Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The mystical Winter Solstice and predictions of 2014

     The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, occurs at 11:11am CST 21/12/2013 here where I am in Austin, TX.  I wanted to speak of this day and the one's to follow as we head into holiday season here in the USA and to a new year. 

     Winter Solstice has been marked and acknowledged since ancient times, far before any of the current religions on the planet.  It was celebrated by the Egyptians and the Mayans as well.  They knew at the time of the solstice it was a triumph of the Sun over darkness, and that the days would become longer and another year would soon come.  It is a spiritual and energetic time of the year, one which is conducive to going within, activating the feminine principle and sowing the seeds within one's heart for that which one would want to accomplish in the coming year.  Rather than a single date, it really is the entire winter season(in the Northern hemisphere) beginning on December 21 until the vernal equinox in March. 

     Currently in the Western world this period has been co-opted by mass consumerism and many holiday gatherings of friends, family and business associates.  Only a smaller percentage of people understand and take time to connect with its deeper meaning.  It is a time to become quiet and take time to honor that space deep within one's heart, and to open the door for conscious connection with your soul.   The souls energy connects with your Higher self, which resides in the 8th chakra, about a 1-2 feet (.3m) above the head.  The Higher self in turn communicates with us through our 4 bodies of consciousness - the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves within.  To bring forth a strengthening of this connection is our responsibility alone, it cannot be bestowed upon us by another, nor by mere prayer or piety or good works.  That is why it is so important to take time to be with oneself on a regular basis. 

     In Christianity it is the time of Christmas, or the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the bringer of the Christ to awareness.  Many confuse this as Jesus was the only son of G-d but they are mistaken.  The Christ is not a person, not definable in that way.  It is a consciousness beyond what we are used to yet as Jesus himself said "Very truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."  (John 14:12 NIV)   Christ consciousness as I know it at this point is at least a 6th dimensional consciousness.  This means that to be at that level means one can transcend the bounds of gross reality and one exists in a constant state of high vibratory love.  A being at this level doesn't typically stay visible to someone in a 3D reality, but essentially ascends, having mastered completely the lower reality.  Jesus never intended to found a religion, but to spread the love his awareness has made known to him.  Other beings have also served in a similar manner, Buddha and Mohammed are two that come to mind.


     Now I would like to talk about the mystery of the birth of Jesus a bit.  It is said that the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary, Jesus' mother and told her she was to bear a child.  In fact Gabriel is often been portrayed as a messenger of mothers-to-be.  Gabriel is also known to be the angel that dictated the Koran to Mohammed word for word.  Gabriel is the only angel other that Michael that is mentioned in the Old Testament by name, thereby acknowledged by the three branches of Abrahamic faith- Christians, Muslims and Jews. 
     The reason I bring this up is that Gabriel is the angel of the winter season.  He overlights the energies of Harmony, Beauty, Purification and Art.  While I refer to him as a he, all angels are genderless.  Gabriel's twin flame is Hope, which holds the pure flame of the Divine Mother.  When working with meditations during this period of the year it is very powerful to invoke Gabriel.  This is very important for those of us who feel stuck, for Gabriel is in charge of the Angels of Guidance who can assist us to remember our highest calling in this life and move forward with it. 
     In the picture above he is shown holding a lily.  You'll often see lilies in Christian churches at this time of year.  The lily is a symbol of purity and self-control.  It stimulates the throat chakra so that a person's creative power can be accessed and experienced within their life.  Visualizing a lily in mediation with the flower encompassing one's head will assist in activating these powerful energies.
     It's important to note that I feel it is best to look at the Bible and other sacred texts symbolically, for the information contained within them operates not at a literal level alone.  They are multi-dimensional keys that we can unlock as we progress in our own evolution.  Humankind is steeped with many stories that serve to assist us to remembrance of our higher nature, that we may one day return home, just as in the story of the prodigal son. 
The three Magi
     The next mystery of Christian tradition of Jesus' birth is that of the three Magi, or kings or sages, who came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for Jesus.  They were mysteriously guided by a star, over great distances to perform there role.  There is much speculation about them, again let us look at the symbolism.  First, there are three of them, and this mimics the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  This is confusing to people and  has been debated for centuries.  Suffice it to say that in my opinion All is One and everything is G-d.  These three "aspects" are really the same One being acting out a grand play of consciousness.  This is also evidenced in ancient Egyptian religion of Isis, Osiris and Ra and perhaps was "borrowed" in some fashion from those times.
     I came across an interesting interpretation of the trinity of the three magi, named Caspar, Balthazar and Melchior by Rudolph Steiner.  He said that the three Magi represent the three Root Races of humanity that would be harmonized and united in the Christ energy.  These three and the Lemurian, Atlantean and our current world.  As I've written about previously these three combined complete our human story.  The Lemurian expression being "Love is All",  the Atlantean being "Knowledge is Power", and our current period being the integration and synthesis of those two, as yet undetermined. (Refer to my Predictions article from Oct. 2012 for more info).  It's also interesting to note that the trinity forms an equilateral triangle which is an extremely stable geometric formation, and is also found throughout our known Universe(see my article "Magnetite, the Great Pyramid and the order of our Universe- June 2012 for additional info).  This formation is foundational to our understanding of this Creation we inhabit.
     There is a saying from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes (1:9 NIV) "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;  there is nothing new under the sun.  When I researched further back in the Bhagavad-Gita there was also mention of the trinity.  Swami Prabhupada describes it in his purport to Chapter 13, Verse 12  "Those who are actually knowers of the Absolute Truth know that the Self is realized in three different phases, as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." As you can see this idea of Trinity has existed even 30 centuries before the time of Jesus, as the Bhagavad Gita is at least 5000 years old. 
     I bring these mysteries to your attention in the hope that you will take time to reflect on the deeper mysteries.  These stories and celebrations and characters are an outward expression of something very deeply ingrained in the human psyche for billions of people.  This is the season to plant the seeds of hope for what we wish to accomplish in the coming year.  Individually and collectively we are shaping the re-emergence of higher consciousness of the 5th dimension and the Divine feminine energies.  Nothing is written in stone about how it will look, only that it will occur.  You have a voice, a creative spark to contribute to this great work.  Despite all of the ups and downs of living in a physical body it is a great privilege and opportunity to be here now.  
Predictions for 2014
     Before I get into the next year, let's take a look at 2013.  It's interesting to see what didn't happen as much as what did.  First, there was no major breakout of war in the Middle East, despite taking things to the edge, the Syrian situation did not trigger a major conflict.  People are tired of war and wish to have peace.  Second, there has been no major collapse of the financial system across the world.  Many of us realize that what we have does not reflect who we are anymore.  Some wish it would collapse.  Others see different alternative modes of exchange emerging, such as Bitcoin, a virtual currency.  People are waking up to the gross disparities of rich vs. poor and yet it still hasn't spurred a violent uprising.  Third, weather anomalies are continuing, yet there was no major hurricane in the Western Hemisphere again this year.  I dream of a moderate, consistent climate for all people but as I see it the Earth is going through major changes and climate will be difficult to predict because there are many factors.  Finally, the Sun has gone through one of it's quietest periods on record in its cycle.  We were not blasted by any major energetics from the Sun that would've damaged satellite's or sensitive communications or power grids.  I feel that much has been going on "behind the scenes" so to speak and I believe it favors us in coming years.
     So what to expect in 2014?  Keeping in mind that the planet is shifting to exist in a 5th dimensional reality, all that does not vibrate at a high level will find it increasingly difficult to exist.  People will find that they will have to increasingly rely on themselves as governments, corporations and other large institutions that were built based on a 3rd dimensional paradigm will continue to falter unless they move to re-create themselves.  It is somewhat like what Pope Francis is doing with the Catholic church since arriving at the Papacy in March 2013.  He is preaching about healing and the dignity of all people rather than just focusing on doctrine like his predecessors.  Smart guy, he gets it.  Love is all there is, and it is a vibration, not merely a sentiment. 
     The weather will continue to be a problem.  When the rains don't fall in the right place at the right time drought and famine will result.  It is a fact that the polar regions are melting rapidly displacing huge amounts of fresh water into the oceans which will have an impact in weather patterns.  Ice that has been frozen for over 10,000 years is melting, and quickly.  If you don't like the weather where you are, move! 
     Fukushima will become a problem and many are in denial of what's going on in Japan with the damaged reactors.  Nuclear power is just too dangerous.  Chernobyl happened in 1986 and a huge area around there is a dead zone and will be for decades, if not centuries.  What is happening in Japan is an even bigger problem.  It will be with us for at least 40-50 years and when news of this fully sinks in, people will be forced to abandon a whole industry.  The bright side is that this will prompt a whole array of cleaner, earth-friendly technologies.  As a world we can do this.  The era of raping and disregarding the Earth as our Mother, our home, is ending, but it is not going quietly. 
     I wish I could say that someone will come along and bail us out of all our problems like a global sign in the heavens or a mass friendly ufo landing with disclosure and all sorts of neat technologies but I don't see it happening overtly in 2014.  I do sense that we are all provided assistance all of the time, it's just we don't consciously know about it yet.  We're getting there, remember patience is a virtue!
     Things are changing, and while we have this desire to see things instantaneously, there are events that need to occur, so that takes some measure of time.  This planet has been bruised and battered for the last 100 years so let's be reasonable in thinking it's going to take a while to see large scale results, just have faith that they are coming.  Think in terms of the generations to come and support them!
     Finally, healing will be the theme for many in 2014.  Primarily it will be focused on the physical and emotional underpinnings.  We all need more health and a lighter heart if we're going to create our individual visions.  Many struggle with the fallout of toxic emotions buried for years or poor quality food and living situations.  Heal yourself first, then you can help others.  Be strong in knowing that you have much assistance in this and are not alone, all you need is willingness and a little action.  I go back to the beginning of this article and ask you again to consider connecting to the energies of Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame Hope during this solstice and into the beginning of 2014.  Choose to focus on the things you want to have happen and don't concern yourself with timing.  It is much more powerful in these new energies to focus on events rather than time.  Stay in the present moment around creating these new events.  Be kind to yourself and your fellow travelers as we move forward into unknown possibilities of healing and growth in the year ahead.
I wish you all the best during this season and I look forward to refining and expanding this blog in 2014.  Please stay tuned!

