Thursday, March 23, 2017

Your purpose in times of great transition is to be present to You


 There is no doubt that we are living in times of great transition.  Everything is changing, socially, politically, in the environmentally and energetically.  In order to maintain our sense of stability during these times we are going to have to go deeper within ourselves to get the support and assistance we will be needing.  Let me illustrate.  I received the title to this article while brushing my teeth.  Why is that important?  It was in that moment I relaxed my thinking mind and then the idea appeared in my mind without me consciously trying.  It's that type of connection that we all possess and can and do use.  It is that intuitive sense that we can cultivate in order to assist ourselves to answer some of the big questions we may have for ourselves:  "What is my purpose?"  and "Why am I here?" I am going to offer you some of my thoughts and insights with the hope that they will assist you in moving your life forward in a way that pleases you.  I believe that the more happy and engaged people we have on this planet, the better life will be for us all, wouldn't you agree?

     There is no one alive who did not agree to come into a body and exist here, in this time and space.  Apparently a lot of beings have thought this to be a good idea, given that the population of the planet has doubled to over 7 billion persons in the last 50 years.  No one is forced to come to Earth, as there are many places and ways for a soul to develop.  While these aren't usually in our awareness while we are here, they nonetheless do exist.  For the purpose of this discussion we will focus on the fact that we are here, in a body, existing in early 21st century planet Earth.

     One of the first things I heard from a non-physical guide was that we come to the planet for "learning and fun".  I also believe that in the process of learning and fun we are also moving further on our paths of evolution.  Evolution of what?  Evolution of our awareness of who and what we really are.  No there's no doubt that we learn things while we go through life.  We learn to not touch a hot stove, or not drive recklessly for example.  We become more aware of what is truth and what is a lie by experiencing the energies and consequences of both.  Some of our learning is enjoyable, and some of it is quite painful, yet it all serves us.   We each grow and develop a way of being that suits our individual expression and mission for ourselves.  We make mistakes, that is unavoidable.  We also experience successes.  The life of being human is a rich tapestry of experiences because we have a complex interaction of distinct physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves all involved in our lives.  These aspects are also interacting with our Higher Self/Divine Self aspect which is coming more to the forefront of all of our lives as the vibratory rate on Earth continues to climb.  This vibratory increase is ushering in an enhanced awareness of higher consciousness- higher purpose, and higher expression of our spirit while in form.  Just as people a thousand years ago didn't act the way that we do now, of course in a thousand years hence humans will be acting from an even greater expression than we do today.  The opportunity of life is to experience moving ourselves into greater states of knowledge and greater states of love.

     There is a distinction between one's purpose and one's goal that I want to introduce you to.  It was recently brought to my attention and it merits consideration because it is felt by us all.  Over the last decade or two there has been an increasing feeling by many to "find their purpose".  This is a call that many are hearing that is coming from their soul energy via the strengthening connection we are claiming to our higher selves.  We are beginning to listen and this is a good thing.  Many are seeing and experiencing that the paradigm of life that has been presented up to this point is no longer working for them.  The rate of change that is occurring is creating many stresses upon people and nations to find new ways of creating, and the planet supports those that are in the higher vibration of present times.  One's purpose, in essence, is the activation of one's specific gifts and intents from the "soul-side" of existence into manifestation in our human lives.  It is bringing more of the energy of who we truly are, into action in our bodies and in present time.  This seems straight forward and simple, correct?  Well then, why is it so difficult for most of us, most of the time?  It is because of the present human condition, which brings in the concept of "goals".

     One's goal and purpose do not automatically correspond in a life.  I suppose that is part of the reason why we experience many lifetimes.  We may study an issue through different perspectives of many different lifetimes because that is most helpful to us.  This is a question not easily answered from this side of the veil as we have all agreed to experience life and put the "blinders on" from our remembrance of our true state so that we can immerse ourselves in "being human".  One's goal or goals in life may often be at odds with our purpose, because the goal comes from the human side of our existence and is shaped by what we experience as we go through our lives.  My belief is that pursuing our life purpose will lead to more enrichment and fulfillment than if we decide to only meet our human goals, however this means we are each going to have to take some risks.

