Thursday, June 23, 2022

Some things you need to know now

         Now that we are at the mid-year point I thought it would be helpful to give my perspective on what is happening and what we might expect, or not, going forward.  We are all going forward, even if it appears that we are standing still or going backwards.  This is the illusion.  I think that many of us sense that something has changed since the Covid pandemic, but we are having trouble identifying what it is.  Let's take a look at things and see if we can enlighten the process of life now, shall we?

     The recent pandemic, which is finally coming to an end point, has changed a lot of things.  First, it got the attention of everyone on the planet, a rare occurrence.  Second, it has relieved millions of their bodies.  Third, it has disrupted economic activities across the globe, causing challenging conditions for billions of people, whether it be shortages of goods, high prices or even the ability to continue operating businesses in the same was as previously, or at all.  Overall, to say the least, it has been a big deal that we are all still grappling with now and for the foreseeable future.

     Humans in general do not like change.  We can each see it in action in our own lives.  We find our routines comforting, even if they are not necessarily productive to us or are bringing us joy.  This works on a macro level as well.  Thankfully, every 1000 years or so something comes along to shake things up, this is that time.  So, even though the latest challenge is fading, we are in a time period of massive change.  This change will result in tremendous healing for us as individuals and as nations.  It is ongoing and will unfold as we progress through time.  What are we not seeing that we need to pay attention to?

     The basis of existence is consciousness and consciousness is created and maintained by our inherent spiritual nature.  We are in the world but not of it.  While we are here we have tended to be overtaken by being physical, having senses, having a personality, what more could there be?  Well, there is a whole lot more, we are now in the process of integrating that unknown part into our human experience.  Let's call it the braiding of the will of our personality self with that of our higher self.

     For example, when a person passes away and we go through that process of acknowledging and honoring that life that has passed we take comfort in knowing at some level that they still exist at a higher level.  They have left their body and we see that, but we take comfort in knowing that a spiritual presence still continues on.  After all is said and done we continue onwards with our lives, knowing that one day our time will also be complete and we will also join with that great mystery of existence.  Our focus then returns to the business at hand of living life to the best of our ability.  Now, here is what is interesting, the way we will be doing that is in the midst of rapid evolution.

     All beings still remaining now on Earth are undergoing a rapid shift into greater awareness of who and what they truly are as they walk on the planet.  I have previously noted that the vibratory frequency of the planet has increased over the last twenty years to where we now have access to what I term 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional potentialities.  Now these frequencies have always existed but only in recent times has our ability to access them become readily available.  This is a huge change and it is going to reshape the human experience in the years to come.  In a concise summary, we are moving out of fear and into greater states of love and greater states of knowledge.  It is not being forced upon us, let's say it is being strongly encouraged by the dawning of this new paradigm that we are all now within.

     The simplest way to engage with this new energy is to simply breathe.  There are many gifts of breathing, of course without it we would simply cease to exist, that we understand.  The lesser known gift of the breath is that by combining it with our conscious intention it can be used to trigger massive transformation within our lives, moving us towards truly expressing as complete beings, going beyond the desires of just our personalities and joining with the inner wisdom that we all possess in our ever present connection to All that Is, G-D, etc, however you want to term it.  So I encourage you to explore your breath.  Explore it through prayer, explore it through yoga, explore it through play.  Just try to explore it in a different way for 5 minutes a day.  The rest of the time you can forget about it.  In making just one conscious attempt on a regular basis you will create a pathway of allowance that will invite in the higher, the unknown, into your personal reality to join with you.  This is how the world is changed.