Monday, October 28, 2013

GRAVITY movie - Is space the final frontier?

     The other day I went to see the new movie "Gravity" with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney at our local Galaxy theater (chuckle).  It is a great movie to watch in 3-D to get the full effect.  The movie is relatively short at 91 minutes but you don't want to miss a moment of it because it is filled with action and the cinematography is outstanding! 

  Here is a brief synopsis of the film that won't give away too much in case you are planning on seeing it.  The movie centers on the two main characters (Clooney and Bullock) who are on a scientific mission to repair the Hubble space telescope.  While they are working on their mission you get to see beautiful shots of the Earth and near space as they orbit the planet doing their job.  They are in constant contact with mission control in Houston, TX as they chat with one another.  What's interesting about space is that it's a vacuum and cannot conduct sound waves, so when they are not talking it is absolutely silent.  After a while they get an urgent call that they are in the path of some satellite debris from a purposely exploded Russian satellite and have to evacuate immediately.  That's when the fun starts, yikes!  I won't go into it took much more except to say it's riveting to watch what unfolds. 

    Overall the movie is well written and the props and spacesuits are very realistic.  There is some exaggeration of what is up there in space presently (hint: it's Chinese) and how far a jet pack can allow someone to travel, but overall they get it right.  It's fun to watch how they have to maneuver in zero gravity, I left the theater feeling like I had just returned from space with them! 

     Is space the final frontier for humanity?  It seems from watching this movie that we've got a long way to go before we will comfortably be able to travel and live in space.  We just don't have the technology and resources to do a whole lot presently.  Watching this movie or similar things is about as close as we're going to get in this lifetime.  Some of us may end up flying on Richard Branson or Elon Musk's space planes in another few years, that would be quite a journey, wouldn't it!

                                          Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic space plane

     It is in our nature as humans to expand the possibilities of what is possible, but are we focused in the best direction?  Perhaps there is another avenue we can explore here, in the context of 5th dimensional thought. 

     There are many ways to travel, yet mostly we are focused on one- in the physical.  We drive in cars, fly in planes, travel by rail, etc.  Now high speed tube travel is being explored and will be a great way to travel in the coming decades.  There are other, more esoteric ways of travel that are just as valid, although rarely spoken about.  The involve us mastering our being through practice and can provide us with experiences even more rich than doing it the present way.  Some of these include OBE's, teleportation and bi-location and they have been achieved purposefully or accidentally by many people.  There are numerous books written about experiences such as these and I have met and spoken to those who've done it. 

     Why is this so?  Because we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not the other way around.  The spiritual is elusive because it is not easy to identify and quantify like a physical body.  We tend to identify with the body and see it as "us", all the while knowing that one day we will have to vacate it and go on to our next adventure.  Yes, there is much to explore and experience in our galaxy and beyond, yet the ultimate attainment goes beyond that, re-identification with Source, at-one-ment with all that is.  Now that we are in the energies of the 5th dimension on this planet it is going to get a lot easier to accomplish this.  We know it is possible, it has been written about and alluded to in many ancient texts, and it is evidenced by many ancient structures which align to the stars.

     We are all on a journey, one that is unique to each of us yet eventually leading to the same place.  We know that we will have these bodies for the duration of our lifetime on this planet, and it is not that we are prisoners within them.  In fact, most if not all of us leave our bodies during sleep to travel in other dimensional realms, often having vivid dreams of other places, people and situations.  This can also be done while in waking consciousness.  Many have said that our waking life is merely another dream, so why not enjoy it?  The trick is to begin to let go of fear, disbelief and have a willingness to explore.  In almost every major city there are groups of people joining together to explore different practices such as shamanistic journeying, out-of-body experiences, light body journeying, etc.  Why not investigate what exists and make a stretch to try something new.  Some of the best experiences can be had through conscious breath work practices.  I however would discourage going in any of these directions of exploration if you are dealing with any debilitating mental or physical issues.  It is best to work in this area when one has good health and emotional stability.  The first rule is always to love oneself first! 

