"Some people think great god will come from the sky, take away everything, make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, you will find yours on Earth, and now you see the light. You stand up for your rights" -Bob Marley, iconic reggae artist.
Here we are now, at the end of the year 2012, one that millions have been focused on for many years, and there is anticipation as to what will occur now and in the coming year. Much of this focus has been fueled by our understanding of the Mayan calendar end date on December 21. Some see this as the turning point of a great Age- those periods that we ascribe to astrological happenings that occur with regularity in our galaxy. There are also remembrances, those things built into our very cellular structure of other times and what occurred. Now it is time to remember who and what we are, where we are at and where we are going.
The information I'm sharing I compiled over a period of a dozen years or so by two different channeled beings I've worked with along with my own inferences through study and observation. While I do not voice channel intentionally, I do receive guidance(we all do for that matter) and I've managed to come to understandings that I hope will help you on your path. I am privileged to share this with whomever reads it, may you be blessed on your path.
We all have an understanding that Lemuria and Atlantis existed. They were the first two major expressions of humanity in this current cycle, the current world being the third. It is not so important to understand the details of those civilizations, frankly it's nearly impossible to find the data conventionally. What is important to understand is that in the present we are the current expression of all of that living done ages ago. I cannot say if the lands of Atlantis and Lemuria will rise, but I can say that the essence of them IS rising in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. The theme of Lemuria was "Love is All" and the theme of Atlantis was "Knowledge is Power"-Markus energy. Our current civilization is now synthesizing these two themes into a yet unnamed expression. It's not named because we are in the process of creating it!
There is much talk about the shift of consciousness on the planet from 3rd to 4th to 5th dimension. What is this and what does it mean for us? This is what you need to know, that planet itself has shifted from 3rd through 4th and into the 5th dimension. This has occurred(the shift to 5th dimensional vibration) since beginning in 2001 and was completed by 2010. Anyone who continues to remain on the planet must raise their vibration to match this new paradigm(actually not new, just new to us). Each dimension is characterized by a vibrational range which increases as you go from one to the next. We are each moving through all three dimensions right now as we begin to learn how to hold and operate our conscious awareness. To be in the 5th dimension means that we are operating in the vibration of love. This does not mean merely a romantic sentiment, it means operating in a place of choice, personal responsibility and creative action in the world to bring one's life into a place of balance and joy.
Often when I speak with Kuranda he says something like "blah blah blah on Your planet". This has often annoyed me, yet it brings up some other conclusions. First, it's our planet and we're responsible for it. Second, there are other planets, and it's likely that they've had to go thru similar lessons in their development. Third, it's likely that some of these beings are available to us to assist in this process. Truly, we're not in it alone.
Life is endless, and so is Creation. Many of us having been going thru a clearing process, an awakening and a remembrance of why we are here at this time in history. I hope it's been going well for you, it hasn't exactly been a picnic by the lake for me! That's what moving thru the 4th dimension will do, as it is the realm of emotionality. As it's been explained to me and how I teach is that alternate vibrational levels are "stable", so while we might spend time in the 4th dimension it is not to where the planet has moved, instead it is the 5th dimension. So to live on the planet aim for the 5th dimension thru self-love and the practice of harmlessness in act, thought or deed. We are the living "ground crew" of Spirit en housed in bodies composed of the Earth(Gaia).
I've asked a number of times over the years of these beings and others what might portend for December 21, 2012? No one has given me a straight answer. I believe that this is the case because nothing like this has been successfully attempted before and we're partially creating it as we go, and apparently have come much further than was anticipated. Great! Congratulate yourselves because in some way you had a hand in it! What I do believe will occur, which they did allude to is that there will be some sort of event, likely a solar event or cosmic event that will occur which will get every one's attention. It may well be some sort of quantum shift of consciousness that will bring as Kuranda has put it "an increased level of creation" to our planet. Very exciting indeed!
Everything relating to Ascension is a process. While December 21 may well be a tipping point, it is by no means the end. Based on my own research I expect that this process will likely take another 20 years to become stabilized and fully recognized for what it is. Life will go on, and yes it will be different, in a decidedly much better way. However, that doesn't mean that we can shirk our responsibility to ourselves and the planet to create the structures that will serve us going forward. It does mean that structures in our lives, our systems, institutions, businesses will have to come into alignment with this higher way of being or face dissolution. We live in a sea of energy, and our individual and collectively aligned thoughts and actions will bring about great change, even transformation, for the continuum of transformation is where the 5th dimension resides. It'll mean giving up dualistic thinking. It'll mean re-writing the myths- the stories we tell of how things are and how things work. This will come as more and more people begin to demonstrate it within their own person and come together with others.
Everything in our universe operates in cycles. This is obvious when we look at the motion of the heavens and see quite plainly that everything is moving in cycles. Planets move in orbits around their stars. Stars move in orbits in their galaxies. Galaxies move in even greater orbits. We know that we're cycling around to a new expression in our solar system, and nothing is really separate from anything else in this regard. So what are we cycling through right now? Kuranda has told me that we are coming around again to replay the old dramas of the end of the Atlantean cycle. It has to be replayed once again so that a new outcome can be experienced. Instead of just repeating what occurred then(the destruction of that civilization) we will be successful in moving "up the spiral" to the next expression of life on this planet. My old friend Markas of the "Markas energy" years ago often spoke of life moving in spirals. This makes sense to me when I look at the structure of our DNA, the building blocks of life. They exist as spiral forms, this is our essence. Think about it, when you get to a new level of success in your life, don't you feel like you've "moved up" to a higher level?
All life is moving forward, whether we can see it and acknowledge it or not. The illusion that we're standing still is just that, an illusion. Yes, this is a "free-will" planet, so all expressions are honored, even those that cause massive suffering. What Kuranda has pointed out to me is that the more accurate description of free will is that we have it to either use love or not. It pushes each of us to be conscious, to be in connection with all parts of ourselves and not just operate from just one aspect of self. That is what will cause imbalance. Both Lemuria and Atlantis were grand expressions of consciousness that could not find balance and that is why they had to pass. You see the Universe, All that IS, G-D is very efficient in this manner. Nothing is truly wasted, there are only experiences that are created which serve other times and places.
Markas told the group I was involved with years ago that we come to the planet for "learning and fun". Moving into the 5th dimension means that we can begin to choose the types of learning experiences we have because we are more able to consciously discern what we are choosing- Kuranda. So there is work to do, and it can be enjoyable if we choose it to be so. The hallmark of the 5th dimension is "Less is more" - less stuff and more of the living on vibrant energy(l.o.v.e.)-Kuranda. For the most part each of us chooses in life what is easiest and most convenient. In my opinion that is why channeling is so popular because it takes less thinking to read or hear what someone else says, yet be cautious! "Just because someone doesn't have a body doesn't make them smart" - Markas. Use discernment always when taking in information. Practice connecting with your own heart and it will tell you the truth of what you need to know. Look within first, for it is there in which your outer reality is created.
What I've given you here is simple, as it is. Living in the 3rd dimension has been hard, and it's all over except for the mopping up. Not all beings are going to want to move, honor their paths and remain true to your heart at all times. Resist the temptation to view yourself or anyone else as a victim. Go with the flow, do not grasp to what was, for it cannot be created in that way anymore-Kuranda. You have everything you need. Be in gratitude for the privilege of being on Gaia during this momentous transformation. It is time to take the next step on this wondrous journey of life, I look forward to continuing with all of you on this journey of love.
Many thanks for the energies and inputs of the Markas energy channeled by Gwen Totterdale (deceased). I was involved in with this group from 1999-2005. Continuing thanks to Kuranda and the Circle of Seven channeled by S. Brennan, whom I've been learning from since 2006. And thanks to my Higher Self, guides and teachers seen and unseen who've helped to steer me towards my heart's desire. Aho!
