Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Era of Freedom is upon us now, what will it cost you?

     As we move to the close of this year and the beginning of the next it is time to take a look at what is happening within and around us.  So much is in flux that it can become confusing and frustrating to manage one's reality in the face of such change.  If you are searching for your deeper purpose or a renewal of passion  and are hearing an inner calling to take a look at your experience of life, then by all means read on. 

     It is time for each of us to claim our freedom, to step into the unknown boldly, knowing we will be supported.  Look at the photo at the heading of this article.  You see the open birdcage and the birds released to the larger world.  This is a metaphor I will use to explain what is underway within each of us, and is subsequently altering our understanding of reality.

     The world has moved into a higher frequency of energy, which I term the 5th dimension.  This is represented as the birdcage door being opened and now having the ability to fly out of the constraints of one's cage.  The cage itself represents the old paradigm, the known world, the world we each inherited and have been up to now navigating to the best of our ability.  It is now a time to realize that we have metaphorical wings, and we were never meant to sit in a birdcage our whole lives.  It is time to fly and interact with a larger reality that has been obscured from us for so long.

     Humankind is at a critical juncture.  Our perceptions of our world and how we interact with it has been based on a limited viewpoint that was supported by the structures we have built- the governments, religions, commerce and others.  The energy pattern that we are in the process of shedding allowed for a world to come into existence based on a view of separation.  We all have the experience of appearing to be separate beings in a capricious world full of dangers and we must do things to protect and build ourselves up.  That has been history.  Now we are on the verge of a major paradigm shift.  It will arrive in different degrees and different ways depending on who you are and where you are in your life.  It will be a challenge for most, maybe even a shock.  For others it will be a welcome relief.  No one is exempt.  You cannot not attend to this shift so long as you are embodied on this planet at this time.  The foundation has been laid, and now the building of the new commences.  However what has been that no longer serves in this higher frequency will have to fall away to make space for the new.

   " I know who you are in truth.  I know what you are in truth.  I know how you serve in truth.  You are free.  You are free.  You are free." -1


     It is time to release what no longer serves.  The above statement, while deceptively simple, hints at a much greater reality now beckoning us.  It has been here for a while, that is the door of the birdcage has been open, but we have been reluctant to fly outside of our known worlds.  What is occurring is the very real shaking of each of our birdcages to prompt us to fly into the unknown.  You will still be who you are and you will be embracing a larger part of self.  The cost will be letting go of fear as your main motivator of choice.  Instead we are going to learn to rely on our inner resources to claim more of what we truly are.  It is the beginning of the continuum of evolution, a blessed place, a gift we as a collective are giving ourselves and learning to embrace, and it is all about the vibration of love as one's primary motivator.

     Truly we are a species with amnesia that is now regaining its awareness of a much larger and lighter sphere of activity and new creation.  Gaia, the Earth herself, is also going through this change.  What we now see as more extreme and frequent climate change is clearly part of her adjusting herself and we will have to also make changes to adapt to these new realities.  The more that we each consciously choose to live from this higher frequency, the less likely we will be subject to more extreme events, either in our personal sphere or in the larger world.  It will be vitally important not to go into fear if great change knocks at your door.  In those moments it will be helpful to remember that you are a spiritual being having an physical experience and in the truth of who you are you are always safe and protected.

     Freedom must be claimed by us, it will not be bestowed upon us without effort.  It is part of the learning we have come to experience.  Gradually, we come to know the Creator within each of us, loosening the grip of the ego to run our lives.  Invite in that experience of the higher you, the Higher Self to assist in this.  It is not just a mental process, it will be felt and experienced in a higher integration of the physical, mental and emotional parts of ourselves.

The question of time

     The first thing I will say is that all are experiencing a quickening of the passing of time.  Things will be transpiring quicker.  Events will unfold in a more rapid succession than we've experienced before.  This will continue on a yearly basis I feel for at least the next 5-7 years.  Resisting this flow will cause you discomfort on one level or another.  They way to avoid this is to go with your own personal flow.  Find what gives you joy, what gets you excited, what you can see as your highest flow on all levels.  Keep things in the material world as simple as you can.

     This feeling of things speeding up is happening because we are adjusting within our bodies to a higher flow of energy that has always existed.  Now we are much more empowered to connect with it because of this frequency increase.  On the level of energetics we are processing more and new frequencies of energy/light through our bodies via the chakra system.  Listen to you body's signals and your feelings about what is right for you in each day.  These new frequencies are part of the unknown that is coming into each of our awareness.  Use your breath and imagine yourself bathing your cells in this new light.  It will assist to spend a few minutes a day doing this.  There is no rush to do this, just allow what feels right for you.  Remember that that speeding up really means we are stepping into more of who and what we are.  Find excitement in the possibilities of this, avoid negative feelings.  You are the one who will choose how you feel about this.

Consciousness and beliefs

     Consciousness is changing rapidly on this planet and this will result in extensive changes to the world we see.  The changes that you and I will see most directly will result from changes in our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.  Each of us holds beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.  These beliefs for the most part originate from the small self (ego) to make sense of and navigate a world in a body.  Being in a body gives us a feeling of separation from that which is "outside" of us.  In reality this sense of separation is an illusion of the ego mind.  What we are working towards in the realm of freedom is to open ourselves up to an expanded sense of self that we possess that is beyond the confines of being known only as a separate body with boundaries of what is yours and "not yours".  It is easy to scoff at this claim, however there are hints that something more is happening.  Have you experienced unexpected manifestation of something you desired and it came to you without effort?  Have you experienced deja vu?  Have you experienced uncanny coincidences in your life?  Each of these is a manifestation of energy of your higher self or divine self acting in your consciousness without you following a set of steps for it to arrive as predicated by your beliefs.  Instead what has happened is that a small opening was created by you in the reality box of beliefs created by the ego and resulted in a rapid manifestation of your pure intent.  This intent is activated via your heart energy, which operates without words and only in the  higher vibrations of love.

     If you take some time to examine your beliefs you will see that they are rooted in your past, based on what you experienced yourself or what others told you that you needed to attend to, or those who wished to define who you are.  These beliefs have created a bird cage or a metaphorical box that each of us has operated from for most of life.  Know the challenge will be to practice knowing ourselves in a new way, setting aside the box, the bird cage and going into the unknown with the intent of finding something new, something joyful for you.