     It is important to live your own truth to its fullest while going through this experience of human life.  Those who have ventured into space(so far only 531 people) lived their truth and their passion to take it to such a level where they were seen by others as astronauts.  To connect your truth to your passion means that you are bringing in the energies of your soul to your life.  Each of us has gifts, talents and abilities that we can use to create a fulfilling and happy life experience.  Take some time to write down what it is that really excites you and makes you feel alive.  Within those things lies a pathway that each of us can create to fully experience conscious living in our own way.   It is the decisions that we make for ourselves that bring healing and joy to life.  To break through the frustration, the apathy, all the dramas of the external world all we have to do is choose what is love for us and devote our efforts in that direction with faith that it will lead us to our next step, for it certainly will do so. 

     All in the 5th dimension is L.O.V.E.  - Living only vibrant energy.  No opposite is seen because when you're at that point you are beyond the vibrations of duality and fear.  Egoic consciousness may still be available, but it cannot run one's life to the degree it does in the lower dimensions.  That is because you have strengthened your connection to your own spiritual energies that you now hear a new voice - one of perfect peace that is above the "babble of the marketplace" of daily life on dear planet Earth.  And if you will invite it in and listen, it will help lead you to the best outcome for each situation in your life.  That is why I know that inner space is the final frontier.  May you be blessed in all of your travels in the outer and inner worlds.



Friday, October 4, 2013

Shutdown or reboot? The 5D perspective of current events in our world

     Currently in the USA there is a temporary shutdown of the Federal government due to political infighting between the two main political parties that make up nearly the total membership of Congress.  Through the first 9 months of 2013 we've seen a lot of "business as usual" in life, and a few things not so "usual".  Let's take a look at what is going on "out there" from a higher perspective.

     I've included this humorous picture of space to give us a reminder of perspective.  Often we are all so consumed with life and all that is going on that we forget that we are part of an elegant galaxy- the Milky Way, which is but one of innumerable galaxies in our known Universe.  While we are situated here on planet Earth life can seem a constant barrage of things pulling our attention further into the illusion that we are limited, vulnerable beings with little control or influence, yet this is not the case.
Well, you might be arguing with me as you read this, and arguing for one's limitations is something we all do to one degree or another.  We do it because it gives us the illusion of safety - we each create a known world where it is "safe" for us to exist.  However, if we really want to embrace our greater selves and become more then we are going to have to take some risks to creatively approach our life situation, for the future and our growth depend upon it.

     I address this to all of you who wish to be creators in your life.  If you are happy with what you have, then by all means celebrate that and be passionate about it!  If you, like me, feel the constantly prodded inner voice that says "there is more for you" then read on. 


     I am a metaphysician of sorts, a healer, a researcher and a teacher.  I enjoy observing life- from the  natural world to science and my own inner world.  My intention is to find easy and practical ways to heal and to promote the growth of consciousness.  As I do this, first for myself, then I am able to share it with others- just as you can too.  There's an old adage "If you really want to learn something, teach it to others."  To teach you must also know to some degree what it is you are talking about.  For the focus of this discussion let's dive into what has happened since the great marker of Dec. 21, 2012 to present.

     The Winter solstice of 2012 marked a shift acknowledged by millions of people that we are moving into some sort of a next step on the planet.  While many had wished it would be a dropping of the curtain on one stage and a brand new stage opening, it hasn't been that way.  No one has come to rescue us from ourselves, there has been no great sign in the heavens, and life has gone on much as it has, or has it?

     One major incident that comes to mind is the situation in Syria.  Here we had the USA poised to attack the regime due to evidence of a chemical weapons attack in Syria's civil war, a sad episode of man's inhumanity to man.  Yet, although poised to attack, cooler heads prevailed and a negotiated agreement was reached to address the problem without more war.  While things are far from resolved it does point to the possibility that the wanting of so many, including servicemen and women themselves- to not create more violence and bloodshed.  There are other incidents in the Middle East - Egypt, Iran and Israel have stayed at a simmer rather than exploding into all out conflict.  People are tired of war.  The only people that win in war are the arm's makers and the financiers.  Everybody else suffers!  In my own family line, my ancestors left for the USA in the late 19th century due to extensive political and military conflicts incited by czars, Kaiser's and other despots!

     So we now have 3/4 of 2013, year 1 of the new Age, and yet what has occurred?  Why hasn't it felt like more has changed?  I'll give you an analogy:  It's like we are re-booting our computer system after upgrading from one program to another.  The computer has to uninstall the old program, install the new program, then it has to re-start itself in order to commence.  Anyone of the millions of us with a PC will understand this, right?  In my research and my own inner wisdom I believe that we are now at a point where things will start turning on the "new" program- but don't look for it out in the world, for it is really occurring within you and I.  That is why healing is so important-it is the conscious recognition that we are the creators of our own reality, and taking 100% responsibility for that.

     What we have being acted out in the US government is part of that shift going on internally with the people of this country.  We are beginning to move to create a system that works in the new energy of the 5th dimension, while those parts that resonate with resistance to it put out their dramas of fear.  There are many discussions going on, on all levels of society and this is why there is so much uncertainty.  In this uncertainty we are all being challenged to go beyond our known worlds- in our personal lives, our families, our communities and country, and even the planet as a whole.  As I've said in previous articles- life will go on, there will be change, and in change we each set ourselves up for the opportunity to transform.  To transform is to embrace those highest aspects of being human that are now begging to be utilized within each of us.  Yet, it is still a choice. 

The coming months

     In my studies of what is "out and about" in the realm of personal growth, spirituality and metaphysics currently it appears that we are heading into a time when we will feel with more certainty the need to take a look at where we are heading.  As this re-boot takes deeper hold in the balance of this year and in the coming few years we will continue to see that we will not be able to rely on old 3rd dimensional structures of business and government. This does not however mean that there will be some collapse of society. All over the planet people have been persuaded for generations, even centuries - to put their faith and power in institutions outside of themselves, and for a long time that was a reasonable valid premise, but not any longer.  Remember, we do not exist in a vacuum- we are part of a grand play of consciousness known as the Universe, or Multi-verse and it operates and influences us here on Earth as well. 

     Insights received by others in this area indicate that we are slightly "behind schedule" maybe 10 yrs or so from where things could have been.  Another says there are merging points of several timelines coming together in coming months that could cause disruptions of one magnitude or another.  It's important to point out that we are focused as humans in a linear time frame, however the rest of Creation is not.  Still others who believe in the old prophesies are certain we are nearing the "end-times".  That is a peculiar fascination we've had for millennia, yet we are still here aren't we?

     In the immediate future we are moving into a New Moon on 10/5/13 that is all about the interaction of self vs. relationships with others.  Once again we can see how this is playing out around us.  So what can we do to promote the kinds of change that we wish to see in our lives and the greater world around us?


