Tuesday, January 30, 2018

2018- A year of illumination and movement

     The new year is off to a quick start and we are nearly at the end of its first month of January.  The energy of this first month of the year feels to me like a continuation of 2017.  Perhaps new things are coming very soon?  What does this year hold for us and how can we make the most of it in these ever-changing times?  Let's take a look at some of the things happening around us and within us to see if we can shed some light on all of it.  I am certain that will a little focus and clear intent many of us will make it a year to remember!

     First of all 2018 in numerology is an "11" year, which means mastery year, so it will have more power than last year.  The last mastery year was 2009.  Can you remember all of the changes that came from the economic shock caused by the financial nosedive?  Millions lost their jobs, their homes and the stock market had taken a serious beating, only bottoming in March of that year before beginning its slow and steady rise we still see today.   I would expect that while it won't be a repeat of that year, it will offer a lot of profound lessons to millions of us around taking our power, claiming who we are and moving forward into creating a life that truly reflects that truth.

     An "11" year is also closely aligned with the wisdom of the divine feminine rising.  We are already seeing this in how women are now speaking out about generations of harassment and abuse, setting a new norm of behavior long overdue.  The divine feminine also impacts those of male gender too.  It calls forth the protective and nurturing aspects of the feminine energy within men to also stand up for the kind of norms they want to have in society as well.  Expect to find more people bringing up the issue of compassion towards one another rather than divisiveness that has been rampant in recent times.

     Coincidentally we are having a 2nd full moon of the month, called a "blue" moon, along with an eclipse at 11 degrees (11 again-interesting!) of Leo.  It will be partially visible from the U.S.A. starting at 6:57 am CST on Wednesday 1/31/18.  Energetically eclipses are said to "reset" the overall energy on the planet to some degree, so they are worth paying attention to.

     On February 16 we enter the year of the Dog in Chinese astrology, that is why there's a dog photo at the beginning of this article.  Do you know the breed?  Leave it in the comments if you do!   You may remember those placements in Chinese restaurants that told a bit about it as you ate your egg rolls.  The Dog year is going to replace the Rooster year which we are leaving.  Here are some things about the upcoming new year of the Dog:

1)  Repeated once every 60 years in the Chinese calendar, the year of the Earth Dog is a powerful marker in men and women's lives, offering when it occurs a new interpretation of the human condition.

2) Actions based solely on individual drive and demagoguery are unmasked and rejected by the majority.

3)  The sign of the Dog, symbol of intelligence and protection, can also turn 2018 into a sensitive period, during which activists and students, but also ordinary citizens won't hesitate to demand radical changes to their life conditions to preserve the future for themselves and their families.

     You can see just from these things I have mentioned that the stage is set for much to occur in a positive way in 2018.  Things are going to move quickly, so be prepared!  I cannot remind all of you enough that we are in the midst of a rapid energetic change on the planet and as we all all stepping into more of the energy that is here we are each going to feel a lot more change.  Change is good because it is leading each of us to an evolution of our consciousness and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Our reality is a mirroring us individually and collectively

     Everything that is in each of our lives is there because we have made a choice on some level to invite it in.  Being able to grasp and maintain a higher expression in our lives means that we have to take more responsibility for what we see- the good, the bad and the ugly.  As we are moving between the old and the new, the old habits and the old patterns will still try to assert themselves in our lives and culture.  It is each of our jobs to promote those things that will create peace and prosperity and a greater compassion for ourselves and others.  Despite the trap of believing that we have it "all figured out"  and can be on auto-pilot in our lives that is simply not the case.   Nothing will change until we as humans begin to enact change in our lives.  The collective potential for change will happen as we will all be pushed and prodded out of complacency now and in coming years.  There is no returning to the way things were, and we are going to have to let go of our fear of the unknown.  Imagine it instead as a place of great potential, great abundance and expanded love- all things I believe we want.  We just need to not allow fear to keep us from claiming what is our birthright:  a life of more.
 Remember the acronym for fear:  Focus the Energy to Alter the Results, F.E.A.R.  That's all it is.  You have sovereignty over what you think and whether you fill your mind with distraction and low vibration, fear based media/people/etc.  or not.  Claim your power of choice.

     I am not saying this is an easy process, or that it will happen in short order.  Being human does take effort before results are seen.  Thirty or forty years from now it will make more sense looking back upon it.  We obviously have needed for a long time to collectively awaken from the distorted dream of society that has put the planet under great stress from pollution and the people in a state less than their true nature.  We have already made great strides in things like renewable energy, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing of everything from cars to computers.  We have ignited great awareness of the need for creating a healthy food system with organically produced food skyrocketing in demand.  These are a few of the things that are happening that are positive.  Look for your own positive stories instead of just being spoon-fed the stories of conflict, doom and gloom on the mainstream media.  That is just the old energy.  Eventually they won't have an audience to sustain themselves.  The are the dinosaurs of our era, fated to fade away because their vibration is too low to maintain their existence.

