even a year or two ago and it is having an effect on us.  So try it out if you like!

An expanded ability to think and create

This is a short piece, less than 5 minutes, and she suggests listening to it 3 times to activate it fully.

     I thank you for taking the time to consider this path to finding your 99th monkey.  It is by each of us going beyond our concept of who we think we are, and then living it that we will create the 100th monkey effect that will usher in the transformational shift that we are knowing in our hearts is waiting for all of us.  I bless each of your on your journey.  Remember that beyond all of the apparent differences we are on the outside, we all share this common bond to something much greater.  Let it be born in your heart and let it shine out into this world for all to see.