     As much as we have this lingering messaging that something outside of us will act upon us to create change, that is an old message of disempowerment.  Change does not occur from the outside, it occurs when each of us decide that we wish to change and we begin to take actions toward those changes.  It is a "bottom-up" approach vs. "top-down" approach.  Change leading to transformation requires that we connect our hearts and our heads and trust.  Any long lasting change that any of us does is because we have a passion for whatever we want- good health, good relationships, good employment, etc.  This is what healing is.  It is the desire to move into a better feeling state by believing we can have it, imagining it and cultivating it and then allowing ourselves to choose that which feels best in the moment.  Yes, there is much work to do, but it is work that will lead us to greater happiness and joy.

     I'm reminded of a quote from the great comedy actor Jim Carrey.  He said "I wish everyone could be rich, then they would realize that it's not the answer."  He started as a struggling actor, sleeping in his car and barely surviving until he created his big break.  He even wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 US that he kept in his wallet as a reminder of success until one day several years later he did receive that sum for one of his movies! I bring this up because first he had a passion for performing and second he was willing to use his imagination on a regular basis.  It is much like the Law of Attraction(a Universal law), that to which is of like vibration will be drawn to itself, for it is itself.

     The first step of healing is recognizing that there is a problem.  We have been too often been bombarded with so many negative messages from all quarters that we often barely have the energy to make it through our day or our week.  Now is that any way for a wonderfully powerful and creative being to live?  Become aware of what is upsetting your peace.  It might be an ache in your body, an argument with a family member or co-worker, or it may be watching too much of the "fear-porn" in the media in the form of so-called news or violent or negative TV shows.  Once you recognize there is something you wish to change then you can set about creating it.

     To create change means we each must plan a divergence from our current path.  If we wait for something outside of us to act upon us we are wasting valuable time-the present moment.  It requires us to engage our free will to choose something better.  I sense that a lot of the frustration people all over the world are feeling is that they are realizing that they have not exercised their power of choice very well for a long time and it is more difficult to begin.  Yet, if we do not begin then nothing changes, does it?  Many people hold a feeling that if they act from their hearts, their true desires, that they will be judged harshly or somehow excluded from the greater world around them, their social grouping, or be left in a state of impoverishment.  But now is the time to begin to take those risks!  We need many, many more people to begin to live the truth of their being and thereby show others that it is safe to do so.  When this momentum gains speed it will sweep a wave of change and new opportunities across the globe.  Remember what it was like before personal computers?  Life worked a certain way and now it's changed dramatically.  Even this humble blog I write is shared by people in many different countries across the planet, something that I myself wouldn't have been able to do even 10 years ago.  I feel we are poised for another breakthrough or even series of breakthroughs that will do even more in the coming years to unite us in a common purpose of living in peace and joy.  I know that many will scoff at that statement but don't bet against the ability of All that is - which is composed of light and love- to shine itself thru every heart and mind everywhere.  It might "take some time" - "some assembly required" as one of my teachers likes to say, yet it is there for us when we choose to allow it into being.

     Healing requires that we love ourselves first.  All parts of ourselves, or physical bodies, our hearts, our minds, and our spirits.  It is an ongoing process all of our lives.  Sometimes we may "take a break" yet eventually we will return to it because we came here to be creators, to act and not just be acted upon.  Work to keep your life simple during these times of change.  It is much easier to navigate through this when you are able to meet your obligations with energy left over to spare.  Trust that all will be provided - the world is a place of great abundance, choose that which feels best for you.  I leave you for now with a wonderful prayer.  As I write this today it is the feast day of St. Francis, an amazing saint who lived nearly a millennia ago.  Like the Buddha he was born to a wealthy family and gave it up to live his truth.  He was known for being so gentle and aligned with Nature that animals would prostrate themselves at his feet, and birds would land on his shoulders singing songs, wouldn't that have been something to see!

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

     Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
     Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
     Where there is injury, pardon,
     Where there is doubt, faith,
     Where there is despair, hope,
     Where there is darkness, light,
          and where there is sadness, joy.

     Oh Divine Master, grant that I may
     not so much seek to be consoled, as to console.
     To be understood, as to understand;
     To be loved, as to love;
     For it is in giving that we receive,
     It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

     And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

     To me this is one of the most beautiful prayers and it is one worth committing to memory.  Recognize that dying is not of the physical self, but to our old ways of being that leave us stuck in illusions.  May we gently release our illusions and come to the Truth of each of our beings.

Blessings to all of you,


Friday, August 30, 2013

Aloha 5-0, thoughts from my journey to Kauai, Hawaii and the past 50 years

Tunnels Beach-Kauai
       Recently I returned from vacation to lovely Kauai, dubbed "The Garden Isle", the western-most large island in the Hawaiian island chain.  I love places that are filled with natural beauty and decided to ring in the next decade of my life in a place many people consider to be a paradise on Earth.  Indeed in many ways it is that.  Each morning my beloved and I woke with the sun and were often some of the first people on the many beaches we explored.  It was very healing to be there and commune with nature, and nature spoke to me in many ways while I was there.  I had many different feelings- hope, excitement, happiness, concern, sadness and shock were some of them.  Allow me to explain and I will weave this in with this global transition into the 5th dimension that we are all going through, no matter how far off in a corner of the world we are existing.

     The Hawaiian islands are the most isolated island chain on Earth.  It is nearly 3000 miles (4800km) to the nearest continent.  Because of this life developed in unique ways here.  It is one of the most bio-diverse areas on the planet, with hundreds of species here found no where else.  Not much is known about who may have lived here before the Hawaiians arrived approximately 1700 years ago.  It may well have been unpopulated for thousands of years.  The island itself is about 80 million years old and is the oldest of the Hawaiian islands.  It is the remnant top of a giant volcano, one that would be one of the biggest mountains in the world if measured from the seafloor!  Each of the islands is the result of a moving crack in the earth that has subsequently produced the other islands as well.  In fact, a new Hawaiian island called Lo'ihi is currently forming off of the SE coast of the Big Island right now.  They say in about 10,000 years it'll begin to break the surface of the ocean! 

     Despite its isolation, nearly 8 million people visited on of the Hawaiian islands in 2012.  It is on many people's "bucket lists" to get there.  While I was there I met a few people who came nearly 40 yrs ago and never left!  Nearly everyone has to fly there- nearly 30,000 flights I estimate in that year alone.  Most enjoy the beauty, not realizing that there are threats to the continued existence of it's paradise beauty.  In some respects it is a victim of its own success as a tourist destination.  Without these visitors, much of the economy of the islands would collapse. That is part of the reason I'm writing this- to raise awareness in hopes of preserving this amazing land for future generations.

