Thursday, October 19, 2017

The next Big thing is here, now what?

     When we hear or see of "the next big thing"  it's usually something that is around for a short while and then fades into the background.  Some things do last a bit longer, but even they fade with time.  What I am speaking of here really is a HUGE thing, yet it is coming in without announcement or fanfare, yet it will affect each and every one of us for the rest of our lives and beyond.  What is it?  I'll get to that in a moment, but first let's review.

     The world we are residing upon is in the midst of rapid change.  Some of it is seen and much is somewhat "behind the scenes" so to speak.  No one has a complete picture of it our how it will turn out from a human perspective, yet we are each working to shape how it unfolds in our lives.  As I have written in this blog for years now, I am focused on the upshift of consciousness to claim higher awareness, which I term the 5th dimension.  Over the past 30 years there has been a re-engagement of humanity into the higher spheres of consciousness of the 4th and 5th dimension.  Prior to that time we were firmly entrenched in a 3rd dimensional consciousness.  The reason that we have shifted is that collectively we have asked on a higher level for the opportunity to be here and create from a higher position, so that we all can enjoy peace and the full range of the meaning of prosperity in our lives.  Prior to that time the opportunities to do this were very limited.  Now we are on the verge of an explosion of change that will dwarf anything in memory.  Some of this will be welcomed and some of it will be strongly resisted, yet it will happen regardless.  Love, enacted through each of us, is coming to a higher expression in human life.

     Up until now we have dealt with 3 continuum's:  Care, Change and Transformation.  I have written about these previously in other articles on my site.  Each of us is always at choice as to how we approach life, and based on where we are at, we are in one or more of these places.  Care works with the basics of self-care, wellness and basic stability of one's person more or less.  Change involves us saying to ourselves "this is not enough, I'm going to try something new" and is the zone of choosing a new path for ourselves.  It can be as simple as engaging a new pastime or making a new friend, all the way to creating a new career or new location and more.  Transformation is moving beyond the known, it is where the change you have been doing leads to benevolent unintended consequences that move you well beyond  your old tried and true ways of being and into a whole expanded approach to your life.  Sounds very sweet, eh?  Yes, you have had moments of this and so it is not unfamiliar to you. Reflect on turning points in your life to gain more understanding of how this has worked for you.  Generally what happens is that transformation moves us into a higher expression of who we truly are and it feels great.  All of these continuum's are about us operating here and now as co-creators.  We are all constantly involved in creation whether we acknowledge it or not.  Sometimes we keep re-creating the same circumstances over and over again, but that is not what is intended for us and by us at a higher level.  This is why I speak of it as a co-creation.  We, as humans, are co-creating with the higher aspects of our true selves (higher self, divine self, G-d, Christ consciousness, whatever you wish to term it) in order to bring about a divine plan, or play or consciousness that is all about going home.  Now this seems like going somewhere physically, but it is not.  It is about going to a place of allowing more of who we truly are to inhabit the day to day lives of who we are right here and now.  It is about starting to come into conscious awareness of the grandeur of each of us as spiritual beings in human form, and taking this form to its next level of expression.

The next Big Thing  

     Recently I received some compelling information from my non-physical counselors that I want to share with you.  The next continuum has arrived and is now open to all:  The continuum of evolution!

     Evolution is a profound shift from where we have been.  It means we  now have the opportunity to move into greater states of knowledge and greater states of love from where we are presently.  We are on the verge of things getting really interesting in coming years, and each of us have a ring-side seat here on the planet to participate in it and be blessed by it.  For some reason, this continuum is only available to us while we are embodied, and perhaps that is why so many souls have incarnated on the planet in the last 50 years.  Evolution is going to require us to be nimble and flexible and utterly fearless.  It is going to challenge a lot of people's basic assumptions of what life is and what life means going forward, and out of that a whole new expression of humanity is going to emerge.

     If you have noticed the feeling of things speeding up as I have, you may wonder what is the reason?  It is not that time itself is speeding up, in fact it is that we are all actually beginning to step into more of the energy that is already here, and that is a good thing.  When I experience a speeding up, I see it as an opportunity to bring my focus to those items that really matter to me and feel the best to me, and ignore the rest.  It is getting to the point where it is very difficult to attend to all of the distractions and pastimes, the news, the politics, the environmental changes, etc.  There is nothing wrong with attending to what you wish, just keep in mind that you need to attend to your balance and your wellness closely.  If you find yourself getting anxious, sad or depressed, go back to basics.  You have permission to make your life in any manner you choose.  Exercise your free will liberally to change things to what you want, rather than put up with what you do not.  This is a very powerful practice and you have the power to change.  Too often people settle with "keeping up appearances" or going along with social norms as to not be questioned by others.  The time of this being endemic in world society is coming to an end.  That which is true will stand, and by that I mean true to the core our your being.

     The next 10 years are going to be a time of rapid shifts.  While many of us believed that 2012 would usher in a massive transformation in a moment, it actually was the start of what is now to unfold.  As my counselors have indicated, the learning, understanding and actions that had previously taken the last 10 years to accomplish will now only take one year.  Subsequent years will bring in a quadrupling of the rate of change, so you can imagine that by 2028 or so we will be living in a world vastly different than now.