     There is now the perfect moment to challenge ourselves in discovering more about our journey by being fully in the present moment and starting a conversation with our heart energy about what will bring to us the greatest purpose and passion.  The ego or small self will do whatever it can to convince you that you are fine where you are, and you have every right to choose to remain within your known world.  It is my understanding that choosing that path will lead to considerable discomfort and possibly distress because we are being called to move into exploration and claiming of something much better and much expanded.  To stay contracted is to say yes to fear and get the same results one has gotten.  Where's the fun in that?  Humans, life, the known Universe all are in a state of expansion.  That is where the flow resides.  This is why it is so important to consider flying out of our birdcages into an expanded sense of self and new possibilities.  Focus Energy to Alter the Results (FEAR).  In order to bypass the web of fear based thinking we are going to have to claim the greater energy of who we are within our bodies and start to consciously work with it.  As each of us does this it will build a momentum across the human collective and in time it will become accepted as truth by all.

2019-The momentum accelerates

     If you look at your experience just over the last two years you will see how much has transpired.  In the coming year you can count on this to accelerate events at an even faster rate, up to a ten-fold increase.  This is why I am writing about this phenomenon and encouraging you to take hold of your conscious choice joined with your heart.  I believe that it will serve us each very well to practice manifestation in this way instead of staying in our established belief patterns.  They will still be there and now you will be adding a new way of consciously doing things with a stronger flow of energy that is connected to your higher self/divine self which is waiting for you to claim it.  Humanity is at the precipice of a quantum leap in its expression on this planet, and each of us through our conscious actions and invitation to this higher energy will result in unexpected and wonderful change.  Know that you are the source of your reality, not something external to you like the systems I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

     Bypass fear by making conscious higher choices for yourself.  You are in a learning and growing phase and it is difficult, especially since most of us have been steeped in the old all of our lives.  Seek counsel from the wise, and don't be surprised if they are in a child's body.  The new and recent generations of humans, especially those born since 2001 are naturally tuned to respond to the higher frequencies now available, that is why they came.  While wisdom can come with age, when you encounter someone ask your intuition "Are they in their bird cage/box, or have they set themselves free?"  You will receive you answer instantly.  Those who are still tightly holding onto their boxes of belief will be quick to defend their understanding and their worldview, primarily because they believe it is what keeps them safe in the world.  Now is the time to be flexible and open to the new and unknown.  Perhaps imagine the bird cage or box instead as a bubble that can expand and yield to the new and incorporate it easily.  This can be an intermediate step towards claiming more of who you are and the freedom that comes with it.

     In closing, check yourself regularly to see if you are responding to fear or are claiming your life in the love that you deserve.  This process of evolution at its core has a practice of increasing our self-love consciously.  Consider doing something each month of 2019 to increase your love of yourself.  Honor that in truth you are the source of what you see in your life, and you have immense barely tapped power to create what you want.  Dip your toe into the unknown in your life.  Know that you are safe as you challenge yourself to be a little more than you were in the last year.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain as you claim more of the love energy that you truly are.

A blessed and exciting 2019 awaits!

-1  Quote is from "The book of Truth" by Paul Selig.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and me

     It's hard not to hear about Elon Musk and Donald Trump these days, both are over-sized personalities acting big on the global stage.  They both represent change, but in different ways and they are both seen by millions of people.  What can we learn from them about ourselves as individuals and as a collective humanity?  That is what I intend to explore here from my perspective.

     I have written previously that we are, whether we know it or not, in a period of major change and a time when all are being called to attend to themselves at a higher level.  What does this mean?  It means that in the Now we are being asked to what more we do want, do we want to align more closely with what is within each of our hearts and are we strong enough to let go of old patterns of being?   The energy of the Now is supporting a higher way of being and we are encouraged to move into it.  Sometimes this may mean a smooth transition and sometimes it may mean challenges can confront some of us.  As we've witnessed with nature in recent times, many are faced with their homes and lives completely uprooted and destroyed, while many others only see this on TV.  Take stock of where you are energetically, are you excited for the future or are you in fear about it?

     Recently Elon Musk gave a long interview where he spoke of a lot of things relating to his pursuits and his vision and how he is working to manifest it.  He said that his mind was always filled with thoughts even as a child, and he feared that he was different and might be deemed insane.  Yet he found a way to educate himself and enter the business world to channel his strong impulses into his desires.  His passion for technology is indisputable, and the things he is working on (Tesla, SpaceX, etc.)  are having a positive impact on creating new possibilities in the larger collective consciousness.  He is a great example of a creator in action, using his many talents and potentials, something that we each can do more in our own lives if we consciously choose.

     Make no mistake, we are each creating every day.  Our individual realities we see are an out picturing of our own choices and actions.  While we live in a planet filled with people we are each in some respects within our own reality bubble of what we wish to entertain.  Naturally, there is some interplay between us because we share this reality, yet now it is more important to focus on ones self instead of being distracted by all of the noise.  Taking a few minutes to center our selves at the beginning and end of the day will invite in a greater sense of peace and security that is tangible if done regularly.

     Donald Trump, the current President of the USA, is another person who is affecting the larger consciousness of the world due to his strong desire to be seen.  His election and seating into office has set off a firestorm of conversations between billions of people.  Everyone who knows of him is challenged to see him and decide where they will stand in relation to him.  He has come into this position in order to provoke and prod the "status quo"  in ways that are judged to be good or bad, depending on your viewpoint.  In metaphysical parlance he is a "service to self" being who is having a great challenge finding a way to benefit the greater good as President.  Anyone who has been alive in the United States over the last 35 years has seen him and how he operates, it hasn't changed, just magnified many fold.  My guides have told me he is being "given time" to continue to impact the world and that he would go down in history as being a great change-maker.  They did not indicate how that would be perceived by those who see him.  We will have to leave that up to the future.