Along the Kalalau trail-Na'Pali coast
     We exist on the Earth and are part of it.  When we see something that is out of balance it is a reflection of our own imbalance with the planet.  It's not the other way around.  The Earth will always naturally come into balance on its own.  It is up to each of us to honor balance while we are here, to honor the elements, honor Nature and thereby be healed by them.  Many know this consciously or intuitively but few speak of it.   As we move forward we are being challenged as individuals and as a species to move to the next stage of our evolution on this planet.  To deny or ignore this is to miss out on a grand opportunity for growth.
     The world is changing on a grand scale not known in recorded history.  I did some research and discovered that when I was born there were 3.1 billion people on the planet.  Now there are nearly 7.2 billion!  That's a lot of people and a lot of commerce and mouths to feed.  Yet the planet provides for us food, clothing and shelter to varying degrees.  It is said with the food we throw away we could easily feed another couple billion, astounding!  I don't want to alarm you, in actuality birth rates are declining to such a point that in a couple hundred years the population will be a lot lower, even without war, disaster or disease.  We are at a watershed moment, a moment in time when many many souls have come here to be a part of this planet's evolution and their own personal journey.  Let's dream of creating and living in the best version of life on Earth that we can, ok?
     It can be scary to be becoming more conscious right now.  All one has to do is turn on the TV or read the news online of all the clamor that is going on - war, environmental degradation, corruption, etc. Once you are on that path, there really is no turning back.  What do we do?  First, take a deep breath and ground yourself into your body!  I am here to remind you that we all chose to be here, no one is a victim of anything in fact.  What is occurring is that we are being called to awareness of present life - the good and the bad, so to speak.  Even though we passed the 12/21/2012 marker it seems like not much has changed, yet we are changing, becoming more awake, more aware.  There is no going back into being unaware.  So you see, in my case I was able to see the beauty and the challenges facing the island of Kauai together. 
Ke'e Beach- where Hula began                                                                                                                                                                    
     Kauai and the other Hawaiian islands faces challenges like we all do.  There is no place on the planet one can go and not feel the changes, the whole planet is in change.  Now it is our choice to help it and ourselves as well to move into transformation.  On the island they have a TV channel devoted to showing the island and while watching it for a bit I learned that the reefs on the North Shore are endangered by a bacteria that is killing the coral.  They estimate that if this continues those reefs will be dead within 4 years.  The ph of the oceans is changing and pollution is part of it.  I also witnessed reefs dying in the Caribbean when I was in Roatan near the country of Belize six months ago.  The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is also similarly compromised.  Clearly there is a global change of the waters causing this.
     Second, the info channel did a segment on all of the plastic trash washing up on the north shore of Maui.  This trash is coming from the N. Pacific gyre, which is a massive swirling pool of plastic trash the size of Texas several hundred miles north of the islands.  It has been accumulating for decades and since it takes up to 500 years for some plastics to degrade it will be with us for a long time.
     Thirdly is the arrival of experimental GMO farming on the southwest side of the island in areas that used to grow sugarcane.  Because the laws are so lax (Hawaii is well known as a politically very corrupt state in the USA) these corporations came here and people are beginning to realize that they are dumping tons of pesticides that are said to be causing locals to become sick.  In an effort to fight back the citizens are pushing a law that says they have to at least disclose what they're spraying.  We saw a large protest along the main hwy. while we  were there, hopefully they'll be able to succeed to preserve healthy farming on the island!
      Lastly, but not least, is the threat to Hawaii from radioactive fallout from the Fukushima reactor in Japan.  Current models predict that the radioactive ocean water will be making it's way to the entire Hawaiian island chain in the coming months.  It has taken it 2.5 years to circulate across the ocean to the US mainland and now it is circling back west with the great northern ocean currents.  Reports are easily available showing that EVERY tuna caught off of the California coast is now contaminated by cesium radiation from this disaster.  That this isn't front page news and a global team isn't assembled to stop this from getting worse is beyond explanation.  It's quite clear that within a few years any fish from the waters of Hawaii and everywhere else in the north Pacific ocean will be contaminated - including Alaskan King Crab, ocean salmon, etc.  My advice is to stop eating seafood from this area immediately!
Above are two links to some of the information I've presented so that you can see it for yourself.  I am fairly sure that this is being covered up as if this news was widely known and acted on, tourism would decrease substantially, draining billions from the islands economy and making a severe dent in the airlines as well.
                                          Beautiful waters, beautiful land - Kauai 2013
     What can we do to help preserve and protect the amazing beauty of these far-off islands?  I know that what I have presented is difficult to acknowledge but it is true.  It's not just these islands, but most which are endangered by one or several of these factors.  We must remember "All rivers lead to the ocean".  Whatever we throw in will eventually make it to the ocean.  It is not supposed to be the world's garbage dump.   Here are a few suggestions of things you can do:
1) reduce your use of plastics.  Stop buying water in plastic bottles.  Instead by a refillable glass container with a lid on it.  They are available at many retailers.
2) don't purchase anymore products that have microbeads in them, such as exfoliating facial scrubs.  An average tube of this type of product has over 300,000 of these beads in them and they're showing up in the water in alarming numbers.  In 2012 it was reported that the Great Lakes contain 450,000 bits of these plastics in every square km of water!  They of course are in the oceans as well. 
3) Continue to wean away from the oil economy.  Use less plastic-take a reusuable shopping bag to the grocery store with you.  Here in Austin, TX they've made it a law.  Support similar initiatives in your community.  Consolidate car trips, or telecommute one or two days a month.  We have to get beyond this oil and plastic economy at some point, don't we?
4) Join an environmental organization.  There are many local and national groups working to clean up, preserve and create earth friendly legislation.  Some that come to mind in the USA are the Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Council, etc.  Get educated, read environmental articles about your region.  If something doesn't seem right, tell others.  Corporations are running rampant all over this planet with little regard that this is the only planet we have, and we are the only customers that they'll ever have.  It pays in the long run to be in harmony - those that continue with the old ways will have to change - we cannot continue on this road without regard for mother earth.  As I said, she will eventually come into balance once again, if we don't respect her then our descendants won't be around to see it as it's meant to be.
    My trip to Kauai took this unexpected twist.  Instead of just reporting on it's amazing beauty and the wonderful beaches I have had to look at the obvious challenges this place is facing.  I hope and pray that each of these challenges will be met and this part of the world will heal itself with help of all those that live there as well as those that visit.  May the spirit of Aloha be with you.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to create change in your life - Know your truth

     Welcome again dear readers to my latest post "How to create change in your life".  I have been working on this topic a lot lately because it is so key to what each of us wants to experience in life.  What I have been noticing more often is that we are being challenged to create in a new way now that we've moved into the 5th dimension and we all need some guidance as to how to recognize where we are at and where it is we want to go.  In fact I am writing this as much for myself in order to clarify all of the thoughts and beliefs I have in order to create change, so I am with you in this journey!

     We all know that life is a series of choices that we make, based on the beliefs we hold and the feelings we want to experience.  Life is not meant to be a struggle, yet often we find ourselves struggling to change.  It feels good when we are on our path, and less so when we are not, so why do we linger in lesser states of being?  Often it is because of fear.  While we can be constantly bombarded by fearful, negative messages from the world around us, we can choose to let that go for now and focus on our individual selves in the present moment. 
     The first thing we each need to do is look at our beliefs.  I would invite you to take an hour with yourself and write down as many beliefs you can think of.  They do not have to be all negative, for certainly many of your beliefs about yourself and the world around you are positive and are still serving you well.  So make two groupings of your beliefs:  one of those that are still serving you and you like, and another of those that are holding you back and/or are not serving you any longer.  It is important to examine your consciousness by writing these down as it makes it much easier to evaluate many things when they're on paper or computer screen. 

     Now that you've done this let's get into a discussion of the mechanics of this so we can get to the space where making a desired change is easy.  We've all had the experience of making resolutions, especially at the New Year, then a few day/weeks/months these have fallen away and we find ourselves doing what we've always done.  Why?  It is because we haven't examined the underlying beliefs we have and discarded the one's that would work to sabotage our intentions. 