     Integration of the human self with the higher self will be the standard operation of people in future generations.  In fact it is already hard-wired into the younger generations and those now and in the future who will be born.  Those who have this awareness and use it will be the most powerful creators who will shape life on earth going forward.  Now, there are those who will cling to things as they were.  You will hear it in those who want to limit the expression of others through law or custom.  "This is the way we've done it and we will continue to do it this way" is how you might hear it.  It is perfectly understandable for a large segment of the population to choose this as it has been ongoing for a very long time, and free will that is allotted to each person allows for this to occur.  What will naturally occur is that over time, those that cling to the old energy, old ways will find it increasingly difficult to maintain that stance because it is no longer supported by the energy that we are now living within.  Eventually these humans will leave the planet and it will be populated by those wholly in harmony with the new paradigm.  This is the challenge of present times, we are literally between two worlds- the old and familiar and the new and unknown.  I suppose this is why so many have incarnated onto earth in the last 50 years- to experience humanity turning a huge corner and to participate in it in a way of their choosing.  Contention will be a key word to pay attention to.  The work will be to not fall down into fear as these two paradigms clash, as they will.  Eventually all will be sorted out.  Trust that you know within what the real truth is, that the higher vibration of love will override the lower vibration of fear as we each choose to hold the higher in more and more moments of our lives.

     Our current social and societal structure is based on an old paradigm of mostly 3rd and 4th dimensional reality systems that like I mentioned, have been operative for several thousand years.  Many in business and government, the large systems that have upheld our version of reality to this point are now noticing that they can no longer operate as they have.  For example, workers are saying that they don't want to commute to an office 5 days a week and now employers are having to offer more flexible arrangements if they want their employees to engage with them.  More and more people are finding ways to create self-employment as the internet has spawned entirely new ways of exchanging goods and services with one another.  Even the concept of banks and money are being challenged by online payment systems and the rise of cryptocurrencies.  In my opinion, enterprises the promote freedom and integrity will flourish in coming years.  Those that promote control of markets and centralization of power will struggle.  It will be a turbulent time while we go through this process of re-aligning our outer reality as a collective of humanity.  The best strategy is to keep your life simple and then you can flow with the changes.  I personally have no idea of what will fall and what will remain but I have my educated guesses.  Know what is right for you and act from that place, each of us is beholden to no one else unless we choose to be.

     There has always been change and challenges on this planet.  It is part of the journey of being human and it is important to each of us for our learning through life.  What is different now is change is accelerated, plus the additional component of rapid spiritual evolution is also happening.  Just as we know people lived far differently 200 years ago, so will people 100 years hence will look back at us and say the same thing.  We are each part of a grand ongoing story of humanity so keep a sense of humor and lightness as you go forward.  The healing that we undergo will be effected by any number of human traits such as faith, gratitude and grace.  Use them liberally when called for, knowing that each time any of us does this, we are building the bridge to the future that was always ours and we had forgotten.  And when times get tough, as they will, remember to breathe through it, your feet on the ground knowing that the earth always supports you.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

What lies ahead - the great changes underway continue



     Welcome to the next year of our collective journey into the unknown, are you excited?  I say that knowing that we are all weary from the effects of the pandemic, and probably few of us are truly in a joyful state after nearly two years of this.  I'm here to definitively say that this new year will be the final one where we will have to be under the pale of this frustrating virus.  I know that is hard to believe considering that we are in the midst of a very strong 4th wave of people contracting the virus, by all accounts the trajectory is that this pandemic will transform into an endemic.  This simply means that it will become just another ongoing virus like influenza and it simply will be about as threatening to us as a typical flu virus.  So, expect this to be the case by mid-year.

     Humans have short memories and we've had to deal with things like this throughout our history.  This is the first time that it's happened and affected the entire planet while we are in the internet age where we can each instantaneously get every gruesome detail delivered to the palm of our hand.  We are truly not victims of this event, but in fact have invited it in on a collective level to assist us in adjusting the trajectory of humanity as a whole.  More on that later here.  So what might this new year bring to us?