A blog about the transformational changes occuring as we move together into living in the Now of the 5th dimension.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
From here to Eternity, considering Time and it's effect in our World
Chronos-Greek god of time |
Time has long been one the minds and musings of philosophers, poets, mystics and the everyman since the dawn of Humanity. It is the storyboard upon which we write our individual and collective experience of life while we are here. I'd like to take another look at time, as I know it now, and share a few thoughts about it. My hope is that you will come to appreciate and use more effectively the moments that you have that make up your life.
Presently there is a tremendous focus by millions of the upcoming date of the Mayan calendar on 12/21/12, yet it is just a moment in time. What may or may not occur is just speculation at this point, yet it does bring into focus how we use time as a predictor- that something will happen in the future that is not happening right now that we either are excited about or that we dread happening. How can we learn to use time in a way that brings us the most happiness and peace?
Everyone knows that the predominant way we experience time is linear, that is: Past-Present-Future. This is the main focus of being in a body with a 3rd dimensional focus. When we dream at night we can and do go to alternate timelines to explore possibilites not experienced during the waking state. This poses the question of why can't we do this while awake? Well, if you pay attention you will find that you ARE doing this in moments of your life already, and it is serving you quite well. The more we practice connecting with the greater non-physical portions of our being the more we can bring into play our abilities in a conscious manner to create what we do want in our lives.
The author Eckhart Tolle in his popular book "The Power of Now" describes his experience of being in the present as the only moment that truly exists. He is correct, yet there's a bit more to it that I'd like to add. What Tolle poetically described in his book is the experience of shifting time, of being in Eternity(That's why he's always laughing!). Eternity encompasses ALL time, all timelines. This is not well known or even understood yet, and we are moving towards a fuller experience of it regardless. I say this because we are at the transition point between a great Age, entering into the incorporation of 5th dimensional energies into our planet and our lives.
A big part of the shift we are going through is redefining our relationship with time. While we will continue to experience time as we've known it, we can also practice timelessness, time-shifting and come to moments of increased happiness. Just about everyone knows that it feels like time is speeding up and there is evidence to support this. Our perceptions of time however are changing more quickly than physical or electromagnetic changes to the planet. Since 1582 we've been using a Gregorian calendar to mark time, and in previous periods there were other systems of measurement such as the Julian calendar. How might we measure our lives going forward?
Over the years I've had the good fortune to meet and have conscious conversations with several non-physical beings through the channeling process. The subjects of time and the moment have come up in these conversations I believe because it's so important to consider as part of living in the higher vibrations of love and joy. What they've told me is that as we move forward we will begin to appreciate and incorporate an understanding of Cosmic Time. Maybe we'll create our own version of the Mayan calendar, which is a calendar based on Cosmic Time that is about to expire. It doesn't mean that the world is about to implode! Far from it. We are entering into a period, that while "bumpy" and a bit scary at times, is going to come into greater balance. Our collective amnesia in the past two millenia caused us to create our own approximation of marking time that is one that we've outgrown. Here is a portion of one conversation I had with them: They say: "Tell us your understanding of the phrase is 'totally timeless' ". I say: It's all Now, everything that ever was, is or will be is just now. They continue: "and that is the definition of the moment. To be in the moment is to be in Eternity. Creating Eternity means to use the energy of the moment to create from, the energy of the moment being the etheric energy that has always been present, and bringing it into a usable form on the planet means to take it and see it as a vibrant energy that you live on. And then, using that vibrant energy to create what you want in the physical reality throught the human being that you are." -Kuranda. This is the essence of operating in the 5th dimension. As I said we are beginning to do this already, now is an opportunity going forward to invite more of it into our lives.
Another excellent description of Cosmic Time was brought in by a teacher earlier this year by the name of Judy Satori. She describes that Cosmic Time encompasses 9 divisions: Past-Past, Past-Present, Past-future, Present-Past, Present-Present, Present-Future, Future-Past, Future-Present and Future-Future. This is difficult to explain, however she goes on to say that with access to this paradigm we will be able to access soul-level information and bring it into the present. The result of this is that this will speed up the creation process bringing many new ideas to us that we can use in the Now moments of our lives. This access will begin to occur after 12/21/12 and will take about 5 years to fully come online, so to speak. Exciting stuff for sure!
Another excellent description of Cosmic Time was brought in by a teacher earlier this year by the name of Judy Satori. She describes that Cosmic Time encompasses 9 divisions: Past-Past, Past-Present, Past-future, Present-Past, Present-Present, Present-Future, Future-Past, Future-Present and Future-Future. This is difficult to explain, however she goes on to say that with access to this paradigm we will be able to access soul-level information and bring it into the present. The result of this is that this will speed up the creation process bringing many new ideas to us that we can use in the Now moments of our lives. This access will begin to occur after 12/21/12 and will take about 5 years to fully come online, so to speak. Exciting stuff for sure!
It is the function of humans to make choices and live them out. This is creation. While we've temporarily forgotten our abilities it is now time to remember that we can play with time, and create moments that we truly desire. It requires that we step out of our unconscious patterns and beliefs about time such as "that's just the way it is" and consider experimenting. If we are to create what we want then let's explore, and remember we are not doing this alone. Each of us has through practiced connection to our Higher self, angels, guides and teachers who are loving us thru this slumber and into waking. As we awaken we are seeing the results in the media of people seeing the untruths, the greed and wanton disregard for life. They are beginning to react with fear and anger, creating in the larger arena reactionary political and social movements that we see all over the world. Well I'm telling you brothers and sisters, there is no going back to the old. We must pull ourselves up and tap into our creative power in this now moment to have the life and the world that is in our hearts. Begin to receive the truth of what is in your heart in the present moment and take action to manifest it in your life. The past is over, the future is unwritten. The Now moment is all we have, all anyone has. Breathe into it, believe in your power to create and trust that it will all be fine. We live in a multi-verse that is made of love. Yes, there are bumps in the road, there always will be, and remember we are blessed with free will. The choice is yours, use your time to create moments that you want to remember, just take the first step by believing that it is possible. I wish you well in all of the moments of your life.
Personal channeled material from Kuranda & others
Judy Satori- www.thesoundoflight.com -April full moon regenesis transmission (free content)
Spiritual Growth-Being your Higher Self by Sanaya Roman
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Our way of life is a timeline, which road are you taking?
Today I went to take my car in for service at the dealer. I was just getting it checked out in preparation for a long trip. Managing to catch the shuttle just as it was leaving, I piled into the minivan and took a curious roundabout trip around Austin on a sunny August morning with the cheerful driver.
We talked about cars and the auto industry on the ride back home, and I thought a while about this amazing industry that links us so intricately together. We wondered were it is all going, the conclusion was that it's just going even faster than ever.
Are we entitled to the lifestyles we have?
Currently there are over 1.000,000,,000 (billion) functioning vehicles in the world. The combined auto industries of the planet produce approximately 70 million new cars each year, and about 20 million are scrapped. This means that in only 20 years there will be close to 2 BILLION working vehicles on the planet. Does anyone think that this is sustainable? Not likely. The oil production needed is well beyond our current capacity to create, even if enough oil exists, for say another 100 years. Should I just go on my merry way and not think about it, or is there another choice?
At face value it's likely that cars will continue to be in our lives, at least for the foreseeable future. We need to get around and there's insufficient alternative transportation available in most areas. So how does this relate to being in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension?
Recently I finished reading a book about Hawaiian kahuna wisdom and the concept of aloha. In short, aloha is being in the flow of the vibrant love energy, out of separation and dualism of the 3rd dimension. This chief, a lineage holder back to Kamehameha and beyond spoke eloquently about change and transformation and how important it is to think in terms of our generations, much like Native American wisdom that also states to think in terms of 7 generations into the future. What kind of world do we want to leave to our descendants?
Cars are a phenomenon that have been around for 6 generations. Those who came before us put forth the strong desire for more and more access to transportation, and now we are living that. That is their gift to us. What will be our gift going forward?