     Our conscious mind is one of our greatest allies in creating change.  We are not at the mercy of our unconscious mind or outside forces- those can be easily overcome when we set up the conditions for our success.  Our ability to think and feel are our tools to move through this reality we call life.  In fact, conscious thought is essential.  Here's a quote from the book "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts.  In dictation Seth says through Jane " Your beliefs automatically attract the appropriate emotions.  They reinforce themselves through imagination;  and at the risk of repeating myself, because this is so important:  Imagination and feeling follow your beliefs.  It is not the other way around. "  You can see that by this statement, which I believe by the way, opens up the discussion around our personal beliefs as being THE place to look at first when we want to change.

     Most of us like to construct a life that is pleasing and comfortable to us- in other words somewhat predictable.  It gives us a sense of the familiar.  I wouldn't want to wake up each morning not knowing where my coffee cup was located, or where my toothbrush is!  Routines that we all perform to some degree are fine, and we feel safe in them because we do not have to think, we just know.  If we want to create change then we have to look into our life experience almost as an "observer" and see if that is fitting with what we now wish to have.

     What is making this a little more confusing is that we've transitioned into the 5th dimension and we're all trying to make sense of it based on old 3D thinking.  We've barely begun to scratch the surface of all that is now available to us, me included.  This new paradigm that we are all involved in creating - for anyone still in a body on the planet can work with this - is how to live our passion in what we choose to do.  Today there is the apparent epidemic of doing things out of "necessity" because we believe we have to- hence it is a belief!  There are literally billions of us working at jobs we do not like, or don't pay us enough to live our dreams.  By each one of us continuing along that path we continue to give energy to a paradigm that we do not want.  I am reminded of the character in the movie The Matrix who gives Mr. Smith information about the rebels in exchange for an illusory lifestyle of wealth and privilege.  He would rather live in the illusion than see the truth- in this movie it was that he was under control of the machines and used as a human battery. Yikes!

     Much the same way we can fool ourselves into thinking that we are living life by following our routines and prescribed pathways to abundance and security.  But then where is the passion, the excitement, the pleasant surprise?  We can have more of these moments in our lives, if we are willing to change.  Let's go further with this idea of change and how it's rooted in our beliefs. 

     In my discussions with Koranda et. al over the last several years I've come to begin to know and understand the concept of 3 continuums of consciousness that we work in with our beliefs.  They are the continuums of Care, Change and Transformation.  Each of these covers a vibrational spectrum of consciousness that we travel through with respect to our beliefs and choices.  All of these exist in the NOW and it is our choice as to which one we operate from.  The continuum of Care spans 2D-3D, Change 3D-4D and Transformation 5D.  From my experience it takes practice to know which continuum one is within and I will now provide some explanation of this to help you understand this interesting concept.

     The overall theme of the continuum of Care is the word "distraction".  Creation only comes to us based on the distractions we are involved with, such as TV, sporting events, Internet surfing, etc.  Distraction is a huge problem in the world at large.  Just watch in any public place like an airport or city street and you'll find people glued to their phones, even while walking!  While technology is helpful to us it can also lead to distraction and thereby take us out of the present moment, a key point because that is the only moment we can create within.  So be mindful when you are engaging in distraction! 

     The theme of the continuum of Change is "divergence".  Divergence occurs when you realize that you want something more from your life than you are now experiencing.  Instead of heading back into distraction, you realize that something has to change, so you begin to plan and take action in new directions.  What also is occurring is that moving into change you are having to feel more with your emotions.  You feel the dissatisfaction/satisfaction to a greater degree and this becomes a motivator for you to "pay attention" or become more conscious of what your self is telling you.  You begin to feel strongly about your belief of change and then you begin to take action to make it happen in your life.  Others see you in your new belief.  For example- you've been sitting on the sofa watching too much TV and you decide that you'd rather go dancing because you feel good doing it.  So you invite a friend or two to a local club and you dance!  You are then seen by yourself and by others standing in your belief that dancing is something you want to do, and change has occurred.

     The theme of the continuum of Transformation is "opportunity".  When we are fully within this continuum it is completely about living vibrantly and there is no fear allowed.  It's a great place to strive for, don't you think?  Continuing with the previous example, you are seen dancing and you find out that you're actually quite skilled.  You decide to enter a dance contest and you become the winner of it.  Because of that someone else notices you and you receive an offer to teach dancing.  The opportunity presents itself because you were willing to change and be seen it this new way and thereby you have a new result!  If you follow through you find yourself having become a respected dance teacher, a transformational event in your life!  You have also fulfilled your original intent to experience more dancing, isn't that grand?

     I explain this to you so that you can begin to monitor yourself about which continuum you are in and what your options are.  Sometimes it is very appropriate to be within the continuum of care because we need that for ourselves.  Maybe we are having an illness, loss of job or partner or other similar type of event.  In those times we can go into care deeply.  When we're in there it is a time to heal and to re-charge or replenish one's energy.  This is especially important for people who are in the healing professions as they can over extend themselves and find that they cannot continue without taking some time to care for themselves.  Sometimes people can stay within the continuum of care their entire lives.

     We come to life to have the opportunity to create what it is we want.  Even non-creating is a choice!  If we are to move into fully experiencing the love and joy that we are capable of then we have to make choices to change, the choices are what gives us the ability to connect to opportunity and transformation that comes from that unseen area of life that we just cannot "think" into happening.  We have to feel into it and make choices based on our individual truth- our beliefs.

     In closing, I cannot express enough how valuable it will be to take the time with yourself to write down and examine your beliefs.  Your beliefs form your truth as you know and experience it in your daily life.  If your life is lacking something then you know that you have moved into the continuum of Change and it is a good time to plan a divergence or two.  Also understand that the more you do this the more you'll uncover deeper held beliefs that no longer serve you.  Beliefs are like branches on a tree.  You have to start with the outermost beliefs and follow back down the branch so to speak until maybe you'll find a core belief that no longer works.  Once you've identified it you can change it, thereby cutting off the dead wood of beliefs that no longer serve you and allowing yourself to sprout new growth of an even healthier version of you.  It can be an intensely liberating experience of self-love to look at your life and see if it aligned with your truth and feeling empowered by the change you create.  I hope that this article has given you some fuel towards creating change, I know it has helped me.  As always I welcome comments and feedback.  You can reach me at: or on Facebook. 

     Have a lovely rest of the month- now that we are moving past some challenging astrological alignments it will be an excellent time to move forward once again to create in our lives. 



Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do not look back, the future is this way!

     Welcome, dear readers to the energies of June 2013, the current NOW time we are situated.  I've entitled this article "Do not look back" because it is apt for where we are in the timeline.  Above is a photo of a statue representing Lot's wife from Genesis in the Old testament as well as the Quran.  It is a wonderful parable that has been interpreted in a number of ways.  Allow me to offer my interpretation and then relate it to our present times.