     I want to add that they pointed out that while events may seem to indicate that this the end of it all, it actually is the beginning of the new phase of human evolution.  Just like a birth, it will be messy and sometimes painful, but it will usher in something that is way beyond life as we have known it.  Are we surprised?  I would hope not!  I think and feel that we all know deep down that what has been transpiring over the last 50 years is an approximation of reality, an ego-based construction of human life that is unsustainable and would likely lead us to extinction as a species.  The beauty of the human is our ability to manifest a quantum shift that will lead us to further growth and expansion with the vibrant energy of the love that we really are!

The game board

     The game board that we exist within consists of three parts:  Time, Space and Energy.  We are all intertwined and affected by each of these, as we affect them as well.  It also includes the dimensions of 1 to 5 and beyond.  There is a relationship between each and each is evolving into a new expression as we know it.  Who is playing the game?  Well, one is the human.  There are other aspects playing as well, such as the planet herself, which has its own consciousness, and her own agenda.  And likely there is the spiritual realm of which we are never really separated from.  How that looks is any one's guess and for purposes of this explanation I will focus on the human portion because that is what is most important to me and you I would think.

     Our awareness has been focused through living in a body and with an ego, while also holding in our heart's a piece of the Creator.  We have done our best with limited awareness to each create a world that makes sense to us, while dismissing information and experience that we could not understand and put into our framework of reality.  Now who and what each of us are is vastly larger than we have experienced and been led to believe for the most part.  This is going to change and it will be up to each of us to allow and stay balanced as much new experience and information comes into awareness of mass consciousness.  Those of us in the spiritual/metaphysical world have been receiving a taste of it already for quite a while, now imagine that most of humanity will gain access to this themselves in the near future.  Quite a paradigm shift I would say!

     So what is our role on the game board at this time?  Simply to be a creator of our heart's desire.  Getting to the heart, which is the center of the body, the center of our energy field will be the place where we can create stability in the years to come.  Not much longer will sitting on the fence be an option.  It will be a time of action.

     Feeling that change is afoot, the amount of resistance to it is strong.  As things move forward into evolution, the level of resistance will also increase.  It is part of being human and feeling separate that we wish to protect ourselves in a known bubble of reality but this is about to be burst and we will have to each in our own way go into the unknown and create with all which is new to us from our present awareness.  On a higher level we are familiar with it, now we are each going to bring it to the human portion of ourselves.  It is of utmost importance as my counselors have told me, that we each come to a greater understanding of free will and free choice in our lives.  Consider this question:  "Are you willing to lose everything you have to step into everything you could be?".  This is a provocative question and it hints at a much greater way of being that can now be claimed by each of us if we are willing to loosen our grip on what we think we know.  Is the world we have been living in really real?  Or is it an illusion?

     The older I get the more I realize that despite having accumulated a mountain of knowledge, I know very little.  I do have some wisdom, yet I cannot be certain of anything except love.  Yes, like you I have a body and an identity that exists for a number of decades, then ceases to be.  I also know that consciousness transcends the body quite intact after a lifetime is complete.  I know that each of us is working on our own individualized plans of healing while we are here.   And I also know that we are loved and supported in many unseen ways as we go about beginning to remember the Creator in our hearts and begin to respond to its call to us with greater passion and risk, instead of fear and avoidance.


     What do you really own in your life?  You may recite a list of things that you possess but that is not the point of the question.  I am pointing to your thoughts, feeling and intentions as you go through your experience of life.  Are you in charge of those as much as you would like to be?  Have you considered it before?

     Up to now a large percentage of a large number of us have been acting mostly unconsciously, not living in the present moment of thought and feeling.  You can easily see this in the amount of distracted behavior people are doing such as distracted driving, looking into their cellphones while doing other things, etc.  What is interesting is that as the potential of increased consciousness is becoming available, the stark contradiction of unconsciousness is getting a strong light shined upon it as well.

     Here are three things for us to consider as we move forward to great knowledge and greater love on the path of evolution.  First:  Do you know what you are doing?  Second, do you know why you are doing it? And thirdly, Are you taking ownership for what the outcome of your actions will be?  These questions can only be truly answered by us if we are fully present in the current moment, breathing and feeling and thinking.  Are you willing to take the risk to live your life with more passion?  Are you willing to have more compassion for others in their efforts to grow?  Do you support the status quo or do you want more?   These are question we will all be faced with as things intensify in coming times.  This merging of time, space and energy is going to push all of us out of complacency.  There is no going back to some imagined time when things were "better".  The only way is forward and even those who resist this will be brought forward in one way or another. 

     To complete this introduction to the "next big thing"  the continuum of evolution I will say this.  You can go on with your life as you have been living it and not take heed of what I have said here.  Maybe 1000 people will hear this message.  If of those who read it, if100 take it to heart it will be magnified tenfold.  You can do this too with the power of your heart, your passion, your compassion.  If you do read and consider this then you will be far ahead of the masses, you'll still have work to do but you won't be blind-sided by things, you will have given yourself time to consider your actions and that is a wonderful gift to yourself.  A world constructed of greater states of knowledge and greater states of love will have much better outcomes than the one we are presently living in.  Come up with a love plan of your heart's greatest desires and begin where you are.  The new and improved world will be birthed in each of our hearts, now is the time to make our plans and begin to nurture this new world into manifestation.  May you be brave in bringing your truth into the light for all to see.



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