     Our general feeling of restlessness and discomfort is not just provoked by the current American President.  And these feelings aren't confined to just the United States either.  It is a global phenomenon of the increasing change brought on by our planet stepping up its vibration to hold 5th dimensional consciousness.  While it is tempting to look to the past as a way to create the future, what is coming is going to require each of us to go into our own unknown places within ourselves to find the answers and the actions we each will take.  As the saying goes, it is insanity to keep doing the same things expecting a different result.  I'll add that it's also not as much of an option to keep doing the same things expecting that more of the same that you have will be enough going forward.  It is likely that it will not be so.  We are here to create our desires on this plane and to live those choices out and this means moving forward.  It doesn't have to be earth-shattering like Trump and Musk, it just has to be a living out of your intent taking one step higher than you have gone previously.

Consciousness - do you want more of it?

     A life, a world, is the product of the consciousness that creates it.  It can be no other way.  We all fluctuate between lower and higher consciousness and through making conscious intentional effort we can move to begin to stabilize our awareness at a higher level.  By doing this we are allowing more of who we really are to inhabit our human self, providing new ideas, fresh insights and new opportunities for action.  All is moving forward, whether we acknowledge it or not.  New generations are being born that are only focused on living fully in this new paradigm that is emerging.  We, who have lived through the old paradigm are also invited to participate as well.

     It does not require that you sell all of your possessions, quit your job and find a monastery to meditate in.  It does require looking at one's habitual patterns of living and seeing what you would like to change and then taking some action to make something different happen in your reality.  Despite all of the changes going on in the external world there is no reason not to give yourself the gift of more of what you do want into your life.   Feel the fear of changing and do it anyway!

     There will be a lot of people who do not want their reality bubble to change and they will fight to keep it that way.  Bless them and move towards those who you resonate with instead.  Remember, it is a time, especially in the next 6 months, to focus on yourself and what YOU want to happen.  Try not to gawk at all of the social and political upheavals that will be ongoing.  They only affect you if you choose to be affected.  All is moving forward and those calls to return to some mythical time of "good old days" will not happen.  There is only this moment and the more that each of us focuses on improving our piece of it, the better things will become.

Healer of change
     As a healer of change, my instrument of healing in this moment are the words that I write.  My intent is to get you thinking about you and your unique journey.  What do you want next?  If it is connected to your passion then it is likely a very welcome thing indeed.  We are all passing through this life and none of us will be here forever in this specific form.  It is our choice as to how we live and what we decide.  That is living on a planet of free-will, free-choice.  That means the not-so-great choices can be made and experienced too.  Every choice, every action is a learning opportunity.

     The world we currently live in is created by a set of agreements by us as a species.  When a species starts to move into higher consciousness, the old ways of doing things will not suffice anymore and there is now a search for new ways of doing things.  Just as Tesla motors is changing the face of the global auto industry, so are others creating change in all sectors of society.  Just as the President of the United States is acting "out of character" of a typical President means he is creating change as well, albeit in a very odd and often uncomfortable way.

Comfort zone- good or bad?

     It is perfectly natural to want stability and a good degree of certainty in your life.  You want to be able to rely that your job, your home, health and your partner will be there when you need them.  Occasionally this is not the case as we all know.  To strive for stability is natural.  What I am suggesting is that change is the path to stability at a new level.  Imagine crossing a stream and jumping from one rock to another.  Eventually you will have to leap over the water to the next stepping stone.  You might fall in the stream but it is not deep so even if you do all that will happen is you get a bit wet and move on to the next stone and quickly over the stream where your journey continues.  This example is a metaphor for what we are each facing.  You can be excited about where your journey is leading you to or you can grumble about it, however you are on the journey like me and everyone else.  Start to imagine that the unknown path that we are all walking is not a scary place but instead a place of true prosperity and goodness, I know it's hard to overcome fearing the unknown, I just ask you to think about the possibility that the "more" that you are leading yourself to is filled with great promise.

Take control of you 

     The longer one lives a life, the greater the opportunity there is to gain wisdom and wisdom is very useful in making choices, isn't it?  We all have a tendency to one degree or another want to control outcomes in our lives, in order to ensure we have what we want and to have that stability I speak of.  One of the jewels of wisdom is to know that the only thing we can truly control is ourselves and how we act and react to what is in our purview.  Ask yourself:  "Am I doing a good job of creating the life that I want or not?  Do I even know what the life I want looks like?"  Have a conversation with yourself.  If it is appropriate, invite in change to your life so that you will have more of what you want.  Loosen your grip on what you do not want.  Look at what you are clinging to and ask yourself if you are willing to let it go to make space for something better to come into your life.  Any action one takes towards creating a better life will be met by unseen (but not unfelt) energies of support that will work with you.  But you've got to make the first step.  Choose well, and choose for you first!



Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Deep thoughts or not? You decide!

     The current zeitgeist

     It has been an interesting first few months of 2018.  There continues to be a clashing of the old with the new and many are trying to make sense of it, many are in fear and some are thriving.  Here's my take on what is occurring.  The larger sphere of energy that pervades this planet is now firmly within the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension.  This is leading to continuing outbreaks of benevolent outcomes manifesting instead of great upheavals.  There continues to be a large group of humanity that still believes in the old paradigm of fear and control so we are still seeing plenty of that manifesting as well.  While it seems to be expanding, what has actually occurred is that our awareness of what has been going on has become massively magnified due the proliferation of cell phone technology.  Everyone now can have nearly instant notification of any news- good or bad.

     We are each becoming aware that our institutions are run by fallible humans who likely aren't any smarter than the rest of us.  We can sense that we want to live in a peaceful world where we are not constrained to follow restrictive edicts of governments and large organizations, yet we know that we still need some sort of organizing presence in life to balance the needs and interests of the whole.  The current battle in the USA and elsewhere is for who will set the agenda for this. 

     In this struggle for change first there has been a desire to "go back" to some imagined time when things were "better".  There has been a rise in nationalism, meanwhile we are still more global than ever.   If you don't believe me check the label of origin on your clothes or your groceries! We are interdependent with our neighbors around the world and it is impractical to try to isolate one's self or one's country from change.  Change is happening and it will continue to happen at an increasing rate over the coming years.  It is going to require a different kind of human, a different kind of human expression to face the challenges of an evolving world.  We are here.  We can do this.  We will do this.  Get excited, you will get to say you were here when it happened!