     Lot and his wife were visited by two angels disguised as attractive young boys while living in the town of Sodom.  (the good 'ole Sodom and Gomorrah of ancient times).  Lot is described as the only virtuous man in that town and a true believer in G-D.  They warn him and his wife to flee because they town is to be destroyed for its wickedness.  After some persuasion he decides to leave and the angels warn him not to look back but to venture to safety.  He does do this and as he and his wife are fleeing, for some reason she stops to look back while the destruction is beginning, and is instantly turned into a pillar of salt!

     There has been a lot of debate as to the meaning of this event.  Without going into all of those debates  I will attempt to look into it as an allegory rich with symbolism.  This story is etched into the mass consciousness as a tome of good vs. evil.  The Old Testament was written at a time in human history when we were steeped deeply into 3rd dimensional consciousness - a time of clear distinctions of right and wrong, with no grey areas.  The message was if you crossed that line, then you were in defiance of the laws of G-D and were rightly obliterated.  Yet now we live in a time where the energies of 5th dimensional consciousness are taking root, and as I've said before, the 5th dimension is all about living in Love.  So why do we keep seeing things that aren't love all around us in our world?

     It is 2013, year 1 of the new Age as some have stated.  When we move from one Age to the next there is not an instant, sharp distinction.  It is about flow and direction.  Yes, we have successfully set the flow towards the opportunity to create as individuals and a world a way of being on this planet unrivaled in the annals of history.  But it does take work!  So be strong and do not become disheartened that things do not seem to be changing fast enough.  All of us are moving onward and awakening to greater conscious awareness of ourselves and of the world around us.  This is why we are seeing so much unpleasantness rear its ugly head at this time.

     I have a cat and in since we live in Texas I have to be on guard for fleas.  When I give him his medicine I don't expect that any rogue flea on him we immediately fall off dead.  It takes time for the treatment to work and by doing this we both have a happy life together!  If my vigilance lapses, then it is very likely that there would be fleas jumping all over him and in our house, not an outcome I want to attract.  The same goes for us here on Planet Earth at this time.  The Earth herself "Gaia" as I like to call her, has decreed that she will only operate in a 5th dimensional paradigm going forward.  She does not want to continue to endure the effects of all of the unbridled negativity that we humans have been inflicting on her, so she has made this choice.  Being that she is also in love with life and all of the creations upon her, including us, she does not want to see us exterminated like a bunch of pesky fleas.  Instead she wishes to celebrate the dream of peace and harmony among all her Kingdoms and therefore has set the stage for it to occur.  Now it is up to us to follow through.  In the meantime "remnants" of this negativity I speak of are appearing prominently in the news.  Let's take a look.

     The current news is awash with revelations of a whistle blower at the National Security Agency(NSA) and it's massive program to capture every piece of data on the planet and analyze it for supposed purposes of "thwarting terrorism".  If you believe this then I've got some lakefront property to sell you that's in the Sahara desert!  Sure, terrorist threats are a small part of this, but it runs much deeper than that.  It in essence in my opinion is the digital backbone of the so-called New World Order(NWO) that was about to enslave every person on the planet.  Outside of Washington and the circles of political wonks not many people had even heard of the NSA.  Oh, they've heard of the CIA, and others like MI-6 in England and KGB/FSB in Russia.  I'm sure there's also a large one in China too. 
     Most of these organizations sprouted during World War 2 and then just continued on from there, gaining momentum and influence over the last 7 decades to the point that their scope of powers is almost unbelievable.  This is not news to me, actually I've been quite aware of the NSA after reading a magazine expose' about one of their former leaders, retired admiral Bobby Inman, back in the early 80's while attending university.  It was also at that time that I dropped an interesting media communications class when the professor on the first day of class flatly told all of us that there were no more free media outlets and that everything had essentially been consolidated by a small group of corporations. (This was at the time of the ascent of Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner among others).
So for 30 years I've carried around the understanding that these instruments of control were fully functioning and influencing life and probably not for the best, but for their own interests. 

     The other thing I wanted to mention is the Monsanto issue.  This relates to all of the things that have been going on, especially since the early 80's w/ the growth of the bio-technology industry in regards to genetically modified organisms (GMO's), the uncontrolled use of toxic pesticides and over use of fertilizers, etc.  Currently, three companies- Monsanto, Syngenta and Dupont control approximately 78% of all the seeds produced and sold in the USA and perhaps many other countries.  It's been written about extensively and spread across social media(thank G-D for social media!).  It's quite simple, if you control the food, you control the people.  These companies are not benevolent administrators of the planet's resources that they could be, instead they are profit-driven conglomerates that operate out of the reach of any one government. 

    All in all, between these two issues that are currently "front and center" one can become really discouraged.  Both combined could be part of some massive plot in a fictional novel designed to terrorize, control and depopulate the planet!  Except it's not a novel, it exists.  Who are all of these people that participate in all of these enterprises?  What are there motivations?  Why is this going on?  Well, back to the beginning of our story.

     Remember Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt?  Well, the twist is that if we do nothing, then we will all be figuratively turned into salt, rendered inert to fully express our lives on this planet, which I might add is your birthright.  We are moving through a period where consciousness is rapidly awakening in millions of people, causing many to question if how they are conducting their lives is truly in their (and the planet's) best interests.  Second, as the story showed, Lot, who stayed true to G-D, was spared.  Let's translate that into current terms.

     Everything is energy.  There has been an increase in the vibratory rate of consciousness of the planet itself, and subsequently it is affecting all living beings upon itself.  Things of like vibration attract, and things of unlike vibration repel on another.  Each of us, in our own way, is having to respond to this paradigm shift and it is a learning process.  As we align with the higher vibration of Love that is the foundation of the 5th dimension we move into harmony with Gaia.  If we do not choose this, then we remain in the illusion that the old vibration is still sustainable, or even still exists.  It does not.  The small problem that we're facing is that we're such amazing creators that collectively we're still creating the illusion of the old paradigm!  Hence, we see the manifestations of that old paradigm of control being revealed. 

     Here's the trick.  We must begin to consciously focus on what we DO want to have in our world, such as peace, freedom from intrusive government, clean and nutritious food.  We must begin to give up the manifestations of our collective fear that have manifested an out of control economy.  Acknowledge what is there, but do not fight it.  By doing so you feed the fear energy that keeps it manifested.  It's kind of like the old adage "What if they had a war, and no one showed up?".  Instead, put your energy into supporting things you do want.  This is the way.  In the 5th dimension there can only be living on vibrant energy (l.o.v.e.)  Fear cannot exist.  So in the meantime we need to use the fear that we still feel as a tool of transformation by focusing energy to alter the result (f.e.a.r.).  Think of the world that you would want to leave to future generations and have your actions come from that place.  Know that the generations of young children now here and those that are now and will be born come pre-wired with a higher consciousness than you or I.  They know their birthright and will remember who they are and they will use their awareness to help guide us all further into this Age.  In the meantime you and I, the ground-crew as I like to imagine, must continue to use our power of free will and choice to stand resolute that we know we are anchoring 5th dimensional consciousness within ourselves. 

     Old paradigms are breaking down faster than we can process.  What has gone cannot be created again.  We must each in our own way tap into our passion, our creativity to find new ways of living and experiencing love.  To stay in the old ways is to eventually end up like Lot's wife.  Trust that you can and you will find your own wise guidance within that will lead you to the land and the life of your greatest dreams.  Do it one day at a time, one moment at a time, for the NOW moment is all we ever have.