     In general we pursue our goals in order to feel powerful, accepted, admired and loved because of what we have accomplished or what we possess.  Such things could be a career of perceived high status and/or income, an attractive partner , a beautiful place to live, etc.  Culture says that these things will lead to acceptance and fulfillment.  Yet, there are many who have achieved some or all of these and are still unhappy and even miserable.  (Some are quite happy too.)  I believe that it depends on the intent and the maturity of the person who created it.  We have created a world where millions are racing towards these ideals and completely pushing aside their inner calling because it does not speak to them as loudly as what they see before them.  The curious thing right now is we are at a point where change is going to occur on a global scale because the entire paradigm has shifted to a new level of possibility, one not fettered by past history.  Although it is difficult to see, it is beginning to show itself if you look beyond the tired old dramas still seeking your attention.

     One's purpose, I believe, is about bringing forth one's innate gifts and sharing them in the world in order to create something new, something better, and something more aligned to what is, rather than what has been.  Everyone has gifts to share, there are those who are great leaders, teachers, technicians, engineers, artists, healers to name a few.  Some are living their purpose by creating loving families for children of high vibration to be born into and nurtured.  Some work with the Earth herself to protect and promote harmony with the natural world.  Purpose to me is what makes your heart sing and gets you excited to meet each day.  There is a prosperity that comes from living purpose that cannot be easily measured in terms of money, yet it is often more valuable because it cannot be bought.

Your purpose is tied to partnership

     Partnership or relationship is key to any purpose.  There are fundamental things we take for granted in our reality that have been created for this to even exist in this way at all.  First, time and space are provided.  The experience of linear time is only part of this dimension of life while we are here.  You have been provided a body.   You have been gifted with memory.   These are just a few things that most everyone takes for granted yet are not universal in scope.  For example, good luck fulfilling your purpose living on Jupiter, it just won't work!  We are very much part of the Earth environment, not apart from it.  So firstly, your relationship is to this planet.

     Second, your partnership is with other beings on the planet- family, friends, business associates, romantic partners, etc.  This is where much learning comes from as we attract or repel those by the way we are holding our vibration.  Doesn't it feel very good when we are around those we are aligned with?  Doesn't it feel less so when we interact with those who do not agree with or may even oppose us because of the way we express our truth?  It is through interaction with others that our purpose is fulfilled.  Being human implies that there are going to be connections made between people and energy shared.

     Thirdly, your partnership with the Creator within you is most vital.  Creation can be as simple as performing an action such as making a sandwich, all the way up to performing seeming miracles!  Yes, we all possess that range of creation, yet we rarely test its limits.  Now with the increased vibratory rate on the planet it is only a matter of a short while until people will engage the possibilities and create things in partnership with their creator that would not have been conceived of even a few years ago.  The future will not be based upon the past.  Expect the unexpected and be excited!  It is our strong and active connection to our own creator energy that we are able to achieve our purpose.  Bringing our inner creator online means we are to some degree connecting to our passion.

Purpose is connected to passion

     There is no doubt that one's purpose is always connected to feeling good.  If you want to make more room for passion to enter your life, make an inventory of the things that aren't giving you a good feeling state and start to reduce or eliminate them from your life.  By doing this you will create space for yourself because you have freed energy that you were pouring into these things, people or situations.  Then you will feel a gap or a void, as you now have extra time and energy.  This is the point of change and choice.  This is where you take the risk to choose something new, over repeating old patterns.  Take some time to imagine the happy results of your new actions.  This is time well spent.  Some say we spend more time planning our next vacation than planning on where we are going to choose with our lives- something we live every day.  We all have a tendency to want things to be safely predictable, however these are not the times we are living in, is it?

     Passion is first felt by you, then is expressed in the world as you choose.  It is a great demonstration of self love to indulge yourself in connecting to the things that make you feel alive.  It is about us creating for ourselves an acute consciousness of the present moment, and truly living within it.  Passion is always about being present.  It does not exist in the past or the future.  You may be passionate about a future event, yet you are always feel it in the present moment.

  The next step is to explore increasing the energy you put into things you know and like, and also beginning to explore new things that are unknown to you now that you may be curious of.  In a manner of speaking you are cultivating your thoughts and actions and consciously refining what brings you the best feeling state.  Question your habits.  Are they serving you or are they just a way of keeping you safe from feeling the cues and signals from your body or emotions that it is time to do something else?  Become a master gardener of your own state of being.  The journey and how we hold ourselves while we are here is as important as the destination.  Acknowledging yourself daily, then hourly, then in every moment is a great practice that opens up greater love and greater knowledge, all experienced in the present.

