Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Anticipation and trepidation- the U.S. election of 2020


     It is the time of the Presidential election in the United States, a time when the citizens of this country can have their voices heard through the voting process, and a new leader is selected.  In fact, many leaders are chosen at the local, state and Federal level at this time.  Sadly over the last several decades voter participation has been low, rarely exceeding 60% of eligible voters in the last 60 years, however with the intense focus upon what has occurred since the last election in 2016 citizens are now taking this process more seriously.  Voter turnout is expected to reach a new high, despite many barriers put in place to make it more difficult to vote.  There are also many messages being blared at all that even continue to dissuade people to even want to vote, nonetheless the process continues and in the coming days and weeks the results of this will become known.

     There is both anticipation and trepidation for most people at this moment in time for what the outcome will bring.  Many have lost faith in government and its ability to serve and protect the interests of the people, not only in the U.S. but in every country on Earth.  You see, humans are perfectly imperfect and we tend to make a lot of mistakes as well as some good choices as we go along through life.  It is inevitable as we are a species in evolution and that is what happens.  This evolution isn't so much physical as it is one of evolution of consciousness, of awareness.  We have hypnotized ourselves over the centuries into a collective belief that we are separate from the Source of our being, of all that is for that matter and we have created a world culture that has reflected that collective belief.  Many feel that this is all that we can do and we are fated to repeat it into eternity, with perfection allotted only to the afterlife in a surmised Heaven.  

     Most people realize that whoever wins these elections, life will go on.  There will be new laws enacted, new policies promoted.  Some will work and some will fail.  It is as it has been for as long as any of us have been alive.  Yet, there is something different happening in the midst of this merry-go-round of life we have been experiencing.  The intensification of pressures via the amplification of media in the internet age along with the ongoing situation of the Coronavirus pandemic has pushed things into a range of frequency that is pushing on people emotionally, physically and mentally to the maximum.  This again is not just a U.S. issue but a global one.  When will things return to some degree of normalcy and what is the path that we take to get there?

     Now I would like to provide you with some words that may give you insights into what is happening underneath the babble of the marketplace of ideas.  If you have read any of my prior articles much of this will be review and re-affirmation of what I've written previously,   however it needs to be stated once again.  Humanity has collectively agreed at a higher level (etheric) to move beyond the old paradigm and embrace the unknown of a template of being in a higher form of expression.  This I have termed the 5th dimension and I have been made aware that elements of 6th dimensional aspects are also available.  While books could be written about this higher frequencies, it will serve to say that abiding in these realms means giving up fear as a motivation for existence and operating exclusively in the frequency of love.  Love being the acronym:  Living on Vibrant Energy.

It seems that getting everyone on the planet to agree to live without fear is an impossibility.  We see it constantly and it permeates nearly every aspect of life.  Moving beyond fear is not the province of the current consciousness of most of us, but it is the purview of the True Self/higher self that each of us has.  This part of ourselves is steadily moving into our conscious awareness and will assist us in remembering what we have forgotten so long ago.  While it may seem a fairy tale to most, it will reach those most ready to receive it first and they will catalyze others and so on until it has reached every being on the planet.  In a way it could be called a benevolent "love virus".  Instead of being forced on us, we will choose to accept and embrace it because it is needed now in order to exist in the new paradigm that is presently unfolding all around us.

     For many there has persistently been the notion to return to an older, known way of being.  Even if it is filled with inconsistencies many will prefer that to facing the unknown and its potential gifts and blessings.  "Now, the new comes at the cost of the old.  You have been taught this, and you are seeing it happening around you now.  You want to return to what you knew, but we must tell you that what you knew will no longer be, and any attempt to re-create the old in these times will be similar to creating a sandcastle upon a shore.  The waves we expect will continue to come and collect its history and bring it back to itself, the wave you can see of as God re-collecting itself, itself made manifest in all things that it has been denied in.  In other words, friends, God is not denied, and cannot be denied any longer."  In other words, everything manifest is part of God, All that is, whatever you wish to term it.  And now it is being re-collected and re-known in the higher frequency of love, including every one of you and I.