As we move into higher dimensional thought we realize that we are connected to all life- the Earth, the plants, the animals, even to higher beings. We are the custodians of this and it is our desire and intent to live in harmony with all of it. Holding this position we will come into direct conflict with the prevailing mass consciousness thoughts of the last 2000 years. This is the idea that we are here to subdue the world and it's resources and have dominion over it. This is a 3D thought that separates us from our actions and creations. Moving into higher living means we are so much more sensitive that we are but a part of the whole.
So what will happen in the coming years? There will be a clash of sorts as the old system fades and the new one takes its place. The Earth is now only supporting 5th dimensional life as its primary vibration and 3D is being phased out, it is not supported. This means that we will have to make adjustments in our lifestyles. This is scary! We don't want to let go of the known, yet many of us are doing just that every day. The trick is to have faith that moving into the unknown will bring us unexpected gifts, ones that will more than fulfill our needs and wants. We humans are really good at adapting, so no worries! Our main job is to just take a look at our beliefs and truly let go of what doesn't serve us. People in the USA are already driving less, even though there are more cars. As gas prices continue to stay high, we're getting mindful of unnecessary car trips, buying higher mileage cars and more. I expect this to continue and even more creative ideas will come over the next 20 years.
No one knows exactly what will come, as we are individually and collectively creating our new reality as we go. My suggestion is to dream of a life where we are able to go where we need to safely, efficiently and comfortably, a way that's in harmony with the Earth and all of it's inhabitants. Practice going without a car for a day or two like I'm doing right now and practice creating a life that might accommodate that. It's by our individual choices that we'll continue to reshape the world we're living in, let's not just wait for times of crisis to change. Remember, in the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension less is more- less stuff, more living in the higher vibrations of love. I wish you well on all of your journeys, especially those you take to your inner world where your heart's desire awaits you.
We talked about cars and the auto industry on the ride back home, and I thought a while about this amazing industry that links us so intricately together. We wondered were it is all going, the conclusion was that it's just going even faster than ever.
Are we entitled to the lifestyles we have?
Currently there are over 1.000,000,,000 (billion) functioning vehicles in the world. The combined auto industries of the planet produce approximately 70 million new cars each year, and about 20 million are scrapped. This means that in only 20 years there will be close to 2 BILLION working vehicles on the planet. Does anyone think that this is sustainable? Not likely. The oil production needed is well beyond our current capacity to create, even if enough oil exists, for say another 100 years. Should I just go on my merry way and not think about it, or is there another choice?
At face value it's likely that cars will continue to be in our lives, at least for the foreseeable future. We need to get around and there's insufficient alternative transportation available in most areas. So how does this relate to being in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension?
Recently I finished reading a book about Hawaiian kahuna wisdom and the concept of aloha. In short, aloha is being in the flow of the vibrant love energy, out of separation and dualism of the 3rd dimension. This chief, a lineage holder back to Kamehameha and beyond spoke eloquently about change and transformation and how important it is to think in terms of our generations, much like Native American wisdom that also states to think in terms of 7 generations into the future. What kind of world do we want to leave to our descendants?
Cars are a phenomenon that have been around for 6 generations. Those who came before us put forth the strong desire for more and more access to transportation, and now we are living that. That is their gift to us. What will be our gift going forward?
As we move into higher dimensional thought we realize that we are connected to all life- the Earth, the plants, the animals, even to higher beings. We are the custodians of this and it is our desire and intent to live in harmony with all of it. Holding this position we will come into direct conflict with the prevailing mass consciousness thoughts of the last 2000 years. This is the idea that we are here to subdue the world and it's resources and have dominion over it. This is a 3D thought that separates us from our actions and creations. Moving into higher living means we are so much more sensitive that we are but a part of the whole.
So what will happen in the coming years? There will be a clash of sorts as the old system fades and the new one takes its place. The Earth is now only supporting 5th dimensional life as its primary vibration and 3D is being phased out, it is not supported. This means that we will have to make adjustments in our lifestyles. This is scary! We don't want to let go of the known, yet many of us are doing just that every day. The trick is to have faith that moving into the unknown will bring us unexpected gifts, ones that will more than fulfill our needs and wants. We humans are really good at adapting, so no worries! Our main job is to just take a look at our beliefs and truly let go of what doesn't serve us. People in the USA are already driving less, even though there are more cars. As gas prices continue to stay high, we're getting mindful of unnecessary car trips, buying higher mileage cars and more. I expect this to continue and even more creative ideas will come over the next 20 years.
No one knows exactly what will come, as we are individually and collectively creating our new reality as we go. My suggestion is to dream of a life where we are able to go where we need to safely, efficiently and comfortably, a way that's in harmony with the Earth and all of it's inhabitants. Practice going without a car for a day or two like I'm doing right now and practice creating a life that might accommodate that. It's by our individual choices that we'll continue to reshape the world we're living in, let's not just wait for times of crisis to change. Remember, in the higher frequencies of the 5th dimension less is more- less stuff, more living in the higher vibrations of love. I wish you well on all of your journeys, especially those you take to your inner world where your heart's desire awaits you.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Magnetite, the Great Pyramid and order of our Universe
At the top of this post is a 3-D picture of an octahedron. This is a very important shape to understand and it yields many clues to the manner life as we know it is constructed. It is a structure of both energy and form, so let's get acquainted with this geometry!
If you were to imagine yourself standing in the center of this geometry, the outside edges would be the boundary of your "personal space". The energetic bodies flow from geometric flows of non-physical light energy in varying degrees of complexity. As we raise our vibrations and focus our intentions we are able to consciously connect with these geometries to flow our energy in more powerful ways.
One fairly well known construction is the Merkaba, which loosely translated means "vehicle of light". The merkaba looks like this:
You can see that it's constructed of two 3-sided pyramids turned and imposed upon each other, yielding a structure that has 6 points. There are other constructions and they all follow the order of the Platonic solids. This is something for discussion at a later time, so let's get back to magnetite and the octahedron.
The octahedron is found in our bodies and in the largest forms of our universe, how interesting! Could this mean that there is an implied order to Creation? Perhaps it's not as random as it appears. So let's look at both ends of the equation.
In 1992 Dr. Joesph Kirschvink of Caltech published findings that "human brain cells possess a highly magnetic mineral known as magnetite". He believed that this magnetite allowed animals from bees to whales to navigate using the Earth's magnetic field. After researching human brain tissue he found that most regions of the brain have 5 million magnetite crystals per gram, while the tough membrane that covers the brain had 100 million crystals per gram! It's estimated that every brain on average has 7 billion magnetite crystals, weighing a total of one-millionth of an ounce. He also found that magnetite interacts over a million times more strongly with external magnetic fields than any other biological material, including iron in red blood cells.
Dr. Kirschvink went on to say that based on his research, "higher life will not evolve on planets without a steady geomagnetic field". Interesting, to say the least! What I propose is that we are affected profoundly by our environment and we do process invisible light energy via these magnetite crystals in our brain. What's also occurring is that the planetary magnetic field is changing substantially. The resonant frequency of the Earth has shifted significantly in recent years, after remaining constant for as long as scientists have been able to measure. Therefore, is it likely that we will re-orient our consciousness via the change in input to these magnetite crystals in the brain?
The pineal gland, which is located roughly at the center of your head, has an abundance of magnetite crystals. This glandular structure is believed to be the receiving point of the higher mind and has been revered in subtle ways throughout history. If you read David Wilcock's latest book "The Source Field Investigations" you'll find reference to many accounts of the ancients holding this area of the brain as very important if one was seeking higher awareness. Are we preparing to make a quantum shift as a species? Remember, the word quanta is defined as a discrete quantity of electromagnetic or light energy.
In another article by H. Coetzee Ph.D. I found a description of how these magnetite crystals might act: "The pyramidal cells act as electro-crystal cells immersed in extra-cellular tissue fluids, and seem to operate in the fashion of a liquid crystal oscillator in response to different light commands, or light pulses (quanta) which in turn, change the orientation of every molecule and atom within the body." So you may see that our relationship to light and electro-magnetic forces are the impetus for evolution. When you think about it it is really easy to see. We mainly eat plants or things that eat plants. What do plants do? They convert light into stored energy of a physical form. Perhaps we can look to nourish ourselves not only directly on the energy that plants use to exist, but as well the unseen and little understood non-physical energies that are coming to us now?