We are doing it to ourselves

     One of the biggest problems that I see is the tendency of people to not want to be responsible for the world that they are seeing.  If you look at it from the limited perspective that you are a "nice" person who lives a decent life, how could you contribute to anything negative in the world?  Think of it this way:  You and I are fantastic transceivers of energy.  Our thoughts, our attitudes, our beliefs all ripple out into the etheric energy of the planet and are picked up by others.  Already several studies have shown that large scale prayer and meditation have created positive outcomes in our world, but not everyone is willing to acknowledge this at this point.  This will slowly change as we move forward. 

     There are many popular notions circulating that some nefarious groups are negatively impacting our peace and happiness.  They are labeled as the "Cabal", aliens, certain super-wealthy individuals for example.  To me what this is, is an unconscious desire to disassociate ourselves with our own collective creation of reality and make "others" responsible for why we are not happy or receiving all that we might be due in our lives.  Doubtless there are many misguided individuals and groups that are still operating on the old paradigm of fear and control, and now we are all hyper-aware that they exist.  The thing to know is that the game has changed and the basis that these have all been operating within no longer is supported energetically by the energies that now exist planet-wide.  Now is the time to claim for ourselves our own power of creation to manifest what we do want to see, not what we do not want to see.  The mechanisms of this do exist:  getting involved, taking responsibility, becoming clear on what you want, respecting the free-will of others to do as they wish without violating your free-will.  One clear example that we are faced with is the warring and killing that abound.  This must come to an end at some point as killing is a gross violation of free-will, whether it be a person, an animal or an ecosystem.  There is work to do.

Humanity is a work in progress

     Because we are at a major transition point between paradigms there is much turmoil in humanity.  We are in the midst of literally birthing a whole new, much improved way of being human into the midst of a very dysfunctional system so there is conflict.  Remember, the over-arching energies have shifted and there is an increase in the frequency of energy on this planet and because we are transceivers of energy we are receiving this on a subtle, mostly unconscious level.  Those who wish to remain and thrive will be working on creating what brings them joy to whatever degree they can manifest, while those who will not be staying will be entertaining the lower vibrations of fear.  Fear can manifest in a multitude of forms-fear of death, fear of dangerous others, fear or economic ruin, fear name it.  This is all a choice that we now must take responsibility for instead of trying to run away from.  None of us are here forever in these bodies, we had might as well focus on being happy while we are here in this great play of consciousness, right?  Humanity is on a path of advancing to the next level, not destruction. Your creativity is needed! Choose to hold beliefs of goodness and that is what you will see.  Choose fear and you will suffer one way or another.  It is a choice.  Own your choices.


     Movement is happening.  Movement is key, but to where and for what purpose do you move?  All of us are learning and coming to a greater understanding that we are the creators of our reality.  I am, so I create.  It may be a very predictable creation- a day at work, a day of errands, a day of recreation, a day of boredom or a combination of these and other things.  We are all constantly creating.  Now, how do we take what we are doing and bring it to a higher level, a higher expression?  We begin with the end in mind first.

     What do you want?  To feel better, to have more joy, to have more prosperity I suppose. These are all good things, correct?  Yes, there are challenges in life, we all have to face them from time to time.  What I am suggesting is that we each have more power to see more of what we want in our lives than what we do not want because we have the power of choice.  It is not so much of a burden to choose your desires, it is more of a burden to take the actions necessary to create those things for yourself because some work is required.  While we are creators, we are not creating alone, we are either consciously or unconsciously co-creating with higher aspects of ourselves which are with us always.  It is my belief that indeed the ability to connect with these energies for our own good and well-being is now more available than ever because we are continuing to move into the higher frequencies of 5th dimensional awareness, so be excited!


     Our relationship with time is changing.  Many say that it feels like time is speeding up, that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Yes, it may feel that way because we are each stepping into more of the energy that is already available on the planet.  The frequencies of the 5th dimension are already here, we do not have to wait for them.  Higher frequency = Quickening.  Things will happen faster, change will happen faster.  Why not use this for your own good?  It is not something to be frustrated by or afraid of, it is an opportunity to shift into a better way of being.

     We all perceive past, present and future.  Yet there really only is the present moment and that is where we need to focus our attention strongly at this time.  If you live in the past you are bringing something that is done into the present and it cannot serve you now.  It is dead energy.  We cannot change the past no matter how much we try.  We can have gratitude for it because everything each of us has done has led us to this present moment alive, breathing and ready to create.  Often it is easy to drag our history around as an ever-growing tail that can slow us down in the now.  Instead, have gratitude for all that you label in the past as either good or bad, high or low and thank it for having been in your experience.  Bless your past, have gratitude for it and now move into the grace of this present moment.

     What is coming for each and all of us is not based on the past.  If it was, we would each be in and endless loop with nothing new happening, just a repeating of patterns again and again.  If you want more then it is time to look at life as having the potential to move in a spiral.  You are still moving, and you are moving up the spiral in frequency and you are creating the result of that choice in what you are living in the now moment.  There can be moving up and down the spiral.  Yes you may take two step upwards and then on step downwards.  This is called learning.  We are each learning to become comfortable with the possibility that we are totally in charge of our experiences in life and any limitations we might set for ourselves are only a choice, a choice that can be changed at any time.

     Now the future is unknown and the unknown can be perceived as fearful.  The fear of the future can provoke anxiety in many people, and so instead there is a tendency to cling to the known, to go back to the old ways that are known, even if they do not fit for the now.  This is what we are seeing with nations in this moment.  There is a turning back to nationalistic ideas:  strong borders to protect from undesirable "others", new leaders focused on law and order, a fear of new ideas leading to a suppression of free speech in the media.  These are some of the reactions that I am seeing.  There are also the tried and true old agendas of raising the specter of wars of all kinds- military, economic and social.  When have things ever stayed the same for very long?  Almost never!  And things ARE improving despite the apparent view of the mass consciousness that everything is not going well.  Why?  It is now much easier to have an awareness of everything that is happening in the world in real-time of the now because of the technologies we have.  Fifty years ago you would have had to hope that your local newspaper or broadcaster would report on these things, and often many things were just left out, leaving us blissfully ignorant of many of the challenges and crises happening all of the time.  In order to handle the future we must learn to ground ourselves into the unknown of the future and see it not as something to fear, but instead see it as a great opportunity to receive unexpected gifts of surprise that we will welcome into our lives.

