Thursday, June 23, 2022

Some things you need to know now

         Now that we are at the mid-year point I thought it would be helpful to give my perspective on what is happening and what we might expect, or not, going forward.  We are all going forward, even if it appears that we are standing still or going backwards.  This is the illusion.  I think that many of us sense that something has changed since the Covid pandemic, but we are having trouble identifying what it is.  Let's take a look at things and see if we can enlighten the process of life now, shall we?

     The recent pandemic, which is finally coming to an end point, has changed a lot of things.  First, it got the attention of everyone on the planet, a rare occurrence.  Second, it has relieved millions of their bodies.  Third, it has disrupted economic activities across the globe, causing challenging conditions for billions of people, whether it be shortages of goods, high prices or even the ability to continue operating businesses in the same was as previously, or at all.  Overall, to say the least, it has been a big deal that we are all still grappling with now and for the foreseeable future.

     Humans in general do not like change.  We can each see it in action in our own lives.  We find our routines comforting, even if they are not necessarily productive to us or are bringing us joy.  This works on a macro level as well.  Thankfully, every 1000 years or so something comes along to shake things up, this is that time.  So, even though the latest challenge is fading, we are in a time period of massive change.  This change will result in tremendous healing for us as individuals and as nations.  It is ongoing and will unfold as we progress through time.  What are we not seeing that we need to pay attention to?

     The basis of existence is consciousness and consciousness is created and maintained by our inherent spiritual nature.  We are in the world but not of it.  While we are here we have tended to be overtaken by being physical, having senses, having a personality, what more could there be?  Well, there is a whole lot more, we are now in the process of integrating that unknown part into our human experience.  Let's call it the braiding of the will of our personality self with that of our higher self.

     For example, when a person passes away and we go through that process of acknowledging and honoring that life that has passed we take comfort in knowing at some level that they still exist at a higher level.  They have left their body and we see that, but we take comfort in knowing that a spiritual presence still continues on.  After all is said and done we continue onwards with our lives, knowing that one day our time will also be complete and we will also join with that great mystery of existence.  Our focus then returns to the business at hand of living life to the best of our ability.  Now, here is what is interesting, the way we will be doing that is in the midst of rapid evolution.

     All beings still remaining now on Earth are undergoing a rapid shift into greater awareness of who and what they truly are as they walk on the planet.  I have previously noted that the vibratory frequency of the planet has increased over the last twenty years to where we now have access to what I term 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional potentialities.  Now these frequencies have always existed but only in recent times has our ability to access them become readily available.  This is a huge change and it is going to reshape the human experience in the years to come.  In a concise summary, we are moving out of fear and into greater states of love and greater states of knowledge.  It is not being forced upon us, let's say it is being strongly encouraged by the dawning of this new paradigm that we are all now within.

     The simplest way to engage with this new energy is to simply breathe.  There are many gifts of breathing, of course without it we would simply cease to exist, that we understand.  The lesser known gift of the breath is that by combining it with our conscious intention it can be used to trigger massive transformation within our lives, moving us towards truly expressing as complete beings, going beyond the desires of just our personalities and joining with the inner wisdom that we all possess in our ever present connection to All that Is, G-D, etc, however you want to term it.  So I encourage you to explore your breath.  Explore it through prayer, explore it through yoga, explore it through play.  Just try to explore it in a different way for 5 minutes a day.  The rest of the time you can forget about it.  In making just one conscious attempt on a regular basis you will create a pathway of allowance that will invite in the higher, the unknown, into your personal reality to join with you.  This is how the world is changed.

     Integration of the human self with the higher self will be the standard operation of people in future generations.  In fact it is already hard-wired into the younger generations and those now and in the future who will be born.  Those who have this awareness and use it will be the most powerful creators who will shape life on earth going forward.  Now, there are those who will cling to things as they were.  You will hear it in those who want to limit the expression of others through law or custom.  "This is the way we've done it and we will continue to do it this way" is how you might hear it.  It is perfectly understandable for a large segment of the population to choose this as it has been ongoing for a very long time, and free will that is allotted to each person allows for this to occur.  What will naturally occur is that over time, those that cling to the old energy, old ways will find it increasingly difficult to maintain that stance because it is no longer supported by the energy that we are now living within.  Eventually these humans will leave the planet and it will be populated by those wholly in harmony with the new paradigm.  This is the challenge of present times, we are literally between two worlds- the old and familiar and the new and unknown.  I suppose this is why so many have incarnated onto earth in the last 50 years- to experience humanity turning a huge corner and to participate in it in a way of their choosing.  Contention will be a key word to pay attention to.  The work will be to not fall down into fear as these two paradigms clash, as they will.  Eventually all will be sorted out.  Trust that you know within what the real truth is, that the higher vibration of love will override the lower vibration of fear as we each choose to hold the higher in more and more moments of our lives.

     Our current social and societal structure is based on an old paradigm of mostly 3rd and 4th dimensional reality systems that like I mentioned, have been operative for several thousand years.  Many in business and government, the large systems that have upheld our version of reality to this point are now noticing that they can no longer operate as they have.  For example, workers are saying that they don't want to commute to an office 5 days a week and now employers are having to offer more flexible arrangements if they want their employees to engage with them.  More and more people are finding ways to create self-employment as the internet has spawned entirely new ways of exchanging goods and services with one another.  Even the concept of banks and money are being challenged by online payment systems and the rise of cryptocurrencies.  In my opinion, enterprises the promote freedom and integrity will flourish in coming years.  Those that promote control of markets and centralization of power will struggle.  It will be a turbulent time while we go through this process of re-aligning our outer reality as a collective of humanity.  The best strategy is to keep your life simple and then you can flow with the changes.  I personally have no idea of what will fall and what will remain but I have my educated guesses.  Know what is right for you and act from that place, each of us is beholden to no one else unless we choose to be.

     There has always been change and challenges on this planet.  It is part of the journey of being human and it is important to each of us for our learning through life.  What is different now is change is accelerated, plus the additional component of rapid spiritual evolution is also happening.  Just as we know people lived far differently 200 years ago, so will people 100 years hence will look back at us and say the same thing.  We are each part of a grand ongoing story of humanity so keep a sense of humor and lightness as you go forward.  The healing that we undergo will be effected by any number of human traits such as faith, gratitude and grace.  Use them liberally when called for, knowing that each time any of us does this, we are building the bridge to the future that was always ours and we had forgotten.  And when times get tough, as they will, remember to breathe through it, your feet on the ground knowing that the earth always supports you.