To add more weight to this argument, according to Einstein matter is to be regarded itself as part, in fact the principal part of the electromagnetic field and electric energy is therefore the fundamental origin of our entire physical world. Heady stuff to say the least!
Now let's move on. I mentioned the Great Pyramid in the title of my article for good reason. This pyramid is actually not a pyramid, but the largest known octahedron on our planet. Yes, that's correct, there is an inverted pyramid BENEATH the Great pyramid extending several hundred feet below the ground! In 2012 I was privileged to have the opportunity of being inside this amazing structure and I can honestly say that there's no way humans as we've known them could have built this as a pyramid, let alone as a giant octahedron. Even today we do not possess the technical skill to create and orient this amazing structure! What's even more interesting is that it's located on the main nodal point of the electromagnetic grid of Earth. Obviously, whomever put it there had intimate knowledge of the structure of matter and the Universe, but for what reason? It must have been important, as pyramids have been discovered all over the planet, not just in Egypt.
Now for the macro view, something that I believe no one has touched upon so far. There is an interesting theory put forth by E. Battaner and E. Florido in 1998 in an article titled "The egg-carton Universe" that states that despite what we might see in the night sky, there is order to all of the universe in the shape of an array of octahedron's!

Battaner and Florido went on to explain " The distribution of superclusters in the Local Supercluster neighborhood presents such a remarkable periodicity(i.e. ordered pattern) that some kind of network must fit the observed large-scale structure. A three-dimension chessboard has been suggested. The existence of this network is really a challenge for currently suggested theoretical models... In this case, however, the identification of real octahedra is so clear and the network is so noticeably well-defined that a direct inspection is straightforward."
This flies in the face of the so-called Big Bang which supposes that the universe is in a state of constant expansion from a center point. It is certainly moving, but in a beautiful ordered fashion, a "dance of creation". There wasn't a Big Bang, but something much more elegant was and is going on and we're part of it too.
In conclusion what I'd like to say is the same thing that created the universe created you. You are intimately connected to that force of creation by the crystalline content in your brain which is the point where the light that enters your field is transmitted to your body. In a sense each of us is a mini-universe. As above, so below. The larger universe is the pattern and as we continue in our evolution we access more and more of the pattern, coming into harmony and balance. Anything that we do to heal and create, including energy work, working with crystals, herbs, shamanic practices, meditation, etc. is to come into a greater conscious awareness of our perfection. Through conscious participation in life we do evolve. Evolution is not a straight line but a long series of quantum shifts. The time period we are now in is one of those shifts. Trust in your abilities to adapt to this shift by expressing what gives you the most happiness in your life and you'll be just fine. Resist the flow of your own piece of this love energy and you will be recycled. Either way you'll eventually end up home, the only decision any of us make is how long it's going to take!
Biomagnetism and Bio-electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life by H. Coetzee Ph.D.
Magnetic crystals, Guides for animals, found in humans ; NY Times 5/12/92 Sarah Blakeslee
Tuning the Diamonds; Susan Joy Rennison
The egg-carton Universe; E. Battaner & E. Florido (Spain) 2 Feb 1998
The Source Field Investigations, David Wilcock 2011
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Men in Black III debuts the 5th dimension to millions!
The other evening I went to see Men in Black 3 expecting an entertaining and updated version of the previous 2 films, yet there was something more that I saw and wanted to write about here today with you. Besides all of the fun special effects there was a character introduced part way thru the film named Griffin who held what J and K needed. Without giving away the movie for those of you who will still be seeing it I'll explain further what happened that I find encouraging and a bit exciting!
Griffin is an alien(of course!) but a unique one in that he's described as from the 5th dimension and another planet but is now on Earth. The story is further fleshed out that he's a very unusual guy because he is multi-dimensional and can see what actions in the present can lead to probable outcomes in the future and even the past. It's really an exceptional piece of writing that many may just gloss over yet it has some much to do with what I talk about and teach people.
We're in the midst of a great shift, one that is bringing us to a higher octave of consciousness and one that we need to become aware of and nurture within ourselves. One of the components of this shift is our changing relationship with time. While we still perceive time as a line from past-present-future, in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension we're able to work with our past and future with our presence anchored fully in the present or now. Griffin was in the now moment during the movie, yet he was able to view different aspects of the timeline and be able to advise J and K about what the outcome of their choices could be. It is a continuum that exists always. We can begin to do the same if we allow ourselves by trusting in the info we receive from our higher selves. It takes practice, commitment to making space to ask from our heart energy and then listen. You see, we're moving away from calendar time as we've known it and into Cosmic time. Cosmic time is flexible, it can be expanded and contracted by your intentions to allow you to experience anything you want for your evolution and expansion.
It's time to begin to think in terms of events you want to experience rather than the sequence you think you need to create your life events. Many people are experiencing time "speeding up", and in some real way it has! The Schumann resonance, the main vibration of our planet has changed for the first time in our recorded history, and a day isn't experienced in the same way it was, say 10 or 20 years ago. This resonance has changed our perception so now often days just fly by. This can create psychological or emotional distress as we feel that there's "not enough time" to get done all that we wish to do. This is pointing us in the direction of the higher self, which is the bridge between you and your soul energy. It is "out of time" as we know it, yet it can accomplish so much more quickly as it works in timeless space. A big part of our work is to establish a stronger connection to it so that we can embody our energy in a way that suits this higher vibration. Doing it the old way, or as we have done is likely to lead to frustration and a lot of missed opportunities.
The 5th dimension is about being in a higher level of conscious awareness that brings more of who we truly are into being. It is available to us and it is all about being able to hold a higher vibratory reality for ourselves. How do we do this? First, we must come fully into our bodies as the energy we are. This can be as simple as grounding yourself by walking barefoot on the earth for a few minutes a day, or even just having the intention to connect to yourself and the Earth. Second, we need to release all that does not serve us. This is especially in the area of beliefs, for in our beliefs so goes our reality! Our beliefs create our reality. We've outgrown a lot of beliefs individually and collectively and now it's time to let those go, thereby letting go of the excess "stuff" in our lives. Our happiness is truly our responsibility and we must also allow this for others. You can take a sheet of paper and make a belief tree for yourself. Start at the top of the page and write down a belief that you have about yourself. It could go like this: "I can't have the perfect life for me". Then below write Why? Then you'll get several answers like "I don't deserve it" or "It will take too much effort" etc. Now your going down the branches of your personal belief tree. Eventually if you keep doing this you'll arrive at a core belief. When you find it then you can challenge it and decide if it really fits for you anymore. If not, then create a ceremony to release it and replace it with something like "I am whole and perfect as I am". Then tack that new statement somewhere you can read it several times a day and take any small action to affirm that new belief. It'll take you anywhere from a few days to the maximum of a month, then you'll repattern yourself. By being successful with this your Now reality will have to reflect that core belief changing into your present life, which you'll see as all sorts of changes in your life and new ideas coming to you. You'll be like Griffin, in that you'll be able to see a past event and change it and then experience the reality shift.
I'd recommend seeing this movie so you get a better flavor for what I'm writing about. It's all about small steps. A way of working w/ the future is just taking time to visualize the outcome you'd like to have and feeling the success of your intention, then letting it go. You could do this with finding a parking space, aceing a presentation or an interview, the list goes on and on. The trick is to feel the success of your intention before it's happened, this is why it's so important to increase your ability to feel. If you're having trouble in this area it's likely a physical or emotional block- identify it and release it lovingly. Find a qualified person such as a wellness practitioner or energy healer to assist you, you won't regret the time you spend on getting in balance with yourself!
Enjoy each of your days, dream big and make small steps every day until one day you'll find yourself there. It's just inevitable because you're willing to claim the participation of more of you in you own life, and who wouldn't want that?
