Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Deep thoughts or not? You decide!

     The current zeitgeist

     It has been an interesting first few months of 2018.  There continues to be a clashing of the old with the new and many are trying to make sense of it, many are in fear and some are thriving.  Here's my take on what is occurring.  The larger sphere of energy that pervades this planet is now firmly within the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension.  This is leading to continuing outbreaks of benevolent outcomes manifesting instead of great upheavals.  There continues to be a large group of humanity that still believes in the old paradigm of fear and control so we are still seeing plenty of that manifesting as well.  While it seems to be expanding, what has actually occurred is that our awareness of what has been going on has become massively magnified due the proliferation of cell phone technology.  Everyone now can have nearly instant notification of any news- good or bad.

     We are each becoming aware that our institutions are run by fallible humans who likely aren't any smarter than the rest of us.  We can sense that we want to live in a peaceful world where we are not constrained to follow restrictive edicts of governments and large organizations, yet we know that we still need some sort of organizing presence in life to balance the needs and interests of the whole.  The current battle in the USA and elsewhere is for who will set the agenda for this. 

     In this struggle for change first there has been a desire to "go back" to some imagined time when things were "better".  There has been a rise in nationalism, meanwhile we are still more global than ever.   If you don't believe me check the label of origin on your clothes or your groceries! We are interdependent with our neighbors around the world and it is impractical to try to isolate one's self or one's country from change.  Change is happening and it will continue to happen at an increasing rate over the coming years.  It is going to require a different kind of human, a different kind of human expression to face the challenges of an evolving world.  We are here.  We can do this.  We will do this.  Get excited, you will get to say you were here when it happened!

We are doing it to ourselves

     One of the biggest problems that I see is the tendency of people to not want to be responsible for the world that they are seeing.  If you look at it from the limited perspective that you are a "nice" person who lives a decent life, how could you contribute to anything negative in the world?  Think of it this way:  You and I are fantastic transceivers of energy.  Our thoughts, our attitudes, our beliefs all ripple out into the etheric energy of the planet and are picked up by others.  Already several studies have shown that large scale prayer and meditation have created positive outcomes in our world, but not everyone is willing to acknowledge this at this point.  This will slowly change as we move forward. 

     There are many popular notions circulating that some nefarious groups are negatively impacting our peace and happiness.  They are labeled as the "Cabal", aliens, certain super-wealthy individuals for example.  To me what this is, is an unconscious desire to disassociate ourselves with our own collective creation of reality and make "others" responsible for why we are not happy or receiving all that we might be due in our lives.  Doubtless there are many misguided individuals and groups that are still operating on the old paradigm of fear and control, and now we are all hyper-aware that they exist.  The thing to know is that the game has changed and the basis that these have all been operating within no longer is supported energetically by the energies that now exist planet-wide.  Now is the time to claim for ourselves our own power of creation to manifest what we do want to see, not what we do not want to see.  The mechanisms of this do exist:  getting involved, taking responsibility, becoming clear on what you want, respecting the free-will of others to do as they wish without violating your free-will.  One clear example that we are faced with is the warring and killing that abound.  This must come to an end at some point as killing is a gross violation of free-will, whether it be a person, an animal or an ecosystem.  There is work to do.

Humanity is a work in progress

     Because we are at a major transition point between paradigms there is much turmoil in humanity.  We are in the midst of literally birthing a whole new, much improved way of being human into the midst of a very dysfunctional system so there is conflict.  Remember, the over-arching energies have shifted and there is an increase in the frequency of energy on this planet and because we are transceivers of energy we are receiving this on a subtle, mostly unconscious level.  Those who wish to remain and thrive will be working on creating what brings them joy to whatever degree they can manifest, while those who will not be staying will be entertaining the lower vibrations of fear.  Fear can manifest in a multitude of forms-fear of death, fear of dangerous others, fear or economic ruin, fear name it.  This is all a choice that we now must take responsibility for instead of trying to run away from.  None of us are here forever in these bodies, we had might as well focus on being happy while we are here in this great play of consciousness, right?  Humanity is on a path of advancing to the next level, not destruction. Your creativity is needed! Choose to hold beliefs of goodness and that is what you will see.  Choose fear and you will suffer one way or another.  It is a choice.  Own your choices.