Evolution is happening now

     By being here we are all participating in evolution.  This happens regardless of whether we want it or agree to it or not.  Your agreement is your physical presence on the planet right now, in the energies of 5D.  Everyone is moving forward because they choose to remain on the planet.  There are many who are choosing to leave.  Humans have a wide latitude about how long they will stay.  Much of this happens unconsciously but it does hinge upon how well people are harmonizing with the increases in frequency of energy now here.  As I have written many times before, the 5th dimension is about a frequency of vibrant energy that is all about love, not fear.  The more we align ourselves to love, the easier it gets.  Be mindful of any lower energies of fear that you allow into your awareness and know that you can choose differently.  All you need to do is start listening to yourself and bit by bit you will be able to align yourself with the well-being that is your birthright.

     I'll leave you with this quote from a favorite book of mine called "Living with Joy" by Sanaya Roman.  Take some time to ponder it as you consider a new view of what your purpose might be.
"Everything you have right now in your life, you created from the past.  Everything you have from here on out can be created at this moment, and it can be created differently.  You do not need to know specifically what you will do today or the next day.  You can start by BELIEVING that you do have a purpose, a concrete purpose, and you can begin by asking it to unfold for you."

We're not all here for the same purpose, life is a very individualized journey.  We are all here experiencing our lives as we stand in amazing changes.  Take that next step knowing you are doing it for you, and by loving you more you will also make this world better than it was.  You are the gift.  Please unwrap yourself and celebrate!

Until next time, be well



Friday, March 3, 2017

How to move into change, in the energies of now

     It is clear that we are in the midst of times of great change in our outer world.  Today I would like to address the issue of change in our own personal lives, something that is near and dear to each of us.  My assumption is that change is best served when we consciously choose it for ourselves, rather than let it be dictated by people and events outside of ourselves.  We have little to no control over those inputs, except to how we respond to them, and often we can respond with dismay, or even anger.  However, when we are the instigators of change in our own lives, we can feel a sense of empowerment and satisfaction that far exceeds anything imposed on us by outside circumstances.

     Change is essential if we are to transform, to evolve ourselves in this life.  It can be exciting, it can be scary, and it often does elicit a lot of emotion within us.  Often these emotions can freeze us in the habit of sameness, yet even that state is not perpetual and often it is rather very low energy.  In my own observations of my life and the lives of others we are all subject to the tendency to not often embrace change.  Most of us seem to chart of course of occupation and personal lives that are steeped in habit.  As long as we are able to provide a certain level of comfort and stability often times we lapse into this unconscious habit of not changing.  This is a world-wide phenomenon, part of the human condition I suppose.  Perhaps this is why we are often so fascinated with those who dare to take risks and achieve public acclaim for their exploits.  Our media is saturated with stories of those who have gone beyond the safe confines of regularity and achieved new heights in business, politics, entertainment, science, etc.  What is often not as well known is that few are "overnight" successes.  When I have listened to in-depth interviews of some of these people there are long stories of many twists and turns, seeming setbacks and perilous recoveries that preceded their arrival at success.

     In human life there are three stages of energy that we all go through, which I label as continuum's of energy.  Each builds to a higher octave leading us forward and upward on the spiral of evolution.  They are the stages of care, change and transformation.   If our desire is to become more of who we really are in this lifetime we must address change.  You may find yourself straddling two of these stages at once, there are not distinct lines of separation between them.  No matter where you are in the process,  if you are reading this then you are considering change and that is a good thing.  How do we know where we are at?  Check in with your feeling state.  If you are ill or suffering from something depleting you are are probably mostly in the continuum of care.  If you are now feeling fairly well in your body and emotions and yet restless, you are probably hearing the call "there is more".  I would say that you are now a "step-up" into the continuum of change.  Celebrate this, it is the space you have created for yourself!  Now, what do you want to do with it?