     To review:  Have gratitude for your past whether it was good or bad, it has brought you to this NOW moment.  Having gratitude for the past releases the need for you to bring old, dead energy into your present.  Old energy has no potential for you to use to create with in the now.  It just keeps you stuck on a circular path, a human hamster wheel.  Second, live in the GRACE of the present.  Take a few deep breaths, feel the life that you are in, you have created it and you are here in this moment generating radiant action, making choices.  Your potentials are large, provided you have done the work to release the need to bring the past into the now.  This is what we are all working on individually and collectively in this now moment.  Third, become grounded in the unknown of the future.  We do not know what is coming because we are each creating it in what we are choosing.  I believe that the more people who choose for their own well-being, their own good, will create a field of positive expectation that others will attune to to some degree depending on their awareness.  This energy will align with the higher frequencies that are already here and will join with each of us as we move into the vibrancy of the much greater potentials now available.

Learn from those who are joyful

     Those that I see whom are having the greatest success these days are those who are joyful.  They are creating for themselves events and situations that they wish to experience and they are having great fun doing it!  Life was never meant to be an continual struggle, it is so important to keep your energy frequency high by doing some of the things that you love in life.  If you say there is not enough time, then who is stealing your time?  It must be you through the choices you have made, so make another choice!  Often in this blog I write the phrase "Less is more".  It truly is!  If you simplify your life you will have less to maintain and more energy to have what you want.  For example one thing I have done recently on a Sunday morning is to attend a local movement class for two hours.  A large group gathers and a program of music is played, building in intensity towards the middle of the session before finally tapering back down at the end.  People are encouraged to move and dance however they wish, but in silence.  It is quite fun because I get to move my body in all sorts of ways that I wouldn't normally, without anyone judging what is happening because they are doing it too!  It is very enlivening and I leave feeling in a good mood and having a bit of exercise without the drudgery of going to a structured program.  I have found this choice for myself to be a much higher use of my energy than just sitting around the house drinking coffee and watching news programs.  Empower yourself to make choices for your own happiness.  You first, then others!

Admit that you don't know

     There is a great unburdening that comes from saying "I don't know" and being happy with that.  We all run around thinking that we know everything, and we have the accumulated knowledge of the world now at our fingertips with technology, yet why aren't we all running down the street skipping for joy?  It is because we are overly focused on the intellect!  The mind only knows what it knows and there are frankly more pieces of information available than we can cram into our heads, so obviously knowing things doesn't lead to happiness.  Yes, knowledge is useful, wisdom is better and beyond that knowing on a deeper level beyond thought is even better.  In order to get to a fuller expression of being human we are going to need to step back from the idea that knowledge alone is all we need.  If you wish to argue then tell me how you beat your heart, how do you digest your food?  Where do your thoughts come from?  You can see that by just these questions who "you" think you are is actually a fraction of the being that you truly are! 

     I have said as well as others that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  This is one of the most challenging ways to exist because we are still at a formative stage of existence as humans.  No one is here by accident, no one is a victim of their circumstances.  This is easy to write, yet often difficult to accept yet if you believe that you are connected to a soul energy (however you may term it) then you are receiving input that comes from outside your normal awareness.  Breathe a few deep breaths every now and then and imagine that you are drawing in not only air but living energy that sustains you on your path.  Aim for your own brand of wisdom and know there is more beyond that!

Focus on your highest inner urgings as you move forward

     These bodies we have are focused by our sense organs to perceive life as external.  Yes, there is an external life that we all interact with, however it manifests from our own internal state of being as we attend to it.  All love, all prosperity, all peace comes from our ourselves first giving it to ourselves on the inside.  This is where belief comes into play.  As many have said "You will see it when you believe it".  All of us have dreams for ourselves.  When we can hold onto them and nurture them, then signals will come to us in the form of thoughts or urgings.  If we act upon them we are honoring our intuition and intuition is directly tied to that spiritual part of us that is quietly ever-present.  Now is the time when we need to pay more attention to this process in our lives.  Consider your intuition to be your most benevolent friend, your own spiritual Alexa that can only have your best interests as it's only priority.  This process is key to being in our joy in the years to come.  Clinging to only what we see in the world without attending to our inner world plays into the hands of living only from one's own ego and that never ends well. 

     I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and it has helped you to consider examining how you are approaching your life.  You have gifts that you can share with the world in small or large measure if you like, and the world will benefit from that choice if you make it.  If anything in this triggered you, then be happy that you have been called to question yourself at a deeper level.  While I work to promote truth as best as I know it and can express it, it certainly isn't the only truth on the planet.  If you have been inspired, then pay it forward by inspiring another.  Until next time I bid you to fare well and smile whenever possible.  Blessings.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

2018- A year of illumination and movement

     The new year is off to a quick start and we are nearly at the end of its first month of January.  The energy of this first month of the year feels to me like a continuation of 2017.  Perhaps new things are coming very soon?  What does this year hold for us and how can we make the most of it in these ever-changing times?  Let's take a look at some of the things happening around us and within us to see if we can shed some light on all of it.  I am certain that will a little focus and clear intent many of us will make it a year to remember!

     First of all 2018 in numerology is an "11" year, which means mastery year, so it will have more power than last year.  The last mastery year was 2009.  Can you remember all of the changes that came from the economic shock caused by the financial nosedive?  Millions lost their jobs, their homes and the stock market had taken a serious beating, only bottoming in March of that year before beginning its slow and steady rise we still see today.   I would expect that while it won't be a repeat of that year, it will offer a lot of profound lessons to millions of us around taking our power, claiming who we are and moving forward into creating a life that truly reflects that truth.