Griffin is an alien(of course!) but a unique one in that he's described as from the 5th dimension and another planet but is now on Earth. The story is further fleshed out that he's a very unusual guy because he is multi-dimensional and can see what actions in the present can lead to probable outcomes in the future and even the past. It's really an exceptional piece of writing that many may just gloss over yet it has some much to do with what I talk about and teach people.
We're in the midst of a great shift, one that is bringing us to a higher octave of consciousness and one that we need to become aware of and nurture within ourselves. One of the components of this shift is our changing relationship with time. While we still perceive time as a line from past-present-future, in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension we're able to work with our past and future with our presence anchored fully in the present or now. Griffin was in the now moment during the movie, yet he was able to view different aspects of the timeline and be able to advise J and K about what the outcome of their choices could be. It is a continuum that exists always. We can begin to do the same if we allow ourselves by trusting in the info we receive from our higher selves. It takes practice, commitment to making space to ask from our heart energy and then listen. You see, we're moving away from calendar time as we've known it and into Cosmic time. Cosmic time is flexible, it can be expanded and contracted by your intentions to allow you to experience anything you want for your evolution and expansion.
It's time to begin to think in terms of events you want to experience rather than the sequence you think you need to create your life events. Many people are experiencing time "speeding up", and in some real way it has! The Schumann resonance, the main vibration of our planet has changed for the first time in our recorded history, and a day isn't experienced in the same way it was, say 10 or 20 years ago. This resonance has changed our perception so now often days just fly by. This can create psychological or emotional distress as we feel that there's "not enough time" to get done all that we wish to do. This is pointing us in the direction of the higher self, which is the bridge between you and your soul energy. It is "out of time" as we know it, yet it can accomplish so much more quickly as it works in timeless space. A big part of our work is to establish a stronger connection to it so that we can embody our energy in a way that suits this higher vibration. Doing it the old way, or as we have done is likely to lead to frustration and a lot of missed opportunities.
The 5th dimension is about being in a higher level of conscious awareness that brings more of who we truly are into being. It is available to us and it is all about being able to hold a higher vibratory reality for ourselves. How do we do this? First, we must come fully into our bodies as the energy we are. This can be as simple as grounding yourself by walking barefoot on the earth for a few minutes a day, or even just having the intention to connect to yourself and the Earth. Second, we need to release all that does not serve us. This is especially in the area of beliefs, for in our beliefs so goes our reality! Our beliefs create our reality. We've outgrown a lot of beliefs individually and collectively and now it's time to let those go, thereby letting go of the excess "stuff" in our lives. Our happiness is truly our responsibility and we must also allow this for others. You can take a sheet of paper and make a belief tree for yourself. Start at the top of the page and write down a belief that you have about yourself. It could go like this: "I can't have the perfect life for me". Then below write Why? Then you'll get several answers like "I don't deserve it" or "It will take too much effort" etc. Now your going down the branches of your personal belief tree. Eventually if you keep doing this you'll arrive at a core belief. When you find it then you can challenge it and decide if it really fits for you anymore. If not, then create a ceremony to release it and replace it with something like "I am whole and perfect as I am". Then tack that new statement somewhere you can read it several times a day and take any small action to affirm that new belief. It'll take you anywhere from a few days to the maximum of a month, then you'll repattern yourself. By being successful with this your Now reality will have to reflect that core belief changing into your present life, which you'll see as all sorts of changes in your life and new ideas coming to you. You'll be like Griffin, in that you'll be able to see a past event and change it and then experience the reality shift.
I'd recommend seeing this movie so you get a better flavor for what I'm writing about. It's all about small steps. A way of working w/ the future is just taking time to visualize the outcome you'd like to have and feeling the success of your intention, then letting it go. You could do this with finding a parking space, aceing a presentation or an interview, the list goes on and on. The trick is to feel the success of your intention before it's happened, this is why it's so important to increase your ability to feel. If you're having trouble in this area it's likely a physical or emotional block- identify it and release it lovingly. Find a qualified person such as a wellness practitioner or energy healer to assist you, you won't regret the time you spend on getting in balance with yourself!
Enjoy each of your days, dream big and make small steps every day until one day you'll find yourself there. It's just inevitable because you're willing to claim the participation of more of you in you own life, and who wouldn't want that?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A deeper exploration of Gratitude and Grace
"After a long and protracted experiment of personal sovereignty, Robert had indeed discovered and affirmed that everything in his reality was the result of his desires and choices, no matter what degree of consciousness was applied by him. Nothing was by chance. He had gratitude for all of the experiences- happenings and non-happenings that had occurred. In that moment he had declared the experiment over. He said 'I now wish to live from my passion' and then he had begun the process of living in grace, the driving force for his choices going forward."
Today I'd like to focus on the concepts of gratitude and grace. These are both very powerful words and when used correctly will activate energies of peace, and your personal evolution. Often we don't take the time to understand the meaning behind words. Words are vibrations and have the power to impact us when used consciously. So let's go into a deeper exploration of this fascinating topic. It has great implications for living in the higher vibrations of 5th dimensional consciousness!
Often in current metaphysical and personal growth circles we are reminded to have gratitude, to express gratitude for things in our lives. This is a good thing for it focuses us to thoughts of where we are and where we've come from. There are parameters for the use of gratitude though, and in places it is better to use the term of grace instead. Why you ask? When you use gratitude it is best to use it in reference to what has occurred (past) rather than present. When you use the word gratitude in the present it sends a message to your unconscious that you accept your current life situation in its present form. This causes stagnation of your reality, which is often the opposite of how people are using gratitude. They're told "use gratitude as a way to bring blessings and an increase" when in fact it is reinforcing your current circumstances. What I'm suggesting is that you want "more" in your life: more awareness, more prosperity, more loving relationships, etc. . To do this become familiar with the concept of grace.
The definition of grace is "unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration or sanctification" (Webster's dictionary 9th ed.). I would say that grace is something that IS merited if it is consciously applied in one's life, for we are not separate from the Divine. Grace is a concept that's been typically applied in religious arenas, sort of apart from daily life. Grace has been seen as a static concept: "She was in a state of grace" for example. It has been sensed by people but not really embraced. Now is the time to understand and embrace this powerful energy.
About the only contact with grace I regularly had was "saying grace" before dinner with my family while growing up. I imagine that it was a blessing, a sanctification of our food. By the way, blessing your food is still a good idea! How have you experienced grace in your life?
Grace is intimately connected to our power of choice. It is the radiant energy of choice that combines with the etheric energy about us to create in a new way, one that is much easier. I explain when I teach that there are 3 types of energy: etheric, radiant and vibrant. Becoming aware of these and then starting to work to combine them puts us firmly onto the continuum of transformation which is the 5th dimension. I also explain that we have to come into balance with ourselves - to be in wellness emotionally and physically in order to connect with our feeling senses within the body to make this possible. This has been explored throughout the ages, hence the practice of yoga and all of it's branches, devotional singing and others as well. The heart is the gateway, this practice cannot come from our mind alone, and here lies the work. It is the work of self-love, relationship and it's flowering is in service. First it is service to self, then it moves into service to others directly or indirectly. Do you know the best way to teach someone? Be an example. This is indirect service and don't discount its power!
In my opening example I show what I believe is the proper use of gratitude and grace. Gratitude for the past, living in the grace of the present, also: grounded in the unknown of the future. We'll get to that, let's stay in the present for now.
Grace as I mentioned is not merely a static entity. It is an active presence brought on by your conscious choosing what you want to occur in your reality. It is you generating the radiant energy, an unseen force, through your choice and then producing it, manifesting it, manufacturing it, etc. into the vibrant energy which is your creation. You partner with these energies by listening to that steady but often small voice that is in your heart and then acting on it by choice and living it out. This is a huge step for most of us, as we've been trained in our Western society to value the mental parts of ourselves above all else. This is the way things have been, now it is time to move into the way we will be living in the coming years. It is needed, welcome it into your life. See yourself expanding beyond the belief that your are just a body and a mind. You are a fabulous energetic being with spiritual components now more available than ever before.
