Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Can you find wellness in a sick world?

     What it wellness?  It can include all of the words in the picture at the top of this article, but it also includes something that many of us do not pay attention to regularly.  Wellness is being in the flow of your own being, in your passion to create the life that you want for yourself.  We are all creating all of the time, the present is calling each of us to greater awareness of what we are creating in our lives.  Each of us is building our lives and contributing to the collective as we go forward, so let us take a look at how we might address our individual and collective wellness differently.

     We all have energy.  It comes from that electromagnetic connection of our soul to our body.  It varies depending on what we are choosing and through our feeling state it is telling us if we are in alignment with our greatest joy.  Have you noticed when you are doing things that you love, that you have more energy and time seems to fly by or become unimportant?  And when you are involved in things that do not arouse your passion it feels more difficult to do them and time drags on?  Passion is connected to one's heartbeat and our heart is the direct link to the soul.  Therefore when you are acting upon your soul's desire you have more heart to take actions in your life.  Also, you can still choose actions less aligned to your power as this is a free will environment.  Here we are talking about the desire for more wellness so we will focus on the intent to be more conscious, more passionate, more loving.  Now things are obviously in change in society world-wide and with the planet itself so let's explore some of what that means.

Things are changing

     There is an increase in the frequency of energy now bathing the entire planet.  You could call it a "quickening" of all things.  Many people are reporting that time seems to pass quicker.  A day may feel like it is only 16 hours long, or a week may only feel like 4 or 5 days in length.  Rest assured, the time and the days are still there, it is now we are all stepping into more of the energy that has always been here because of this increase in frequency.  This will continue to be felt for at least the next 10 to 20 years and there will be no returning to the former condition of times past.  The energy is calling us to respond and make new choices.  We are now in a new energetic environment and we are birthing together a new way of being human, an expanded way of being not known in our history.  Are we now entering a new Age?

     When I say new Age, I don't mean the the fads of pop culture.  While some of those things have been and are helpful to raising consciousness I am intending to bring you the larger picture of what is ongoing and accelerating in life today.  What I am writing here is of very long cycles- Ages.  These cycles last for thousands of years and now we are likely moving into the next great Age that will be the theme for generations to come.  Those who have studied Hindu texts regarding the cycle of ages will be familiar with what I am speaking of here.  One such scholar published a text in 1998 detailing with great insight into this process.  His claim is that we have now left the lowest part of the cycle, the Kali yuga, and are now entering into the Sat yuga.  Yuga means age.  The Kali period is one when the frequency is lowest on the planet and the actions and consciousness of humans is at its ebb.  No one could deny that the period of the last several thousand years hasn't been easy, but now we are on the threshold of an environment of rising consciousness and rising creation upon the planet.  In a manner of speaking we as humans are being re-informed!

     This process requires that we be present on the planet and participate each in our own way to move forward into our heart's desire.  Much of this will be about letting go of old ways of being and living.  Just doing things because "it's what has always been done" isn't going to work in this new energy.  We are going to have to leave the confines of the known in order to get there.  It is clearly obvious in our world today as more and more are questioning the status quo.  What is real?  Is it true because someone says so, or do you check with your own inner feeling state and intuition to decide?

The zone of contradictions

     On a mental level we are all having a great challenge in what we see before us.  We see leaders and prominent people in our culture behaving badly.  We see policies and rhetoric befitting a dark comedy television show.  We may feel that this is not right, that something should be done to change things for the better, yet who is to step forward?  The answer is:  each of us.  Life seems complex at times and how can we find stability in this time, how can we find wellness?  Then I would direct you to the heart, the heart of your own being.

     This "zone of contradictions" is pushing many into having to create in new ways.  The planet is doing it as well.  Millions are facing drastic changes due to weather becoming more extreme.  I believe that also is a reflection of a great shifting of energy in human consciousness and planetary consciousness developing a new relationship in our midst.  It is not something to fear, it is something that compels us to choose more consciously for our well being, and people are responding.

     There are still going to be many who will continue to resist these changes to their last breath.  Old habits and ways of being don't just readily shift into something vastly different overnight.  So presently we are witnessing the clash of the old and the new and all of the instability and fearful feelings it is creating.  It is also creating many good feelings and profoundly beneficial changes but those are less reported because as a collective we have an obsession with fear.  This is an old habit that will begin to fade in coming generations as more turn inward to their hearts and their true nature and come to embody a more advanced way of being a human withing themselves and the culture at large.

     I'll give you an analogy from the realm of gardening.  We have been like small seedlings in a tiny starter pot and we have suddenly been transplanted into a much larger pot with fresh soil and water.  We still remain small for a while but we realize that there is room to create new roots and new leaves so we grow and we flower and finally produce new fruits that we could not have created in our old small pot.  The transplanting has been done, now it is up to each of us to consciously wish to grow and expand and fulfill our greatest expression in this now moment.  We can read about gardening and the growth of plants all we want just as we can fill our minds with much knowledge of spiritual growth but there comes a time when  we each must embody this process for ourselves.  That time is now.