It's a 6 year

     Numerology is an interesting practice and I've found value in it so let me share what I know.  A six year is about community, the collective, and it is about family.  I suspect that we are going to have to acknowledge ourselves as responsible to the larger collective of the communities that we live within.  The events of the last two years have shown that the structures of society that we have believed in (to whatever degree) are very fragile and not really responsive to the average person.  This is not only true in the U.S. but across the globe in every country.  As I've written about in the past, that which does not vibrate to the higher frequencies we are now in simply will not continue much longer.  This dismantling of the old reality will continue to accelerate this year and it might require more of us to step forward and offer whatever skills and expertise we have to assist in supporting the new structures that will be forming as the old ones fall away.

     Second, a 6 year is also about our personal family, maybe not so much our birth family but instead our family of consciousness that we each have:  the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual beings that we are each composed of.  Do you have a favorite?  Which one are you neglecting?  It will be important to spend some time giving conscious attention to ourselves to maintain a healthy balance of each of these aspects of self.  By doing this it will allow more constructive ideas to come to each of us from our higher selves that will assist each of us to move forward to our next steps.  It will be a good time in the next 6 months to release the negative coping mechanisms we may have acquired over the last two years.  Again, balance is key.  Be all loving to yourself first, then you can help others if you would like.  It's good to consider loving ourselves more, not in a narcissistic way but in a kind and compassionate way.  Remember, you and I have been through a challenging period, not unlike coming out of a global war in a way.  Stay positive, help yourself first, and assist where you can.

The music has stopped

     The music has stopped but everyone is still dancing as if it is still on.  This analogy describes what is actually going on at a higher level.  We are each going to come to know and integrate this higher level of awareness into our lives, but right now we are still collectively pretending that it is not present.  It is present and it is going to make itself known to those who are willing to allow it.  It is not being imposed on us, instead we are being lovingly invited to claim it for ourselves.  It is our birthright and it is needing to be known.  We as the human collective are evolving.  It is simply an evolution of consciousness.  You can deny it, free will has not been taken away, but those who choose that path will find that life will become very difficult going forward.  

     This can all be very confusing presently because we are all literally straddling two systems of reality, or perception if you prefer.  We know what we have had, and we know that things are massively changing.  It is quite natural to want to cling to the known, we all do it to one degree or another.  I am inviting you to consider the possibility of allowing more of the unknown into your life, with the expectation that it will bring you gifts that will bless your life instead of bringing strife and worry.  Make friends with the unknown, it is going to be on our proverbial doorstep this year anyway!  

     Life as we know it is transposing to a new expression.  We have been living in our present lives and known history in a fraction of our potential as individuals and a species.  Now, the present time is about shifting to this higher expression-what we have been all along but did not realize up to this point.  I know that most will argue that things will never change, that it has been this way for thousands of years, yet I am telling you that this change is well underway and cannot be stopped by anyone's protests.  It IS going to happen.  There are going to be lessons along the way, as there always are, and we will meet those hurdles and continue forward.  Have faith, and take whatever actions to be in your best interests while aiming for the highest and best outcome and you will be in the flow of the great river that is carrying us all forward.

Things are exceeding beyond expectations

     My understanding of the current pandemic is that it is part of a chosen process to change the direction that we were all going to a much better outcome than had it not occurred.  I think that we can all agree that the pace of humanity has changed.  It has slowed down in some respects.  It has given pause to the Earth itself and assisted in restoring areas of the planet that were overused and abused.  The planet itself is also going through many changes with us as well but these are difficult to describe.  We know that weather patterns across the globe are changing, we know that glaciers continue to melt, etc.  People can speculate where all of this is heading, just know that we are all supported by the world we live upon and we are encouraged to begin to live in better alignment with the place we call home.