You know you want to express your truth and be loved for it, and you will be loved and received. Trust that it is safe. Let go of the stories in you head that say you can't be who you are or you will be rejected, punished, or even worse. That was then, this is now. Don't deny yourself, seize the opportunity. Fill your life with examples of positive role models. More are emerging all of the time. This is how we create the beauty and peace and prosperity that we all want to experience. Trust that your needs will be met. This is one of the hardest hurdles to get over, just remember "Life = Risk". To be here on Earth at this time is to want more. When you apply the formula I've mentioned using the radiant energy of grace you will be taken care of, there is no other way in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension. There is no lack. There is a lot of creativity and joy and growth. Trust your heart, and believe and take action and it will be so for you. May you be blessed with an open heart, and may you act on its promptings, for in this is your greatest joy!
Until next time, in grace and with gratitude,
Today I'd like to focus on the concepts of gratitude and grace. These are both very powerful words and when used correctly will activate energies of peace, and your personal evolution. Often we don't take the time to understand the meaning behind words. Words are vibrations and have the power to impact us when used consciously. So let's go into a deeper exploration of this fascinating topic. It has great implications for living in the higher vibrations of 5th dimensional consciousness!
Often in current metaphysical and personal growth circles we are reminded to have gratitude, to express gratitude for things in our lives. This is a good thing for it focuses us to thoughts of where we are and where we've come from. There are parameters for the use of gratitude though, and in places it is better to use the term of grace instead. Why you ask? When you use gratitude it is best to use it in reference to what has occurred (past) rather than present. When you use the word gratitude in the present it sends a message to your unconscious that you accept your current life situation in its present form. This causes stagnation of your reality, which is often the opposite of how people are using gratitude. They're told "use gratitude as a way to bring blessings and an increase" when in fact it is reinforcing your current circumstances. What I'm suggesting is that you want "more" in your life: more awareness, more prosperity, more loving relationships, etc. . To do this become familiar with the concept of grace.
The definition of grace is "unmerited divine assistance given man for his regeneration or sanctification" (Webster's dictionary 9th ed.). I would say that grace is something that IS merited if it is consciously applied in one's life, for we are not separate from the Divine. Grace is a concept that's been typically applied in religious arenas, sort of apart from daily life. Grace has been seen as a static concept: "She was in a state of grace" for example. It has been sensed by people but not really embraced. Now is the time to understand and embrace this powerful energy.
About the only contact with grace I regularly had was "saying grace" before dinner with my family while growing up. I imagine that it was a blessing, a sanctification of our food. By the way, blessing your food is still a good idea! How have you experienced grace in your life?
Grace is intimately connected to our power of choice. It is the radiant energy of choice that combines with the etheric energy about us to create in a new way, one that is much easier. I explain when I teach that there are 3 types of energy: etheric, radiant and vibrant. Becoming aware of these and then starting to work to combine them puts us firmly onto the continuum of transformation which is the 5th dimension. I also explain that we have to come into balance with ourselves - to be in wellness emotionally and physically in order to connect with our feeling senses within the body to make this possible. This has been explored throughout the ages, hence the practice of yoga and all of it's branches, devotional singing and others as well. The heart is the gateway, this practice cannot come from our mind alone, and here lies the work. It is the work of self-love, relationship and it's flowering is in service. First it is service to self, then it moves into service to others directly or indirectly. Do you know the best way to teach someone? Be an example. This is indirect service and don't discount its power!
In my opening example I show what I believe is the proper use of gratitude and grace. Gratitude for the past, living in the grace of the present, also: grounded in the unknown of the future. We'll get to that, let's stay in the present for now.
Grace as I mentioned is not merely a static entity. It is an active presence brought on by your conscious choosing what you want to occur in your reality. It is you generating the radiant energy, an unseen force, through your choice and then producing it, manifesting it, manufacturing it, etc. into the vibrant energy which is your creation. You partner with these energies by listening to that steady but often small voice that is in your heart and then acting on it by choice and living it out. This is a huge step for most of us, as we've been trained in our Western society to value the mental parts of ourselves above all else. This is the way things have been, now it is time to move into the way we will be living in the coming years. It is needed, welcome it into your life. See yourself expanding beyond the belief that your are just a body and a mind. You are a fabulous energetic being with spiritual components now more available than ever before.
You know you want to express your truth and be loved for it, and you will be loved and received. Trust that it is safe. Let go of the stories in you head that say you can't be who you are or you will be rejected, punished, or even worse. That was then, this is now. Don't deny yourself, seize the opportunity. Fill your life with examples of positive role models. More are emerging all of the time. This is how we create the beauty and peace and prosperity that we all want to experience. Trust that your needs will be met. This is one of the hardest hurdles to get over, just remember "Life = Risk". To be here on Earth at this time is to want more. When you apply the formula I've mentioned using the radiant energy of grace you will be taken care of, there is no other way in the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension. There is no lack. There is a lot of creativity and joy and growth. Trust your heart, and believe and take action and it will be so for you. May you be blessed with an open heart, and may you act on its promptings, for in this is your greatest joy!
Until next time, in grace and with gratitude,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
4 Things you can do with Reality
Going over some old notes today about reality that we all face I found some interesting insights. We're all trying to find ways to move in our lives in this rapidly changing environment. Here's 4 options and my thoughts on each.
At the most basic level of existence we COPE with reality. This is the 1st option. In this option we are typically in the "victim" mode, whereby the life we experience around us is overwhelming and all we can do is manage to get by. It is not wrong to be in this space, it happens to all of us that there's times when we're overloaded and we have to just go into this mode to keep from having a breakdown of some sort. Hopefully it is a brief period and after it we can move into higher vibrational choices. The problem w/ the cope mode is when we live in it on a constant basis. Doing this can wreak havoc on our emotional and physical health, further re-inforcing a state of helplessness. Remember, all of our answers are within us, so when you're in a coping mode be kind to yourself. Turn up the love for yourself. You'll give yourself a calm and centered place where you can make a better choice, one that'll move you forward.
The 2nd option is to REBEL against reality. This is a natural phase that all people go thru, typically during adolescence. It also can occur throughout life, in fact some of us have been born to this current life to be rebels, to shake up the "system" or status quo. ( I'm sure that most would agree that change in the world would be a good thing!) Rebeling can make you feel alive, it's a kind of payoff to feel that energy, that zeal or passion. However, once we reach adulthood, being a rebel can have a lot of negative consequences. Society expects us to behave in certain ways, i.e.- If you don't feel like showing up to work at the prescribed time you might risk getting fired. Thankfully some companies have changed how they utilize people thru flex-time and work from home options that make that less of an issue than it was 10 or 20 yrs ago.
It is easier to be a rebel if you're not too attached to material reality. As anyone knows, it takes energy to maintain their life. This is where "Less is more" comes in. The more you simplify, the more time you free up to explore your life instead of being a servant to your lifestyle. Rebels can be creative, inspirational, provocational, etc.. It's a useful way to attract attention to an issue. The "Occupy movement" has been the latest well-known rebel movement, drawing attention to the banking system and encouraging reform.
Most times rebelling fails because it isn't a balanced way of approaching reality. Most rebels run out of energy or followers after a while because their immediate concerns of providing for themselves comes to the forefront. It's often said that many of the rebels of the 60's and 70's turned their energy towards getting ahead in the 80's and 90's and became the "upwardly mobile yuppies".
The 3rd option is to construct your PERSONAL FRAMEWORK. This is what most of us know as "life". We grow up, train or educate ourselves for some type of work or career. We have our family and friends network that we attend to in varying degrees. We may also have a spiritual life, usually expressed thru being part of some type of religious faith. This is typically the one we were raised in, unless we employed the rebel energy previously discussed. We often form a love relationship with another and often this in turn leads to raising children and repeating the cycle once again. This personal framework works exceptionally well at keeping us involved with many things. In ancient Indian writings it's referred to as "householder" life and is considered an honorable way of pursuing life.