     An "11" year is also closely aligned with the wisdom of the divine feminine rising.  We are already seeing this in how women are now speaking out about generations of harassment and abuse, setting a new norm of behavior long overdue.  The divine feminine also impacts those of male gender too.  It calls forth the protective and nurturing aspects of the feminine energy within men to also stand up for the kind of norms they want to have in society as well.  Expect to find more people bringing up the issue of compassion towards one another rather than divisiveness that has been rampant in recent times.

     Coincidentally we are having a 2nd full moon of the month, called a "blue" moon, along with an eclipse at 11 degrees (11 again-interesting!) of Leo.  It will be partially visible from the U.S.A. starting at 6:57 am CST on Wednesday 1/31/18.  Energetically eclipses are said to "reset" the overall energy on the planet to some degree, so they are worth paying attention to.

     On February 16 we enter the year of the Dog in Chinese astrology, that is why there's a dog photo at the beginning of this article.  Do you know the breed?  Leave it in the comments if you do!   You may remember those placements in Chinese restaurants that told a bit about it as you ate your egg rolls.  The Dog year is going to replace the Rooster year which we are leaving.  Here are some things about the upcoming new year of the Dog:

1)  Repeated once every 60 years in the Chinese calendar, the year of the Earth Dog is a powerful marker in men and women's lives, offering when it occurs a new interpretation of the human condition.

2) Actions based solely on individual drive and demagoguery are unmasked and rejected by the majority.

3)  The sign of the Dog, symbol of intelligence and protection, can also turn 2018 into a sensitive period, during which activists and students, but also ordinary citizens won't hesitate to demand radical changes to their life conditions to preserve the future for themselves and their families.

     You can see just from these things I have mentioned that the stage is set for much to occur in a positive way in 2018.  Things are going to move quickly, so be prepared!  I cannot remind all of you enough that we are in the midst of a rapid energetic change on the planet and as we all all stepping into more of the energy that is here we are each going to feel a lot more change.  Change is good because it is leading each of us to an evolution of our consciousness and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Our reality is a mirroring us individually and collectively

     Everything that is in each of our lives is there because we have made a choice on some level to invite it in.  Being able to grasp and maintain a higher expression in our lives means that we have to take more responsibility for what we see- the good, the bad and the ugly.  As we are moving between the old and the new, the old habits and the old patterns will still try to assert themselves in our lives and culture.  It is each of our jobs to promote those things that will create peace and prosperity and a greater compassion for ourselves and others.  Despite the trap of believing that we have it "all figured out"  and can be on auto-pilot in our lives that is simply not the case.   Nothing will change until we as humans begin to enact change in our lives.  The collective potential for change will happen as we will all be pushed and prodded out of complacency now and in coming years.  There is no returning to the way things were, and we are going to have to let go of our fear of the unknown.  Imagine it instead as a place of great potential, great abundance and expanded love- all things I believe we want.  We just need to not allow fear to keep us from claiming what is our birthright:  a life of more.
 Remember the acronym for fear:  Focus the Energy to Alter the Results, F.E.A.R.  That's all it is.  You have sovereignty over what you think and whether you fill your mind with distraction and low vibration, fear based media/people/etc.  or not.  Claim your power of choice.

     I am not saying this is an easy process, or that it will happen in short order.  Being human does take effort before results are seen.  Thirty or forty years from now it will make more sense looking back upon it.  We obviously have needed for a long time to collectively awaken from the distorted dream of society that has put the planet under great stress from pollution and the people in a state less than their true nature.  We have already made great strides in things like renewable energy, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing of everything from cars to computers.  We have ignited great awareness of the need for creating a healthy food system with organically produced food skyrocketing in demand.  These are a few of the things that are happening that are positive.  Look for your own positive stories instead of just being spoon-fed the stories of conflict, doom and gloom on the mainstream media.  That is just the old energy.  Eventually they won't have an audience to sustain themselves.  The are the dinosaurs of our era, fated to fade away because their vibration is too low to maintain their existence.

     The public discourse  is also mirroring a process to make us more conscious through showing us the unconscious patterns acting out all around us.  We all view life through a lens of perception, now it is time to widen the scope of that lens so we can bring the unknown into the known, or in other words bring the unconscious into conscious understanding.  Here is an illustration:  The widespread belief in governmental conspiracy, a shadow government, a secret agenda, an alien agenda, etc. that swirl around us are essentially at their root the expression of the shadow side of the human psyche.  They are given energy by those who believe in them and that propels them into our media.  This field of fear energy is created by humans who need to understand their own power and its purpose.  This energy loop returns fearful thoughts back to those indulging in them, reinforcing a belief in a grand illusion.  To counter this fear energy and manage it, we have come to rely on our logical based left hemisphere of our brain to use reason and control to make sense of this shadow information.  The combination of the actions of these two hemispheres of our brains creates in essence the outer picture of reality that we see.  What is different now is that as the frequency of the planet has increased, now we are beginning to see more of our collective creation and the absurdity of it.  Those still within it will fight to continue to believe that things are as they have always been and only a few laws need to be created to deal with the "problems".  Those who are awakening are seeing the falsity of the situation but generally do not have a plan or proposal of how to address it, they just know it doesn't resonate with them.

     Trying to "fix" the illusion of reality as we currently know it just is not going to work.  We are each being called to our own personal reckoning with what we want to experience.  Are you going to believe in fear as the dominant vibration in your life, or are you going to challenge yourself to bring more love energy into your life?  This love energy is the higher vibrating choices that you make for yourself, and as we each do it we will see more of it mirrored into our reality.

Your choice:  autopilot or movement

     Humans have a strong need for consistency and familiarity.  It is part of the social energy that keeps us together as a species.  We "know" where things are and what their function is in our lives, from our possessions to our jobs and pastimes, and even our relationships with loved ones.  The question we will inevitably ask is " Is this enough, or do I want more?"  The feeling side, or emotional body will be asking us this throughout our lives, and it is our choice to listen and act.  Oftentimes action may seem to be too difficult or raises anxiety within us.  When this happens we have to make a decision, and often it is to remain within our current circumstances.  And there is nothing wrong with this choice as long as you are willing to own and accept that that is your choice.  It is my assertion that change always comes, there is no avoiding that if you are human, so why not become open to being flexible about inviting more movement into your life this year?