The time is always NOW

     This life we lead as humans is subject to the apparent feeling of a linear expression of time:  past-present-future.  If you step back for a moment you will realize the you are always in the "now".  Being human allows a certain focus on the individual self of the life you are living and the memories you have of it.  This allows for choices to be made based upon experiences in one's current life, which you direct along a certain pathway.

     It is also known, yet not fully accepted, that time is a construct to this reality which does not exist in higher frequencies or higher dimensions of awareness.  In fact, all is happening simultaneously!  It is a mind-boggling concept that all is "now", but we must eventually come to the awareness that life as we have known it is a purposed illusion.  It is designed in such a way to promote our eventual awakening to the greater reality that we never truly left.  This is why it is often so difficult and confusing being a human because here we are, in a separate body dealing with forces constantly shifting and acting upon us.  My claim is that we are now at a juncture where what is termed the quantum field of possibilities is upon us, exciting!

     A huge error in our thinking is that we are part of a dualistic system that states here we are on Earth and we are separated from G-d or the Kingdom of Heaven, Nirvana, etc.  Only through death  do we reach it.  This paradigm is in the process of shifting now that we are in this higher vibratory frequency.  As the reality of what and who we are is being opened up, more of what "truly is" will start to come into focus in each of our lives as we can incorporate it.  We will start to begin to remember, to be re-informed about what has always been but was just outside of our awareness.  Our multi-dimensional awareness is coming online and this will be both a challenge and opportunity.  Some may well start to remember clearly other times, places, existences which will "bleed through" into our current awareness.  We have been having these all along, often in sleep state.  It will start becoming more noticeable and consciously interactive with you.

     It is similar to when you would meet a stranger and feel as if you've known them all of your life.  Or perhaps you are in a foreign country on holiday for the first time and you find you are more comfortable there than in your hometown.  Your meditative and creative time might bringer you stronger more vivid images or words of things outside of your own memory.  Be flexible and like a leaf floating down a slow river as you move forward.  You are not going insane, you are awakening to more of you in the now as you allow it.  You still have your identity, you are expanding your known by going into the unknown.

Manifesting wellness

     Wellness is about you flowing more of you energetically into conscious life.  It is about really connecting to your heart's desire, which is a reflection of your soul's passion.  Align in order to receive.  Small steps are perfectly fine, it is your choice.  Being in these frequencies which I often label the 5th dimension is about learning the way of allowing your desire to manifest.  The core of this is in acceptance of one's current circumstances and knowing that you at all times have the power to change how you view those circumstances.  Free choice is essential for each of us in life.  Always remember that thought is first, then your feelings (emotions) follow.  Choose higher thoughts and better feelings will be result. 

     Wellness also means being careful about what you invite into your purview or awareness.  If you choose feelings of peace, happiness, joy, etc.  then you may not wish to watch the news as it is predominantly fear based.  Again, exercise your free choice to choose what you already know is good for you.  The more that each of us focus on creating our own well being, the more we will see it reflected in the larger world.  Consider your body to be your own private world and make peace within it.  There is much to come about how we exist and operate within these bodies that is changing as we speak.  Notice changes in your habits and desires and take that as an indicator that your body is changing for the better in order to support you more on your journey through life.  Always be your own best friend to yourself and you will create the tendency to be much more loving towards yourself.  Do not wait for others to do it for you, but be open to accepting loving support of others if that feels right to you.

Stay strong for coming times

     It is difficult to grasp the hold that the ego has over the collective consciousness of humanity.  It is everywhere.  The difference now is that the light of truth is pouring in to every nook and cranny of life and awareness is increasing exponentially across the planet.  While I have no doubt that the truth will prevail and be expressed as the norm, in the meantime we are in for a grand clash of the old and the new as is already being witnessed and reported by the media.  No one has an absolute claim on the truth or the path that we will go forward on, in fact we are all contributing to its creation.  That is why it is so important to take care of your own wellness first before attempting to help others.  Much more is going to come to the surface in our individual lives and in society about how deeply we have been caught in illusion and this will cause many powerful emotional reactions in many.  Remember- thoughts precede emotions so be careful to choose what you wish to feel carefully. 

     I do not want to suggest that some great calamity is on the horizon, to me that is old thinking, old cellular memory of times gone by trying to release.  We are powerful creators and can change the game for better or worse at any time, never doubt your power and place your trust in it first before the babble of the electronic world.  I do suggest that there will be challenges as the old energy tries everything it can to summon fear.  Do not buy into it.  See it for what it is, the dying gasps of an egocentric world that cannot continue as it has.

     Like the Buddha used to promote- take the middle path.  We are journeying through this world.  Do not renounce it, and do not become too attached to the things of this world.  We are here for learning and evolution, not to see how many possessions we can claim.  Experiences, both ones we would judge either good or bad can be our teachers.  Each of us has a piece of the story of human to work, to add to the collective.  Take yours and work it in a way that pleases you, knowing that your love and your effort does make a difference.  Only the bravest and most capable souls incarnate during epochs like this, I honor your spirit for what you have brought to the planet and what you will continue to bring.  May you find more wellness in the coming months and years you so deserve to experience!



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