What's interesting is that more and more people are being challenged to move away from this personal framework due to great changes that are occurring in our society. The economic challenges of the past few years have forced many out of what they thought was stable in their life as they watched themselves losing jobs and homes and being forced to re-think how to live. Also many younger people, those I'd characterize as the Indigo and Crystal people just won't go along with life as it's been lived. They retain remembrances of life on the other side of the veil and want to bring that here too. They wish to express from their spiritual nature first, and not be limited in their creativity. These people are often extremely sensitive to energy and avoid lower vibrational situations. I suggest doing some research to see if you might have these characteristics for they are a gift indeed!
The 4th option is to CREATE FROM A PLACE OF TRUE AWARENESS. This is the Now paradigm, the flow, the 5th dimension. Many will argue that it's not necessary to go beyond the 3rd option, that that is enough. The problem with that option is that it doesn't fully take into account what magnificent creators we each are. It doesn't allow much room for exploration of spiritual dimensions of life, those are often relegated to religious activities at specific times.
So what are we needing to be aware of? First, understand that you have access to an unlimited supply of etheric energy. Now that we're at this point of development on the planet we need to start figuring out how to use this energy consciously to create. To create in this arena the focus must be higher vibrational. We use the vibration of love, taking from the etheric, combining it with our choices and then manufacturing it into what we wish to see and have in our lives. It is a place of total abundance, total prosperity in all areas, because it contains only that high vibration.
To get to this place we need to take responsibility for ourselves, our life situation and know that we each have created it all, so therefore we can choose to create something even better! Now I know it's not easy to take responsibility for EVERYTHING, surely there's someone or something I can place blame upon, isn't there? Nope!
This is a process, so be gentle with yourself. Know yourself first as a being of energy, in a body. Your body is your friend, treat it like a good friend. Practice listening to its signals, not suppressing them. Feel your feelings. It's said that each of us has a passion, and it burns like a flame in our heart, waiting to be discovered and fanned into full expression. If you can listen to your heart, be very very happy! If you can trust it's wisdom and act on it, be super excited!
If you're like me and many others, you'll have to work at it. That's good too because you have the desire and intention to find your source energy! It's likely that there will be processing to do, balancing to accomplish, so what? It's your life, and you ARE the star, writer and director of your own movie. Think of this new reality you're creating as a living organism. It's always moving and changing. Take time to dream. Take your life off of auto-pilot and get honest with yourself - are you living the life you really want for yourself or are you making excuses? Do it for you because you need to love you fully before you can really tap into the higher flow of you and create more love and joy in your life. Why not give it a try?
p.s. In the near future I'll be providing more info and classes on how to create this in your life. It takes practice and focus, and I want to help you with it, so stay tuned!
At the most basic level of existence we COPE with reality. This is the 1st option. In this option we are typically in the "victim" mode, whereby the life we experience around us is overwhelming and all we can do is manage to get by. It is not wrong to be in this space, it happens to all of us that there's times when we're overloaded and we have to just go into this mode to keep from having a breakdown of some sort. Hopefully it is a brief period and after it we can move into higher vibrational choices. The problem w/ the cope mode is when we live in it on a constant basis. Doing this can wreak havoc on our emotional and physical health, further re-inforcing a state of helplessness. Remember, all of our answers are within us, so when you're in a coping mode be kind to yourself. Turn up the love for yourself. You'll give yourself a calm and centered place where you can make a better choice, one that'll move you forward.
The 2nd option is to REBEL against reality. This is a natural phase that all people go thru, typically during adolescence. It also can occur throughout life, in fact some of us have been born to this current life to be rebels, to shake up the "system" or status quo. ( I'm sure that most would agree that change in the world would be a good thing!) Rebeling can make you feel alive, it's a kind of payoff to feel that energy, that zeal or passion. However, once we reach adulthood, being a rebel can have a lot of negative consequences. Society expects us to behave in certain ways, i.e.- If you don't feel like showing up to work at the prescribed time you might risk getting fired. Thankfully some companies have changed how they utilize people thru flex-time and work from home options that make that less of an issue than it was 10 or 20 yrs ago.
It is easier to be a rebel if you're not too attached to material reality. As anyone knows, it takes energy to maintain their life. This is where "Less is more" comes in. The more you simplify, the more time you free up to explore your life instead of being a servant to your lifestyle. Rebels can be creative, inspirational, provocational, etc.. It's a useful way to attract attention to an issue. The "Occupy movement" has been the latest well-known rebel movement, drawing attention to the banking system and encouraging reform.
Most times rebelling fails because it isn't a balanced way of approaching reality. Most rebels run out of energy or followers after a while because their immediate concerns of providing for themselves comes to the forefront. It's often said that many of the rebels of the 60's and 70's turned their energy towards getting ahead in the 80's and 90's and became the "upwardly mobile yuppies".
The 3rd option is to construct your PERSONAL FRAMEWORK. This is what most of us know as "life". We grow up, train or educate ourselves for some type of work or career. We have our family and friends network that we attend to in varying degrees. We may also have a spiritual life, usually expressed thru being part of some type of religious faith. This is typically the one we were raised in, unless we employed the rebel energy previously discussed. We often form a love relationship with another and often this in turn leads to raising children and repeating the cycle once again. This personal framework works exceptionally well at keeping us involved with many things. In ancient Indian writings it's referred to as "householder" life and is considered an honorable way of pursuing life.
What's interesting is that more and more people are being challenged to move away from this personal framework due to great changes that are occurring in our society. The economic challenges of the past few years have forced many out of what they thought was stable in their life as they watched themselves losing jobs and homes and being forced to re-think how to live. Also many younger people, those I'd characterize as the Indigo and Crystal people just won't go along with life as it's been lived. They retain remembrances of life on the other side of the veil and want to bring that here too. They wish to express from their spiritual nature first, and not be limited in their creativity. These people are often extremely sensitive to energy and avoid lower vibrational situations. I suggest doing some research to see if you might have these characteristics for they are a gift indeed!
The 4th option is to CREATE FROM A PLACE OF TRUE AWARENESS. This is the Now paradigm, the flow, the 5th dimension. Many will argue that it's not necessary to go beyond the 3rd option, that that is enough. The problem with that option is that it doesn't fully take into account what magnificent creators we each are. It doesn't allow much room for exploration of spiritual dimensions of life, those are often relegated to religious activities at specific times.
So what are we needing to be aware of? First, understand that you have access to an unlimited supply of etheric energy. Now that we're at this point of development on the planet we need to start figuring out how to use this energy consciously to create. To create in this arena the focus must be higher vibrational. We use the vibration of love, taking from the etheric, combining it with our choices and then manufacturing it into what we wish to see and have in our lives. It is a place of total abundance, total prosperity in all areas, because it contains only that high vibration.
To get to this place we need to take responsibility for ourselves, our life situation and know that we each have created it all, so therefore we can choose to create something even better! Now I know it's not easy to take responsibility for EVERYTHING, surely there's someone or something I can place blame upon, isn't there? Nope!
This is a process, so be gentle with yourself. Know yourself first as a being of energy, in a body. Your body is your friend, treat it like a good friend. Practice listening to its signals, not suppressing them. Feel your feelings. It's said that each of us has a passion, and it burns like a flame in our heart, waiting to be discovered and fanned into full expression. If you can listen to your heart, be very very happy! If you can trust it's wisdom and act on it, be super excited!
If you're like me and many others, you'll have to work at it. That's good too because you have the desire and intention to find your source energy! It's likely that there will be processing to do, balancing to accomplish, so what? It's your life, and you ARE the star, writer and director of your own movie. Think of this new reality you're creating as a living organism. It's always moving and changing. Take time to dream. Take your life off of auto-pilot and get honest with yourself - are you living the life you really want for yourself or are you making excuses? Do it for you because you need to love you fully before you can really tap into the higher flow of you and create more love and joy in your life. Why not give it a try?
p.s. In the near future I'll be providing more info and classes on how to create this in your life. It takes practice and focus, and I want to help you with it, so stay tuned!