     Movement involves the choice of feeling your feelings and taking some sort of physical action towards moving to your desired outcome.  For example, at this time of year many are focused on diet and exercise in order to improve their feeling state in their bodies, losing weight, becoming more fit and increasing well-being.  These are all good things because they honor the body by making higher choices consciously.  This is one example of using the mental and emotional parts of ourselves to create change.  Another avenue of creating change is to create physical movement for its own sake.

      The physical is one of three factors that we apply in our lives to create.  Often it is looked upon only as a servant of our thoughts and feelings but it is more than that.  Take a look at physical movement in your life.  You may find that you are not using your body very much.  You may take it from desk to sofa to auto.  You walk a bit.  Is there a way to do more with the body to activate yourself?  I say yes of course!  Remember, you are your own walking universe of trillions of cells and they will respond if you move them in new or different ways.  Ask any dancer how they feel after moving and nearly all will report feelings of joy.  Moving the body requires more breath, so you are breathing deeper, oxygenating yourself and your cells love this!  There is a bit of alchemy to the transformation that we can invite in when we move the body, so don't think about it, just move.  Afterward there will be ample time to evaluate whatever you have chosen.  Also, state your intention to invite in energies to work with you in whatever movement you choose.  A clear intent to move, to want more in your life will give those unknown portions of "you" to act on your behalf as the physical being you are to create synchronicity and opportunities to be seen by you.  Have fun with yourself as you give yourself permission to give this a try. 

Takeaways from all of this

     We are individually and collectively working with the increasing frequencies of energy on our planet.  This is causing us to see things we have held as norms, and some of these "norms" are no longer acceptable to us.  There will continue to be more light shined in metaphoric "dark corners".  People will become less accepting of pronouncements of government and large institutions.  They will question the truth of statements made and reject outright lies.  Accountability and integrity will start to come into fashion once again.  Truth = Freedom.  If it doesn't feel like freedom, it's not truth!

     Reality is a mirror.  We are each like facets on a great diamond called life.  We reflect what we choose to see.  Always remember your power to choose differently if you do not like what you are seeing showing up in your life.  You have a right to your best life experience, and you have to give that gift to yourself.

     Enjoy your humanness.  You are here, aren't you?  While you remain in this life whether it be another 70 years or 70 days, do your best to write the story of you.  Breath deeply, move your body and invite in the transformation, the evolution right into your own cells, as if you are the G-d of your own personal universe.  Rely less on thinking or feeling right now.  Instead focus on being fully in your body.  There will be plenty of time for those later.  Celebrate the physical you in whatever shape or condition you find yourself in, we are all perfectly imperfect!

I wish you good health, happiness and joyful expression of yourself as we move into the new energies of February and beyond. 




Monday, January 22, 2018

How to activate your DNA to a higher level to live the life you want

     The subject of DNA is one that we as a species are only beginning to explore.  It is complex because it contains the totality of who we are, in each of us, in tiny packets sprinkled in each of the 100 trillion cells we each have.  The action of DNA is so profound that even though we will replace every one of these cells approximately every 7 years, a pattern is maintained of who we are.  What if we could consciously interact with our DNA and create a life of great vitality and happiness?  Is it possible to influence the essence of the physical "you" in a way that brings more of what each of us want?   I say yes, and over time it will become so for all of us.  Today we will explore the possibilities before us in order to spur curiosity and fire up our imagination of what we are capable of as humans.

     We have a basic understanding of DNA and genes, know about the mapping done by the Human Genome Project and we know about GMO foods but for the average person that is about the extent of our working knowledge on the subject.  The study of the chemistry of DNA and the function of genes on a physical level is well beyond this author's area of expertise, suffice it to say that DNA operates beyond the physical while being physical.  So how do we influence it for our benefit?  The short answer is to begin to move towards choices which support higher consciousness, and then the DNA will reflect in our bodies that shift into a higher functioning vehicle. 

     Currently our DNA is functioning at a level of 30-31% of its potential.  If we increase this potential then we will have a far expanded experience of being a human in a body.  Some of this may include having conscious knowledge of other lifetimes you have lived and all of the wisdom gleaned from those other times.  Second, with higher functioning DNA we can create an intelligent immune system which will eradicate many of the diseases we now have few tools to heal.  This will also mean that we will be living much longer than the 75-80 year average, and instead regularly exceeding 100 years of age and perhaps some being able to maintain good health until 200 years of age.  Changes like these are coming and they will have a huge impact on global society in the next century.  People who live to 140 or 160 years old will be able to easily identify non-functional patterns of behavior in themselves and in society and will direct efforts to much better outcomes.

     To gain the benefits of one's DNA expressing to a higher level it means we have to be in a body and wanting more.  We have to do our best to respect the vehicle that we each travel within in order to experience evolution, and evolving we are.  Many of us wish we could just activate our DNA and we could morph into an evolved being instantly like in a sci-fi movie, that however is not how it works.  We aren't meant to bypass the experiences along the path-the journey is just as valuable as the destination, otherwise why would we be here?

We are beings of Light living in a body

     If you have your 6th chakra somewhat active, you can see some of the etheric field of energy that surrounds us and all living things.  It is one aspect of the light that we are.  We are actually composed of frequencies of light and love that express through and within whatever vehicle we happen to find ourselves in.  Currently we are talking about the human physical body because I assume that you have one and are using its eyes to read this, correct?

     One interpretation of what our DNA is comes from the author Richard Rudd, creator of the book "Gene Keys".  Here is what he has to say:  "Your DNA is a wormhole.  It contains a code that, when activated, opens up the core of the holographic universe.  As such, the DNA molecule is really a transducer of light.  The more open the wormhole is, the more light pours through it.  Like a torus, it both draws light towards itself and emanates it outward.  Eventually, so much light will radiate through you that the wormhole itself collapses.  The resulting supernova reveals to you your true universal nature as one with all of creation."