     Movement is happening.  Movement is key, but to where and for what purpose do you move?  All of us are learning and coming to a greater understanding that we are the creators of our reality.  I am, so I create.  It may be a very predictable creation- a day at work, a day of errands, a day of recreation, a day of boredom or a combination of these and other things.  We are all constantly creating.  Now, how do we take what we are doing and bring it to a higher level, a higher expression?  We begin with the end in mind first.

     What do you want?  To feel better, to have more joy, to have more prosperity I suppose. These are all good things, correct?  Yes, there are challenges in life, we all have to face them from time to time.  What I am suggesting is that we each have more power to see more of what we want in our lives than what we do not want because we have the power of choice.  It is not so much of a burden to choose your desires, it is more of a burden to take the actions necessary to create those things for yourself because some work is required.  While we are creators, we are not creating alone, we are either consciously or unconsciously co-creating with higher aspects of ourselves which are with us always.  It is my belief that indeed the ability to connect with these energies for our own good and well-being is now more available than ever because we are continuing to move into the higher frequencies of 5th dimensional awareness, so be excited!


     Our relationship with time is changing.  Many say that it feels like time is speeding up, that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Yes, it may feel that way because we are each stepping into more of the energy that is already available on the planet.  The frequencies of the 5th dimension are already here, we do not have to wait for them.  Higher frequency = Quickening.  Things will happen faster, change will happen faster.  Why not use this for your own good?  It is not something to be frustrated by or afraid of, it is an opportunity to shift into a better way of being.

     We all perceive past, present and future.  Yet there really only is the present moment and that is where we need to focus our attention strongly at this time.  If you live in the past you are bringing something that is done into the present and it cannot serve you now.  It is dead energy.  We cannot change the past no matter how much we try.  We can have gratitude for it because everything each of us has done has led us to this present moment alive, breathing and ready to create.  Often it is easy to drag our history around as an ever-growing tail that can slow us down in the now.  Instead, have gratitude for all that you label in the past as either good or bad, high or low and thank it for having been in your experience.  Bless your past, have gratitude for it and now move into the grace of this present moment.

     What is coming for each and all of us is not based on the past.  If it was, we would each be in and endless loop with nothing new happening, just a repeating of patterns again and again.  If you want more then it is time to look at life as having the potential to move in a spiral.  You are still moving, and you are moving up the spiral in frequency and you are creating the result of that choice in what you are living in the now moment.  There can be moving up and down the spiral.  Yes you may take two step upwards and then on step downwards.  This is called learning.  We are each learning to become comfortable with the possibility that we are totally in charge of our experiences in life and any limitations we might set for ourselves are only a choice, a choice that can be changed at any time.

     Now the future is unknown and the unknown can be perceived as fearful.  The fear of the future can provoke anxiety in many people, and so instead there is a tendency to cling to the known, to go back to the old ways that are known, even if they do not fit for the now.  This is what we are seeing with nations in this moment.  There is a turning back to nationalistic ideas:  strong borders to protect from undesirable "others", new leaders focused on law and order, a fear of new ideas leading to a suppression of free speech in the media.  These are some of the reactions that I am seeing.  There are also the tried and true old agendas of raising the specter of wars of all kinds- military, economic and social.  When have things ever stayed the same for very long?  Almost never!  And things ARE improving despite the apparent view of the mass consciousness that everything is not going well.  Why?  It is now much easier to have an awareness of everything that is happening in the world in real-time of the now because of the technologies we have.  Fifty years ago you would have had to hope that your local newspaper or broadcaster would report on these things, and often many things were just left out, leaving us blissfully ignorant of many of the challenges and crises happening all of the time.  In order to handle the future we must learn to ground ourselves into the unknown of the future and see it not as something to fear, but instead see it as a great opportunity to receive unexpected gifts of surprise that we will welcome into our lives.

     To review:  Have gratitude for your past whether it was good or bad, it has brought you to this NOW moment.  Having gratitude for the past releases the need for you to bring old, dead energy into your present.  Old energy has no potential for you to use to create with in the now.  It just keeps you stuck on a circular path, a human hamster wheel.  Second, live in the GRACE of the present.  Take a few deep breaths, feel the life that you are in, you have created it and you are here in this moment generating radiant action, making choices.  Your potentials are large, provided you have done the work to release the need to bring the past into the now.  This is what we are all working on individually and collectively in this now moment.  Third, become grounded in the unknown of the future.  We do not know what is coming because we are each creating it in what we are choosing.  I believe that the more people who choose for their own well-being, their own good, will create a field of positive expectation that others will attune to to some degree depending on their awareness.  This energy will align with the higher frequencies that are already here and will join with each of us as we move into the vibrancy of the much greater potentials now available.