     The public discourse  is also mirroring a process to make us more conscious through showing us the unconscious patterns acting out all around us.  We all view life through a lens of perception, now it is time to widen the scope of that lens so we can bring the unknown into the known, or in other words bring the unconscious into conscious understanding.  Here is an illustration:  The widespread belief in governmental conspiracy, a shadow government, a secret agenda, an alien agenda, etc. that swirl around us are essentially at their root the expression of the shadow side of the human psyche.  They are given energy by those who believe in them and that propels them into our media.  This field of fear energy is created by humans who need to understand their own power and its purpose.  This energy loop returns fearful thoughts back to those indulging in them, reinforcing a belief in a grand illusion.  To counter this fear energy and manage it, we have come to rely on our logical based left hemisphere of our brain to use reason and control to make sense of this shadow information.  The combination of the actions of these two hemispheres of our brains creates in essence the outer picture of reality that we see.  What is different now is that as the frequency of the planet has increased, now we are beginning to see more of our collective creation and the absurdity of it.  Those still within it will fight to continue to believe that things are as they have always been and only a few laws need to be created to deal with the "problems".  Those who are awakening are seeing the falsity of the situation but generally do not have a plan or proposal of how to address it, they just know it doesn't resonate with them.

     Trying to "fix" the illusion of reality as we currently know it just is not going to work.  We are each being called to our own personal reckoning with what we want to experience.  Are you going to believe in fear as the dominant vibration in your life, or are you going to challenge yourself to bring more love energy into your life?  This love energy is the higher vibrating choices that you make for yourself, and as we each do it we will see more of it mirrored into our reality.

Your choice:  autopilot or movement

     Humans have a strong need for consistency and familiarity.  It is part of the social energy that keeps us together as a species.  We "know" where things are and what their function is in our lives, from our possessions to our jobs and pastimes, and even our relationships with loved ones.  The question we will inevitably ask is " Is this enough, or do I want more?"  The feeling side, or emotional body will be asking us this throughout our lives, and it is our choice to listen and act.  Oftentimes action may seem to be too difficult or raises anxiety within us.  When this happens we have to make a decision, and often it is to remain within our current circumstances.  And there is nothing wrong with this choice as long as you are willing to own and accept that that is your choice.  It is my assertion that change always comes, there is no avoiding that if you are human, so why not become open to being flexible about inviting more movement into your life this year?

     Movement involves the choice of feeling your feelings and taking some sort of physical action towards moving to your desired outcome.  For example, at this time of year many are focused on diet and exercise in order to improve their feeling state in their bodies, losing weight, becoming more fit and increasing well-being.  These are all good things because they honor the body by making higher choices consciously.  This is one example of using the mental and emotional parts of ourselves to create change.  Another avenue of creating change is to create physical movement for its own sake.

      The physical is one of three factors that we apply in our lives to create.  Often it is looked upon only as a servant of our thoughts and feelings but it is more than that.  Take a look at physical movement in your life.  You may find that you are not using your body very much.  You may take it from desk to sofa to auto.  You walk a bit.  Is there a way to do more with the body to activate yourself?  I say yes of course!  Remember, you are your own walking universe of trillions of cells and they will respond if you move them in new or different ways.  Ask any dancer how they feel after moving and nearly all will report feelings of joy.  Moving the body requires more breath, so you are breathing deeper, oxygenating yourself and your cells love this!  There is a bit of alchemy to the transformation that we can invite in when we move the body, so don't think about it, just move.  Afterward there will be ample time to evaluate whatever you have chosen.  Also, state your intention to invite in energies to work with you in whatever movement you choose.  A clear intent to move, to want more in your life will give those unknown portions of "you" to act on your behalf as the physical being you are to create synchronicity and opportunities to be seen by you.  Have fun with yourself as you give yourself permission to give this a try. 

Takeaways from all of this

     We are individually and collectively working with the increasing frequencies of energy on our planet.  This is causing us to see things we have held as norms, and some of these "norms" are no longer acceptable to us.  There will continue to be more light shined in metaphoric "dark corners".  People will become less accepting of pronouncements of government and large institutions.  They will question the truth of statements made and reject outright lies.  Accountability and integrity will start to come into fashion once again.  Truth = Freedom.  If it doesn't feel like freedom, it's not truth!

     Reality is a mirror.  We are each like facets on a great diamond called life.  We reflect what we choose to see.  Always remember your power to choose differently if you do not like what you are seeing showing up in your life.  You have a right to your best life experience, and you have to give that gift to yourself.

     Enjoy your humanness.  You are here, aren't you?  While you remain in this life whether it be another 70 years or 70 days, do your best to write the story of you.  Breath deeply, move your body and invite in the transformation, the evolution right into your own cells, as if you are the G-d of your own personal universe.  Rely less on thinking or feeling right now.  Instead focus on being fully in your body.  There will be plenty of time for those later.  Celebrate the physical you in whatever shape or condition you find yourself in, we are all perfectly imperfect!

I wish you good health, happiness and joyful expression of yourself as we move into the new energies of February and beyond. 




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