     This blog has been about announcing the shift, the transposition to a higher degree of consciousness in the 5th dimension.  Anyone still choosing to live and breathe right now IS in these frequencies.  What is also very interesting is that my own guides recently indicated to me that we are now transiting 6th dimensional frequencies and will be also beginning to anchor 7th dimensional frequencies later this year.  I can't elaborate on this as it is new to me too, suffice it to say that humans in the coming years are going to make a big leap forward and this is exciting!  Look for it to show up first in the younger generations, those under the age of 20 especially, although it is available to all.  The challenge of being a bit older is that we have lived more years in the lower frequencies of 3rd and 4th dimensional expression, so it will take more effort to overcome those habits and engrained patterns.  This issue will fall away as older individuals exit their current lifetime.  This is a natural process and age is not a barrier if you are willing to do the work and open yourself to the many new possibilities in the unknown.

Opportunities are everywhere

     As I have said, what does not resonate to the new paradigm is going to be dismantled.  This is going to bring about enormous possibilities to create anew across the spectrum of human activity.  Anyone can easily see that most of our systems are severely strained and are on the verge of failure.  Not all will fail, but many will have to be re-imagined and re-worked.  

     What we have been living in for most of the last century has been a commerce based society, in part necessitated by rapid population growth.  This is now beginning to level off.  News articles and demographic studies across the globe show that many people are not interested in forming families to have children.  While it won't be too noticed now, in 40-50 years it will be very much known. More and more activity is moving person to person via the internet than through former channels.  People will derive their incomes more by personal means than going to work at some large established business.  This is already seen in the millions across to globe quitting their jobs, it is at record levels.   Economies will have to restructure away from the formula we've been using:  more people-more stuff, and instead the focus will be on the optimal amount of goods for a population that is consuming less.  

     What I see right now is that we've begun to realize that government, education, health care, to name a few, are expensive, outmoded and in need of wholesale overhaul.  We have been putting proverbial patches on these for years and they are still failing to serve to people that they were created for in the first place.  Technology, while wonderous in many ways, is a slave to its pursuit of money, most of which is via consumerism.  It will have to adjust as well and it will serve as a good tool for us, but it is not our "savior".  We will instead come to appreciate our own inner capabilities and problem solving to meet the challenges that await.

Suggestions for a better 2022

     I've highlighted a few of my thoughts on what is occurring and a bit on why.  Now let's take a moment to talk about what to do to have a better 2022.  First, stay out of fear.  The number one thing that people need the most and value the least is their own inner peace.  If it upsets your inner peace, excuse it from your life.  Make having inner peace the most valuable thing you possess going forward.  This is a daily practice, but if you start taking it seriously, you will have a much better year.  Truthfully, don't we all want to feel good?  

     Second, as I have said before, less is more.  Less stuff, more love.  Owning and having things has been an obsession for many, it is like a secret club that we are all members of, isn't it?  Again, if we're honest, most of the things we think we need only satisfy us for a short while, then we need more to regain the feeling.  Get off of the merry-go-round!  It's like the well known Japanese life organizer Marie Kondo says:  "If it doesn't bring you joy, let it go!"  You will remember more the good relationships and love shared with others than any of the things you might exchange.  After you've spent some time practicing increasing self-love, then love those around you a little more.  Once this pandemic is over and we can once again freely gather and be together without the anxiety that we are going to get sick we will have a need to explore togetherness in a new way.  I suspect that we will value it much more than we had been.

     Third, release the impulse to judge anyone.  This period has put strain on us all and revealed many fears, some very deeply rooted.  The world is changing rapidly, norms are being erased everywhere.  Respect everyone's right to be as they are.  It all goes back to the old rule "Do unto others as you would have them do to you".  Simply put, as long as no one is violating your free will, allow them to be.  There are many forms of expression that humans do, and more are coming.  I'll remind you of the first suggestion- if it violates your inner peace, excuse yourself from it/them/they.  Judgement is a form of fear and we want to move away from that consciously whenever possible.

     I wish you a much happier 2022 than 2021 and I hope that something that I have written here will assist you on your journey this year.  I expect that I will be creating more myself from my vantage point to assist my fellow humans this year and I am hopeful that each of us finds ourselves in a much better space by the end of this new year.  Blessings to you all.

God is.  God is.  God is.