Reality isn't real 

     The reality that you and I have been living in, the one we read about in history books, isn't actually true reality.  It is a construction of human thought born in the belief of separation, and the truth is:  There is no separation.  While this again may seem to be a wild claim, it will be so that the truth will be revealed.  Again I will quote:  "We will put it to you this way.  The evidence of the denial of God is what you have claimed, your sense of separation from the True Self, from the Divine in others, from the Source as of all things.  You have done this collectively, and each one of you, know it or not, is participatory to this claim.  The collective creates reality.  The individual contributes to it.  But you are all operating in a field that is dense, and you manifest in it.  The wave that comes is the reclamation of the Divine, and the sandcastle is the metaphor for anything that is not built on firmament, and in this case firmament is truth.  So any idols you have created, ways of deciding what God is or should be, that are not in truth are now being disassembled.  Even the idea of rule that you have all been party to since you created the first king, the first leader of the tribe, is being re-known, all things made new."

     "Now, the idea of this being a destructive act must be re-understood.  Indeed the sandcastle is being returned to the sea.  The sand is still present.  What created the castle can be re-known, built anew, and built on firmament.  This will be so.  It will be so.  This is not the end, but it is a beginning, and each beginning implies a release of that which has impeded the new  beginning or announcing itself.  One is not a mother until she gives birth.  One is not a father until he has progeny.  The man is still the man, the woman the woman, but they are made new through the act of parenting.  Do you understand this?  This is being made new through a new occurrence."

     So what I am alluding to is a re-knowing of what is means to be a human, what it means to  perceive as a human and how that will upgrade the potential for humans to create going forward.  Be in the world but not of it might be a good reminder as each of us experiences this moment of life.  Without this shift in awareness and the subsequent new realization, humanity would be on the path to destroy itself, and that is not what is going to happen.  It may seem like that for a while, just remember and realize that it is the de-construction of what no longer serves.  Nobody said that moving to realization or higher potential would be easy or convenient and it certainly feels that way to me and many others, correct?

Live through intent, live through your love

     As the old adage goes, "the longer I live, the less I know".  While we certainly know more as we get older, it begins to dawn on us that there are limits to knowledge.  Knowledge is based on an understanding of the past, and this will not serve us well in understanding the unfolding unknown in our present.  Each of us possesses things, thoughts that we know to our core and don't need to question.  This is what knowing is about.  It is time to cultivate allowing that part of self to be developed and relied upon.  You may call it intuition, gut feeling, and other things and it is a valid part of self.  

     Many of you know that intent is more important than result.  Result is never guaranteed, but we can always guarantee our intent in our actions.  Combining intent with love allows you to express your truth in the best way you can.  Fear cannot enter this equation.  As it has been said, "There never was a lie that wasn't told in fear".  

     When in doubt or fear, sit for a moment and take a few deep breaths.  This will get you back into your center, your truth.  Collect yourself, then act.  Avoid the temptation to react, because that is always the domain of fear.  Each of us must build an awareness of the grip fear has upon us before we will consider taking action in the direction of love.

Go forth and live your truth

     In this election season we are asked to cast votes for who we believe in, in order to elect candidates that will serve us in creating a more perfect Union.  Our Constitution in the United States is an incredible document and some say that it was divinely inspired through the framers.  It is hard to see that we could create anything nearly as long-standing with the women and men of today.  Yet, humanity and all its expressions is a living story and each of our inputs is important, no matter how seemingly small it is.  The more we each can express our support for love in our homes, our communities or the ballot box is a step in realization of our true potential.  As it says on the money we carry with us "In God we Trust".  It will be so.  God is.  God is.  God is.

*All quotes are from the Guides via Paul Selig/10/21/2020.