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Unfolding of You
For so long(really long!) we've been experiencing life as a sequence from birth to death, and all of the adventures!? in between, yet there's more to know and more to feel, if you'll only allow it for yourself.
There's so many dramas in a person's life that can distract from the truth of their being. What is this truth? You are always loved and always cared for! I'm not going to go into the multitude of reasons why a soul might incarnate an aspect into the Earth plane, suffice it to say that if you're reading this then you have come for learning and fun. Nobody said that all of the learning would be easy tho'!
There's so much speculation about 2012 and what that means. So much uncertainty, so many challenges to the status quo, on a personal and global level. Even the planet herself is feeling it. So much information - everyone seems to be on the verge of overload!
Do you know who you are?
Let's take a moment, on a scale of 1-10 in knowing yourself, pick a number. Me, I say about 5.0. How about you? I like where I'm at because I give myself a basis of the knowing I've accumulated in 48 years, yet I know there's much more I can discover! It doesn't matter what number you've chosen for yourself, because in the coming years you are going to know a lot more about you! Why, you ask? Because you are being LOVED into it. Even now, you have the choice.
What do I mean when I say "you are being loved into it"? This is the essence of this moment on Earth, it is a shift in perception, a shift in dimensions that is before us. We can ignore it, deny it, fight it - that's a choice. Or we can embrace it and step into our own personalized flow with it. That's why I've chosen to write - it's part of being in my flow. Let me explain further. Dimensions are different qualities of perception. Currently we're in the midst of a shift (a metamorphosis so to speak) from the 3rd thru the 4th and into the 5th dimension of our awareness. The 3rd and 4th dimensions are all about the interplay of love and fear. In the 3rd dimension it's all about duality, the black and white, either/or proposition. In the 4th dimension it's about love. Fear is used as a tool of understanding and motivation. It helps point us back to the truth, which is love. Now I don't mean the romantic sentiment of love, but a vibration of living it in each moment.
The 5th dimension is all about living your love in each moment, fear cannot exist at this point because it no longer serves us as we've moved on and spiraled up to our next level of experience. This is why so much attention has been placed on "raising our vibrations", "ascension", etc. It's because it is the next step! There are many things we can do to feel this, to feel more of who we are. We can eat healthier food, exercise more (do only things you enjoy, don't force it!), let go of toxic relationships or an unfulfilling job - it won't serve you anyway in the long run no matter how much money you're paid!
Less is more! When we leave this life, the question we'll be asking ourselves is "How did I love?", it won't be "Did I collect the most stuff?" So start now, I implore you - in any small or great way, just love yourselves a little more. You see, this is SO important. It's the crux of this article. It all happens within you and thru you. December 21, 2012 will come and go and we'll still be here. Accept yourself as you are and make choices each day from where you're at. I explain to people that what's occurring is more of a descension of more of you coming into being here on Earth because we've chosen it. Remember, we only use 5-10% of our brain and physical capacity. Imagine what would happen if that was doubled for all of us in the matter of a few years! To handle this upgrade, this increase, requires personal responsibility, a trait that our current society seems to want to breed out of us. Take responsibility for yourself, release what no longer serves you!
In my experience personally and as a healer I've found that we hold onto a lot of old, stuck energy - resentments, hurts, betrayals, etc. that we are not even that aware of most of the time. Go find a healer or therapist or coach you feel good working with and let them assist you to move forward. If you've been burying a lot you'll know because you'll be experiencing physical or emotional health problems, so that is your cue to do something! Take loving yourself to be your most important responsibility.
Simplify your life. This is the mantra of the 5th dimension. Less IS more. Start with your internal world, do some house cleaning with yourself and then take it to your literal home. When you do this you'll be amazed at how much more energy you have. Your dreams for yourself will once again come into focus and you'll be able to make choices for yourself that might have felt out of reach for a long time. You don't have to save the world. You don't have to even worry about the economy, the government or any of that. Those are just distractions.
Feed yourself, love yourself.
We need more dreamers - those who hear their dreams, those who are ready to live the truth of the love that is in their heart. Will you join us, the dreamers of dreams of joy?
There's so many dramas in a person's life that can distract from the truth of their being. What is this truth? You are always loved and always cared for! I'm not going to go into the multitude of reasons why a soul might incarnate an aspect into the Earth plane, suffice it to say that if you're reading this then you have come for learning and fun. Nobody said that all of the learning would be easy tho'!
There's so much speculation about 2012 and what that means. So much uncertainty, so many challenges to the status quo, on a personal and global level. Even the planet herself is feeling it. So much information - everyone seems to be on the verge of overload!
Do you know who you are?
Let's take a moment, on a scale of 1-10 in knowing yourself, pick a number. Me, I say about 5.0. How about you? I like where I'm at because I give myself a basis of the knowing I've accumulated in 48 years, yet I know there's much more I can discover! It doesn't matter what number you've chosen for yourself, because in the coming years you are going to know a lot more about you! Why, you ask? Because you are being LOVED into it. Even now, you have the choice.
What do I mean when I say "you are being loved into it"? This is the essence of this moment on Earth, it is a shift in perception, a shift in dimensions that is before us. We can ignore it, deny it, fight it - that's a choice. Or we can embrace it and step into our own personalized flow with it. That's why I've chosen to write - it's part of being in my flow. Let me explain further. Dimensions are different qualities of perception. Currently we're in the midst of a shift (a metamorphosis so to speak) from the 3rd thru the 4th and into the 5th dimension of our awareness. The 3rd and 4th dimensions are all about the interplay of love and fear. In the 3rd dimension it's all about duality, the black and white, either/or proposition. In the 4th dimension it's about love. Fear is used as a tool of understanding and motivation. It helps point us back to the truth, which is love. Now I don't mean the romantic sentiment of love, but a vibration of living it in each moment.
The 5th dimension is all about living your love in each moment, fear cannot exist at this point because it no longer serves us as we've moved on and spiraled up to our next level of experience. This is why so much attention has been placed on "raising our vibrations", "ascension", etc. It's because it is the next step! There are many things we can do to feel this, to feel more of who we are. We can eat healthier food, exercise more (do only things you enjoy, don't force it!), let go of toxic relationships or an unfulfilling job - it won't serve you anyway in the long run no matter how much money you're paid!
Less is more! When we leave this life, the question we'll be asking ourselves is "How did I love?", it won't be "Did I collect the most stuff?" So start now, I implore you - in any small or great way, just love yourselves a little more. You see, this is SO important. It's the crux of this article. It all happens within you and thru you. December 21, 2012 will come and go and we'll still be here. Accept yourself as you are and make choices each day from where you're at. I explain to people that what's occurring is more of a descension of more of you coming into being here on Earth because we've chosen it. Remember, we only use 5-10% of our brain and physical capacity. Imagine what would happen if that was doubled for all of us in the matter of a few years! To handle this upgrade, this increase, requires personal responsibility, a trait that our current society seems to want to breed out of us. Take responsibility for yourself, release what no longer serves you!
In my experience personally and as a healer I've found that we hold onto a lot of old, stuck energy - resentments, hurts, betrayals, etc. that we are not even that aware of most of the time. Go find a healer or therapist or coach you feel good working with and let them assist you to move forward. If you've been burying a lot you'll know because you'll be experiencing physical or emotional health problems, so that is your cue to do something! Take loving yourself to be your most important responsibility.
Simplify your life. This is the mantra of the 5th dimension. Less IS more. Start with your internal world, do some house cleaning with yourself and then take it to your literal home. When you do this you'll be amazed at how much more energy you have. Your dreams for yourself will once again come into focus and you'll be able to make choices for yourself that might have felt out of reach for a long time. You don't have to save the world. You don't have to even worry about the economy, the government or any of that. Those are just distractions.
Feed yourself, love yourself.
We need more dreamers - those who hear their dreams, those who are ready to live the truth of the love that is in their heart. Will you join us, the dreamers of dreams of joy?
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