     Most of us have at one time experienced what it feels like to radiate joy.  You might have heard someone telling you "you are beaming!".  When we are in these higher states our cells are literally vibrating at a higher rate and we are radiating more light into our surroundings.   Aura photography can also show the radiation of a person's energy field.  Historically we have seen paintings done where a person's radiance is depicted as a halo over their head.  You may also be fortunate enough to be in the presence of a very spiritual person who you can feel the emanation of their energy field or even see it.  All of these examples fit with Rudd's assertion that we are transducing light through our bodies.  It is our nature, this is not just a fanciful notion.

To activate our DNA we need to consciously choose evolution

     Increased consciousness goes hand in hand with evolution.  Life involves choices.  While our bodies may function quite well without much thought from us, our path of growth and creating more in our lives involves us making conscious choices for it.  It is up to each of us how fast or slow we will go, there is no one way to approach this process.  Just be glad that you are in it, despite the clamor and drama of the external world.

     Why activate ourselves?  Because any work we do towards our own growth and evolution in love will not only make our current life better, it will also carry over into soul's record which will benefit all future expressions of life that we may take.  It is inevitable that at one moment or another we will all have to embrace this process and move out of a very limited awareness that has been filled with the challenges of duality and a 3rd dimensional existence.

Is DNA activation valid?

     Presently there are healers who are offering a wide variety of modalities to "activate" ones DNA, usually with the intent of moving towards "ascension" or some other perceived higher state.  While a healer may be able to help a client move towards activating their DNA in a limited fashion, it is always the client themselves doing their own work that causes a shift to occur.

     According to Kryon in the book "The Twelve layers of DNA", the third layer of this multi-dimensional substance is the ascension and activation layer.  "The reason the word activation is in the name of this layer is because, like the battery, this layer is fully charged and ready to go, but it is always measuring your spiritual vibration.  As you solve the puzzles of duality, create peace in your life, and clam the power of the creator inside, DNA knows it and this layer is used to increase the power to your cellular structure to live longer, think in a balanced way, conquer fear, heal itself, and move into an entirely new paradigm."  The thoughts that I get after reading this are that we cannot fool ourselves into thinking that we can bluff our way into higher consciousness, we have to authentically be present to ourselves and our life situation and do the best we can, knowing that we will still make mistakes along the way.  That is the journey of us as humans.

     The DNA is listening to us all of the time.  It is not merely a chemical shifting within the cells that occurs, it is a quantum shift that cascades throughout the body system in response to a person's own healing.  So how do we talk to our cells?  How do we attain this shift into wellness and joy?  We have to do our work as it presents itself to us.  No two people have exactly the same lessons to learn or the same approaches to life.  Yes, we share many commonalities however we must avoid self-judgment when inevitably comparing ourselves to others.

     I have mentioned in previous writing about how we each come into life with 5-7 major "blueprint" items to work on in our life.  Yes, we do script these opportunities into our lifetime before our birth.  When we achieve completion of each, we do receive an increase in vibration that moves us up the spiral so to speak.  I imagine that this corresponds to an increased activation of one's DNA.  Kryon appears to concur and speaks of mastering "life lessons".  Once they are done they do not have to be repeated again.  I will show you a list of some of them he wrote.  They all do not have to apply to you, just own the ones that you know on a feeling level do apply.  They are:  Learn to love, Learn to listen, Learn to receive, Learn to love yourself, Learn to speak your truth, Learn how not to be a victim, Learn not to let anyone define you and Learn that you deserve to be here."  If you take an honest look at yourself you will probably resonate with one or two of these.  That is the task at hand for each of us.  We can fail to learn, or we can try to avoid our lessons but eventually we will have to learn and master them.  Activating ones DNA and moving to higher consciousness means that we do have to claim more personal responsibility for ourselves our actions and the outcomes we create.  We are each capable of this, it is our destiny.

Talk to your body

     To activate your DNA into a higher expression it is important to talk to your body.  We have these trillions of cells which are like a whole universe where we are the Voice that speaks, yet we almost never speak to it.  I don't want to limit it to the notion of only talking to body parts.  Speak to your body through how you use it.  Take it on a walk.  Go out dancing.  Dig in the dirt.  Move it.  We have become so mentally driven in our culture and spend so much time thinking and watching our devices that we've neglected our connection to ourselves as physical beings.  Take more time for this.  Yoga is a wonderful way to send loving messages to your body.  Even bending over and touching your toes is good!  The increase in vibratory rate on the planet is affecting our cellular structure and we need to allow for expansion of energy within the physical structure.  Taking time for your self on a physical level will allow for more balance with the mental and emotional portions of you, making it a win-win.  Balancing those aspects allows space to enter into your awareness to allow flow of ideas of what you want to be received.

     The body wants to be in balance.  It is our faithful servant and our connection to the physical world and this planet.  We, as humans, are the nexus point of creator energy in form.  We are the ones who are paving the way for the emergence of higher consciousness and evolution to occur.  Living in a body is not always easy, however it is the perfectly imperfect teaching tool that is constantly changing and evolving with us.  It may be oftentimes very quiet but it does have an awareness that is beyond your thinking mind.  Introduce yourself to yourself once again and revel at the possibilities for your future together!

You are becoming multi-dimensional

     Life is in constant motion, constant change and we are each transforming.  We are in year 6 of the new energies on the planet and that includes the vibrations of the 5th dimension, as well as all of the other dimensions up to it.  As we each grow in awareness of ourselves as creators in our own right of our lives we continue to apply energy towards our evolution, and our DNA is watching and listening.  Each of us has within us the complete potential to become masters and I believe that the more we hold to this belief, collectively we will drive the potentials towards that outcome.  Look to the younger humans, especially those born since 2000, as they are wired to remember more of who they are, and they will be more willing to express it in their lives going forward.  Have compassion for those of older years, for many are still imprinted with the old paradigm of only a 3D existence, and they will fight to say that that is all there is.  You and I know there is more.  It is time to start expressing our truth more in how we live, and inviting ourselves to expand through love of self.  I invite you to challenge yourself to make firm plans to bring more higher vibration experiences into your life and see what happens.  Enjoy yourself more and sing to your cells that there is more coming because you have invited it in.  Anticipate the unexpected gift of surprise that you can give yourself as you go through this powerful year of 2018.  To your success!



Sources:   Gene Keys- Richard Rudd

                  Kryon- The Twelve Layers of DNA by Lee Carroll