Learn from those who are joyful

     Those that I see whom are having the greatest success these days are those who are joyful.  They are creating for themselves events and situations that they wish to experience and they are having great fun doing it!  Life was never meant to be an continual struggle, it is so important to keep your energy frequency high by doing some of the things that you love in life.  If you say there is not enough time, then who is stealing your time?  It must be you through the choices you have made, so make another choice!  Often in this blog I write the phrase "Less is more".  It truly is!  If you simplify your life you will have less to maintain and more energy to have what you want.  For example one thing I have done recently on a Sunday morning is to attend a local movement class for two hours.  A large group gathers and a program of music is played, building in intensity towards the middle of the session before finally tapering back down at the end.  People are encouraged to move and dance however they wish, but in silence.  It is quite fun because I get to move my body in all sorts of ways that I wouldn't normally, without anyone judging what is happening because they are doing it too!  It is very enlivening and I leave feeling in a good mood and having a bit of exercise without the drudgery of going to a structured program.  I have found this choice for myself to be a much higher use of my energy than just sitting around the house drinking coffee and watching news programs.  Empower yourself to make choices for your own happiness.  You first, then others!

Admit that you don't know

     There is a great unburdening that comes from saying "I don't know" and being happy with that.  We all run around thinking that we know everything, and we have the accumulated knowledge of the world now at our fingertips with technology, yet why aren't we all running down the street skipping for joy?  It is because we are overly focused on the intellect!  The mind only knows what it knows and there are frankly more pieces of information available than we can cram into our heads, so obviously knowing things doesn't lead to happiness.  Yes, knowledge is useful, wisdom is better and beyond that knowing on a deeper level beyond thought is even better.  In order to get to a fuller expression of being human we are going to need to step back from the idea that knowledge alone is all we need.  If you wish to argue then tell me how you beat your heart, how do you digest your food?  Where do your thoughts come from?  You can see that by just these questions who "you" think you are is actually a fraction of the being that you truly are! 

     I have said as well as others that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  This is one of the most challenging ways to exist because we are still at a formative stage of existence as humans.  No one is here by accident, no one is a victim of their circumstances.  This is easy to write, yet often difficult to accept yet if you believe that you are connected to a soul energy (however you may term it) then you are receiving input that comes from outside your normal awareness.  Breathe a few deep breaths every now and then and imagine that you are drawing in not only air but living energy that sustains you on your path.  Aim for your own brand of wisdom and know there is more beyond that!

Focus on your highest inner urgings as you move forward

     These bodies we have are focused by our sense organs to perceive life as external.  Yes, there is an external life that we all interact with, however it manifests from our own internal state of being as we attend to it.  All love, all prosperity, all peace comes from our ourselves first giving it to ourselves on the inside.  This is where belief comes into play.  As many have said "You will see it when you believe it".  All of us have dreams for ourselves.  When we can hold onto them and nurture them, then signals will come to us in the form of thoughts or urgings.  If we act upon them we are honoring our intuition and intuition is directly tied to that spiritual part of us that is quietly ever-present.  Now is the time when we need to pay more attention to this process in our lives.  Consider your intuition to be your most benevolent friend, your own spiritual Alexa that can only have your best interests as it's only priority.  This process is key to being in our joy in the years to come.  Clinging to only what we see in the world without attending to our inner world plays into the hands of living only from one's own ego and that never ends well. 

     I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and it has helped you to consider examining how you are approaching your life.  You have gifts that you can share with the world in small or large measure if you like, and the world will benefit from that choice if you make it.  If anything in this triggered you, then be happy that you have been called to question yourself at a deeper level.  While I work to promote truth as best as I know it and can express it, it certainly isn't the only truth on the planet.  If you have been inspired, then pay it forward by inspiring another.  Until next time I bid you to fare well and smile whenever possible.  Blessings.

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