     Change in its highest form I believe, is based on our own greatest dreams for ourselves, put into action and lived out to its fullest expression.  To do more, to be more, to whatever degree you can envision for yourself is the path to your joy in life.  This is not about comparing yourself to others-that is one of the greatest pitfalls of modern society that has been put on us and reinforced by everything we see around us in our electronic media.  I urge you to cast that aside and just be true to yourself while you are in your process of change. This requires a bit more examination of your dreams to make sure that they are coming from your heart and not from purely a place of egotism, although even in that energy there will still be things to gain learning from.  You and I, my dear readers, are aiming to get the absolute most out of our lives, right from where we presently find ourselves, yes?  If so, then let us proceed.

      That what has been, can no longer be created now

     Take in the above statement for a while, even say it out loud if you need to.  There is deep truth within it.  Why?  Because we are in the midst of a vibratory upgrade which I term the 5th dimension.  It has (according to my sources) been in effect only since the beginning of this century, and it is not going to go away.  It is a blessing and a challenge because now creative activities of beings on Earth are open to create in an entirely new and expanded way of expression heretofore not known in history.  I know that this may seem presumptuous to many, however I have taken it on as part of my service to continually announce this to those who have the eyes to read and the ears to hear.  With this new energy any of us who are willing to go into the unknown parts of ourselves will draw forth aspects and abilities that have up until now lain dormant or hidden.  They are now being revealed to each of us as we are willing to go forward into becoming more of who each of us is.  This sounds exciting to me, how about you?

     Change is about movement

     As we can see from recent elections in the USA and UK for example, there is a great desire for change.  No one can deny that there is a lot of movement going on within the spheres of government and business presently, and people are reacting in all sorts of ways.  This movement however is not what I am speaking about for us.  I am speaking about our individual desire for change and claiming our individual power in order to create what we want from life.  It always begins with one person.  If we are going to experience our prosperity and our potential, we must be willing to change and to risk failure in the short run.  After all, failure is good information because it will always teach us something we did not know previously, correct?

     Why can't I just be?  I know I have asked this question repeatedly for years.  Being implies a static state where one is satisfied with one's circumstances as they are.  And while that may work for a long while, eventually what I label "divine discontent" will surface in your awareness, beckoning you forward into  the next step of your journey.  Allow me to place a further definition to the word Be.  Be is actually not a static state in the least.  The acronym I have for it is:  Becoming eternity.  Everything is in a state of becoming, is it not?  We know that the visible universe is in constant motion, everything is always moving and changing, so the old definition of the word be is in actuality an illusion.  Yes, there is nothing wrong with taking a rest, taking time before once more moving again.  My assertion is that life on this planet is all about movement.  So then let us embrace change and get on with our journey's next chapter, shall we?

More love/becoming eternity

     Why do we want to change?  In its simplest it is to become more, to experience more in our lives.  In other words, more love.  This is driven by that spiritual being of consciousness within us, the part which is connected to our Higher Self/Soul that is in this body in this lifetime.  The challenge is that we are also blessed with physical, mental and emotional bodies which are more apt to work towards keeping things the same, not embracing change willingly oftentimes.  This is the conundrum of being human, having to deal with seemingly opposing forces and having to each make sense of this in our lives.  It's quite easy to see that some of us are more emotionally driven for example.  Others are more mentally driven, and lead their lives from a place of thought.  The challenge is for each of us to balance the energy of these beings, our inner family I like to say, so that we don't stand in our own way in the unfolding of our lives.

    These aspects, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual combine within each of us to form self.  The acronym for self that I have is this:  Seeing Eternity in the Living Flesh (SELF).  I've mentioned eternity and to simplify that word you can substitute the word energy.  We are energetic beings.  We live in a world of form that is also energy expressed at a certain vibratory level.  Many of us have seen that when we look at things at the sub-atomic level they appear as mostly empty space.  So we are seeing with our eyes and experiencing with our senses only a partial out-picturing of what reality is, and we can be easily drawn into the conclusion that this is all there is.  This is the illusion.  So wanting change allows us to move forward in whatever manner we choose in order to incorporate more of the vibration of love (which is a frequency) into our lives.  It then translates into the feelings and experiences that are the out-picturing in form that we can understand.  Such results are health, peace, joy, happiness, fulfillment and other similar states of being.