I wish you well on your journey.

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

DNA- Change your beliefs and transform your life, a nod to epigenetics and Angelina Jolie

DNA-the code of life

     As a healer of change, I am often looking at ways to express ideas that will open up possibilities for transformation in our lives.  Today I want to discuss the idea that we are far more capable of change than we realize, and that change can occur with the basic building blocks of our physical existence, our DNA.  It's been about 60 years since the double helix structure of DNA was first identified in the laboratory and it has led to lots of scientific inroads, some beneficial and some that are questionable at best.  DNA is a complex conglomeration of codes that are the blueprints of all organic life on Earth.  For many years we've been told that "biology is destiny", but is that really the case?

     We know that human DNA is composed of approximately 3 billion pairs that are then expressed as 46 chromosomes.  Quite a lot, don't you think?  Well don't get too excited, we share 97% of the same DNA as a banana,  a good reminder not to take ourselves too seriously eh?  That brings up an interesting point.  It appears that the same DNA can express itself quite differently depending on what's encoded.  As far as I am concerned, it is the most incredible building block of life! 

     Why can change feel so difficult, let alone the concept of transformation?  I believe it is because we are addressing change at a superficial level.  Perhaps we change a few habits, and then after a while it seems as if everything has fallen back to the way of being we are trying to change.  It can lead to a lot of frustration and discouragement.  It may sometimes feel as if we are consigned to a certain way of being and living, when we know that there is so much more to live and experience.  There are many speakers and healers that work with people to overcome these blocks, yet I imagine that their success is much less than they would like.  So how can we address the desire to move forward and up the spiral of our life?  I think that we need to take a look at our beliefs and combine that with practices that embrace our potential for transformation through accessing our greater selves.  Let's take a deeper look at this.


     In the diagram above you will see a representation of the etheric body.  It is a field of energy that is closest to our physical selves and is a "double" of the body itself.  In Hindu literature it is known as the Pranamayakosha, which translates to "vehicle of prana", prana being the breath.  All life is activated through the breath- a combining of seldom seen energy through the chakras, to the trillions of cells which compose our physical selves.  These cells act and respond to this etheric energy.  We can also act on the etheric body by improving the physical health as well.  In this discussion we will focus on how to interact with the etheric body to create change.

     It is relatively easy to see the etheric body if your ajna(6th) chakra is somewhat activated.  The best way is to go into a completely dark space, relax your eyes and breathe. Hold your hands in front of you while you continue to breathe.  After a while you'll begin to see light grey or white sparks radiating around your fingers.  It's very fun and gives you an appreciation of part of the energy field that you are.

     Healing through working on the etheric body is spiritual healing and affects us not only in this physical dimension, but also in the spiritual dimension.  We come from the energy of the spiritual, we are differentiated energy while here in the physical and we will return to the spiritual upon our exit from this life.  We ARE energy and our goal is to become more conscious of this so that we can create what we wish to in this life.

     The healers that work today are each focused to some degree on healing various aspects of fear.  Fear is represented by blockages to the flow of energy.  These blocks are not random, but arise from the need to learn how to flow energy, be it on the level of physical healing, emotional healing or mental healing.  All of these are rampant in our society so there is a great need to find ways to assist people.  To heal means to assist the energy of the Now/totality to access us more fully in living our lives.  One of the main benefits of healing is that we will get greater access to co-creatorship with the non-physical or spiritual dimensions of self in our lives.  Things like miraculous healing, synchronicity, unexpected opportunity and others are experiences one will invite more of into one's life when we decide to heal.

     When a person grasps that fear is a tool of living only vibrant energy of the 5th dimension they will be able to re-pattern their beliefs about their life and their etheric body will heal.  This will in turn affect the physical body at the DNA level causing a healing of whatever the focus is in the body.  There is a catch, though!  As a person confronts the manifestations of fear in their life they must come to a point of making the decision to incorporate the belief that they are responsible for all that is present, and in their ability to change it.  One cannot truly heal without going thru a change in their self-concept and be able to accept responsibility for a higher vibrational choice/shift. 

     Now on to epigenetics and what it means.  Epigenetics is the study of how genes express themselves.  It has been described as the genes are the hardware and epigenetics is the software.  Science is beginning to realize that biology is not destiny alone.  Our scientific understanding of genetics is in its infancy at present.  Metaphysical oriented teachers have said that DNA is much greater than the observable portion and have postulated that we actually have 10 more strands of it than the two we know about.  Why is this so?  It's said that these other portions exist in a vibration beyond what we can measure with instruments, that they are multi-dimensional in their nature.  Even the part that we do know about scientists can only ascertain that a small percentage is doing the work of creating and the rest is labeled as "junk".  In my opinion epigenetics is the awakening that there is a force of energy under our control that we can direct to ourselves to create what it is that we want for ourselves.  We are witnessing an unfolding of awareness of human potential through science and spirit, what a great time to be alive!

     Why is this occurring?  It is happening because we have shifted into the 5th dimension and continuum of transformation.  This is huge, because we are now at the doorway to undreamed of possibilities and we are all doing our part to learn about it and bring it into our lives.  As we heal we release what no longer serves us, namely outmoded beliefs.  By examining our beliefs and bringing them to our awareness we are able to further the process of change and ultimately transformation of our potential to express.  We must remember that we're living life at only 5-10% of our potential right now, so there is plenty of room for improvement!

     As I have been preparing this article the news has been covering Angelina Jolie's preemptive double mastectomy.  Her decision was in part based on genetic markers that indicated she had a high probability of getting breast cancer, as well as her own experience watching her mother slowly die of that disease.  Obviously there was a lot of fear around this situation for her, and rightly so, as the incidence of breast cancer has been soaring in recent decades.  Fear was her motivator for action.  It would be interesting to see how the story might have played out in a version where she could come to the awareness that her fear could be a tool for utilizing the vibrant energy of 5D consciousness to not create cancer in her life.  Emotional discord is always a prelude to physical manifestations of illness.  Cancer is a malfunctioning of cell replication that goes on all of the time in the body, and is usually at such a low level that it does not affect one's health.  It is only when things go really awry that it becomes life threatening.  Just because other family members that share your genetics manifest a disease does not mean that you will.  You may have a higher probability of having it happen, and I believe that if you work to create optimal conditions of wellness for yourself emotionally and physically you can literally turn off the pathways that will allow cancer or any other disease to manifest.  Always remember that You have the power to heal.  Doctors, spiritual healers, counselors, etc.  can assist you with your process if you like but in summation it is your decision. 

     In closing I want to remind you that you can heal your life.  The spiritual dimensions of your being stand ready to assist you.  It is all about the evolution of consciousness while being in a body.  There are lessons to learn and you can choose them through the active use of your intelligence- not just your mind, but your heart and your spirit.  You are not a victim, nor do you have to be a martyr.  Just take that next step for yourself to open up to the belief that you can create a life of health and happiness, it is all you need to choose.  Be brave in going into the unknown of your potential for there is where total prosperity in all realms resides.