Change is healing to you

     It is said that the surest sign of insanity is to keep doing things the same way expecting a different result.  If you are desiring to change something in your life, you are going to have to 1) release things, people or patterns that aren't serving your desire, and 2) Bring in new elements to your life, 3) Realize that you are in charge of this.  It's not your partner, not the government, not your place of work that will do this for you.  Ever.  You are the captain of your own ship in life.  Change is healing because by going towards what you want next in life, you set into motion entire series of events that you could not have anticipated.  This is the gift of surprise and we all have experienced it.  It's mainly through direct interaction with others, face to face, that much energy can be exchanged.  We are designed to interact with others, with our environment.  Stepping into the change we next wish to do opens the possibility for transformation to occur in your life, and moving into that is giving yourself the gift of evolving on your unique path.

Suggestions for change, how to move into it

     If you are ready to move into an area of change then there are some things you can do to make it easier.  Remember, wishing for change and not being willing to build a stream of conscious effort to support you will likely fail.  Some forethought is necessary to begin.  Remember, this is about bringing in more love for yourself first.

1)  Identify what you want.  What is the end result for you?  How will you feel when you have achieved this?  The main thing here is to "begin with the end in mind".  Spend some time exploring within through prayer and meditation (asking and receiving).  Be brave to act upon what you perceive for yourself.  I am asking you to trust a part of yourself that is less known to you and I, however it is far wiser and far seeing.

2)  What are your blocks?  When we go into the process of change there will be appearing all sorts of blocks to this new thing happening.  Some might be:  Can I really have it?  Can I maintain it?  Do I deserve it?  I have never done that before, why expect to now?  I am sure you've heard these and many other statements in your head when you've gone into change.  Blocks are very persistent energetic impediments that we contend with.  They're not pleasant, to say the least.  Essentially they are composed of low vibrations of fear that the ego self uses to protect itself from "unknowns" which could somehow threaten it.  They don't completely come from just our present lifetime, although most do.  Some blocks are multi-generational and come through our family lines.  The best way to deal with fears and blocks is to go forward like you are not going to be denied what you want.  Don't take one "no" or a block for the final answer.  Remember, this is only energy and your desire is for more love, not more fear.  By applying the energy of your desire which is a higher vibration, you will succeed.  By dissolving a block you create healing not only for yourself but for many, many more.  You CAN have what you want, it wouldn't be in your mind otherwise.  My suggestion is this:  Use fear against itself.  Focus the energy to alter the result (FEAR).

3)  Accept that your body, your life and your world as you know it now in this moment is "perfectly imperfect".  We all have challenges.  We all tend to not want to show those to others out of fear of not being loved or accepted.  If we were perfect what would be there for us to learn?  Be naked to yourself, be vulnerable in sharing your truth.  Do it first with yourself, then with those closest to you, then with the world.  You will gain much insight and support doing this instead of pretending that everything is alright.  Anyone here in a body has healing to do.  How much of it you choose to do is up to each of us.

4)  Keep it simple.  Those who travel lightly in this life are the happiest.  Do not take on others burdens.  Have good boundaries and learn the power of your "yes" and your "no".  Keeping it simple means to regularly take a look at what is not serving you and then removing it from your life gently.  Look at prosperity in terms of loving connections, emotional freedom and abundance to have a lifestyle that you appreciate.  It is easier to carry a bouquet of flowers than a sack of rocks.  Which pleases you more?

5)  Value your ongoing growth.  Change is something that will benefit us at any point in life.  Some years have great change in them for people and some have less.  Decide for yourself how much change you are going to invite into your life this year.  10%, 20%, 50% or 100%?  Even if you invite in 10% change per year, in 7 years your life would be completely different than it is now, and 10% sounds very do-able to me.

6)  Be glad you want change.  Rarely do we want change when we are comfortable.  If you're fortunate enough to live 80 or 90 years you will see a lot of change in the world.  That is life, however it is the change that we consciously create for ourselves that is going to have the greatest impact on us while we are here.  The change that we embrace for ourselves will lead to a life of more.  More what?  More of being what you and I are, and in truth how can that not include more love in all its forms?

     Thanks for coming along on this exploration of change.  It's such a huge topic, and it is so personal to each of us.  I believe that as each of us works to create changes in our lives, the benefits will far outweigh the risks and the feelings of fear that may be keeping us from acting.  I invite you to pick one thing that you can commit to changing this year for yourself.  The energies of support on the planet are ripe to support you.  Believe in yourself and your abilities to be a successful creator,  it is your birthright!

